'... we must straighten our backs and work
for our freedom.
A man can't ride you unless your back is bent.' - MLK
All that is necessary for
the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
Darkness cannot drive out
darkness: only LIGHT can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only LOVE can do that.
"2020 - the year I found out I had more
common sense than the rest of the planet, which is more
scary than this data" - internet
(I myself found that out around 2017 in the
aftermath of my homeland destruction since late 2015)
Hogan <-- she speaks my mind
ET 21/06
Petitions - just a talking or ready to put your name down
for your values?
- Shut down
Pornhub and hold responsible its Executives
Hardcore pornography
freely available in the internet will destroy natural
sexuality, thereby society, and strips people of any moral
and knowing what is right and wrong.
This will destruct the family and also
the will of men to defend it, it remains an atomized
defenseless population. Who has an interest in such?
Top Selection
Media - human freedom first
--> List
of 600 alternative medias <--
- Video streaming
- Podcasts
- Geopolitics
- Christianity
- Judaism
- Commoners
- DownToEarth
cool man. Health and fitness! Clarity of thought.
Recognize Illusions. Avoiding them leads to Knowledge -
- Conservative
- Crowdfunding
- Academia (no global(fasc)ist
monoversity GULAGS run by a few fanatic lunatics dominating
herds of coward mediocre,
strangely enough conformists)
- Spirituality and Nature
- Women activists
- Fun
- Patriots
- Science, integral (not the corrupt
science cult found at most monoversities)
So all the following are free independent scientists
(Dissidents in the sense of uniformized monoversity
- Matrix
- Anarcapulco
- Citizens
- Christians
- born again
- zephania
- raise awareness of coming NWO and
forces behind - christianity
is under attack systematically and
insidiously - they aim to expose this
- Corona Blogs
- Deep State
- Doctors (in the true
pre-sciencereligion-era sense - Doctors for humans)
- America's Frontline Doctors
- Bhakdi, Prof. em. Dr. (Universität
Mainz, Germany) they
are killing people with the vaccine
- Breggin, Dr. M.D. Peter site
- Coleman, Dr. Vernon .org .com brandnewtube
old man in a chair.. The Light
paper no10.pdf
- Kaufman, Dr. Andrew Blog
banned videos: - Hippocratic
Hypocrisy (authentic medicine
hijacked by power elite and turned into deadly sickness
for profit) - Koch's
- Mercola, Dr. site BC
channel Why
to lock down the healthy?!
Get his book "The
truth about COVID-19"
Corporate Media lies and defames
him - dark money funded political execution squads: NY
Times 21/08
He withdraws
15'000 articles! substack
• Podcast-list
• SoundCloud
• Stitcher
- Tenpenny, Dr. Sherrie site
EXCELLENT vaxxter:
Dr. Tenpenny's Blog
- Trozzi, Dr.
new site!! Explore the Covid
Deception site
EXCELLENT "These three rules, I recognize
to be the highest: The Golden Rule, respect for the
Creator, and love for the Sacred Mother Earth." -
best man!
- Zelenko, Vladimir site <- protocols
genocidal event" 40min StewPeters
RIP Dr. Zelenko! † 30 June 2022

- humanity first (human = body + spirit +
- investigative journalism
- Banned Video - banned video channel
Alex Johnes, David Icke, Greg Reese, Project Veritas, Dr.
Mercola, Tommy Robinson, Red Pilled TV, Ben Swann, Mike
- Blogs
- Individuals
- Medical
- Radio
- Truthers - expose
global(fasc)ists corporate press
- Video channels
- The Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro et al)
- Documentaries and films
New Right
"If we expect others to
rescue our nation for us as we go about our daily lives
as mere observers to what is transpiring, or close our eyes
and ears to current events, we will lose this struggle."
- Levine
The United States of America - land of the free 
Descent people and organizations
Great citizens
Drying out the Swamp
- Persecution of different thinkers - this is the
- 25/01 ET Whistleblower
surgeon exposing illegal gender mutilations on
minors was prosecuted - Trump
liberates him (the surgeon is a White Rose
hero for me)
- Restoring Justice system and law
MAHA -- Make America Healthy Again
- Persecution of different thinkers - this is the end
- Restoring Justice system and law
The United States of America - the sunk star - de-civilization -
planned return into barbarism 
once the land of free and proud people - look what 30 years of
'politically correct' communist brainwashing techniques has done:
Making the
US a failed state.. Why? Because this is how it worked back then,
too. Listen well: He sent the young generation
to create chaos (instigate class war - divide and rule) and then
denunciation did the rest.
Censorship USSR style - Stalin is dead, long live
- Spotify - book burning 2.0 Wo
man Bücher verbrennt, brennen irgendwann auch Menschen -
Erich Kästner?
AirBNB - hotel, pension, and democracy killer
Scapegoating Nazi style (Reichstagsbrand - Nazis burnt
parliament and blamed jews)
- Capitol 'storm' January 6th 2021 - the US Reichstagsbrand
„Die einzige Art, gegen die
Pest zu kämpfen, ist die Ehrlichkeit.“ - Albert
Camus, 1947
iFascism • is
characterized by double standards • ☭
go-funding ☭
• white supremacist (not in intelligence)
b... getting
torched • iNazis
trivializing Holocaust • ".. soziale Gesundheit der
Schwarzen war
1950 größer."
terrorists kill • a
black man and others
• Who places the bricks?.. • ..the same
who pay communist to monger hatred between races <-
Worst of - mankind
• 'No borders!' supremacists insist on concrete
take back you country in November or perish!
• "We cannot allow
ourselves to become like they are. We are non
animal, but we are Americans." • total
background • George
Floyd 91M views
• murderer
& victim worked - in the same Club • media
bait • The
systemic collapse of the US society has begun
• 100M Opfer - kritische
Theorie • Neue
totalitäre Ordnung Hanna Ahrendt
1951 "In einer vortotalitären Gesellschaft glaubt
niemand mehr an die ‚Wahrheit‘. ... und jeden
Menschen zu verachten, der eine andere Meinung als man selbst
hat." • Gesteuert 3 Teile,
iNazism - interNational Socialism
- Neo-Fascist lynch mob
- 23/10 X lynching old man - 2
attempts MN city council storm trooper
- Leftwing Extremist tries
to kill US Supreme Court Justice 22/06
- The fascist roots of the american left Dinesh
D'Souza Yale 2018
Democrats - KKK party - slave owners
15:00 World’s first Rassist State - US Democrat
South, Nürnberger Gesetze
21:00 Fake History - (Fake News set up to camouflage faking of
21:45 In 1860 “no republican in the US owned a slave”
million slaves - all owned by
No appears NOWHERE this fact, no textbook, no
'Democrats' - the party of Ku Klux Klan and white
supremacists: Black
brother Davis explains gun use. WOW!!
I never had thought that!! Who put all these things
upside down? Worldwide.
- The Nazification of the West 22/03 DI
ReeseReport Wow!! Can't
invent that! • Bioweapons - from
after 1900 to todays Mass Murder Facilities 22/03
DI ReeseReport
- Racist past
- Nazis copied Nürnberger Rassegesetze from US
Southern Democrats.. Dinesh
The Herrenmenschen of morale
Corporate socialism - global(fasc)ism
History - key to any understanding and this is
why it is not taught to the young, not mentioned in their
media, etc
- Blood lines
- US presidents
- some
blood line charts 2015 liberty beacon
- Trump/Clinton
- unconfirmed (yet): "No caso de Barack Obama e
George W Bush, os dois são primos em segundo grau! A
mãe de Obama, Ann Dunham, é filha do Stanley Dunham
[his distant cousins include
6 US presidents], primo em primeiro grau de
George Herbert Bush, pai de George W Bush."
Money and power - driving forces
of all Evil
Money systems
- What is money?
- Mises
2008 book "The ethics of money
production" (Prof. Hülsmann, 2008) pdf
- FIAT money
- Blogs / articles / Podcasts
- Gold standard
Central Banks
- USA - FED Federal Reserve: founded around 1913 through
a conspiracy. Explained in 2min
how they make money out of noting.
Great Reset (Bretton Woods II) or Great Reject ?
- 3 steps for the Great Reject offG 21/01 •
Ever asked yourself why the US does so well with human rights
violator Saudi Arabia? Petrodollar. • 'fiat' money
fascism is the marriage of
corporatism and politics (B. Mussolini)
Global fascism is coming - let's stop it NOW
Ways to wake up the sheepels - expose the hidden (nonphysical)
• Totalitarianism: Can
it happen in America? <--
5min PragerU 22/01 explains
the hidden violence and monstrosity
Conspiracy Reality - uncovered
- Caroll Quigley, PhD (*1910 †1977) website book downloads
- In October, 1976, Professor Carroll Quigley delivered the
first series of Oscar Iden Lectures entitled "Public
Authority and the State in the Western Tradition: A
Thousand Years of Growth, 976-1976." [pdf,
audio, transcript]
The lecture series was an occasion to re-gather around
Professor Quigley who had retired from the School of Foreign
Service the previous spring after forty years of teaching.
The audience was composed chiefly of Professor Quigley's
colleagues and former students who were grateful for the
chance to be informed once again by his brilliance and
About a month after the final lecture, Professor Quigley died
suddenly. The lectures which he had intended to
prepare for publication had only been partially edited by
- Richard Poe "Globalism rooted in British
liberal imperialism, not American Empire" soundcloud
- Engdahl The
Money Gods - How fascism came to America 2013
Global(fasc)ists pave the way into barbarism
- election fraud - electronic voting and voting by letter
- US presidential elections 2020
- reality police - free speech executors
Subversion of society
Well, western societies - the successful ones.
Remember how rich Venezuela was? .. til the parasital ideology
arrived which sloughtered MILLIONS last century
- How to destroy society
- Pornography socially sterilizes society and isolates
men and women

- Education System Takeover - From pluralistic
universities to gray monoversities with
ministry of truth like word police commissions
- Society Takover - Sovietization
of America Mises 21/11
- Censorship by corporate media - they cheat their
- Ivory Hecker (HCQ, muzzled by FoxNews)
- Human trafficking (and organ robbery) † PragerU
with Tim Ballard 21/12
- Drugs
- War on Whites - hard to govern, whipe them out
- School children - perverse abuse and destruction of
their human dignity
- Parents in the US stand up to
global(fasc)ist abuse of their children through their
useful idiots - so-called teachers and wicked acadiots
that hallucinate male/female as 'being fluid'.. fluid as
the brown soup in the place which God meant for the
- Films and Documentaries
- Indoctrination
Nation (2022) american parents (Illinois) stand up
against sexual abuse of their children in pubic school.
'School' playbook: communist ideoloshit
"When was the last time you had oral sex?" These pigs ask children such - perverse
wicked sick figures. This falls under criminal law in
any healthy society.
29:00 rules what you can say at school
board meetings changed when parents started
protesting.. The totalitarian beast shows its
36:20 corrupt bastards, these pigs sell their nations
children 40:30 second assault 42:00 lying
communist pig 46:30 White Supremacists
Childhood: destruction and perverse abuse
Erase or Twist History (Orwell: then
erase knowledge that it was erased..)
Communist slavery for the masses and Imperial Supremacy for the
perverse 'Elite'
Sources and documents
Who rules
- British Empire
- Matt Ehret "The British hand behind the global deep
state" 22/03
BC GrandJury
- Richard Poe "Globalism rooted in British liberal
imperialism, not American Empire" soundcloud
How they rule
- WEF - World Elite Fascists - Führer Schwab - Great Reset
- UN - same symbols as Soviet Union communist human
killers and enslavers
- J
Integr Med Ther pdf (2015) "Why the
Corruption of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the Biggest
Threat to the World’s Public Health of Our
Time "
- Documentary of corruption: trust
WHOm? by Lilian Franck more
facts: CHD
- Rockefeller Sippe - seizure of
medicine / education
- How the Rockefeller education rigged education 9min BC
21/12 a-disinfo Carnegie
1905 (tax free C foundation), 1910 (R
foundation), Norman Dodd explains
- germ theory
- viruses
and sickness BC 21/08 - 1918 spanish flu - 1:04:50 Covid
is Flu, Corona viruses - 1:06:30
Rockefeller-Carnegie - 1:07:00 'virus' (poison)
- 1:20:00 ventilators, dis-ease -
1:28:00 Florida, Bill
Cooper patriot
- Kill Hates - the vaxx satan - der
- Farming Monopole
- Vaxx Monopole
- Epstein connection - SEALS invadiram Hates toca em Wyoming 21/08
TN verdade isso?
- Corporative Media
- Hate and fear mongering lie-media - the
global(fasc)ists killer weapon
- Creating Reality - the matrix
- Nixon PragerU 21/09 man, I can't believe that! only knew
watergate.. how about you?
- Destruction of tradition and roots
- Global(fasc)ist militias - iNazism
- Woke - Fake
scientism cult
- Antifa iNazi-SA
- child rapers - death penalty if guilty
- their useful idiots - interNational socialists (iNazis)
their perverse mass murder ideology has killed some 100 million
PEOPLE - mainly cowardly slaughtered like animals !
Note that racial or sex issues are in general
not pushed by the minorities, but by WHITE communists, the
useful idiots of WHITE billionaires/enslavers - think about
it. Any mixed race marriages in the Gates or Rockefeller
clans? Exactly.
contemporary version: Wokazis Why
global finance manufactured the culture war 2.0 22/01 ADisinfo
- poisoned words - think about
- equity as opposed to equality 21/06
RCI (equality
of treatment vs equality
of outcome) --> quotas by
race/sex/obesity --> destruction of
excellence / meritocracy --> creates
dependent slave humans
- racial equity 21/06
RCI communist propaganda
"historically disadvantaged" is disproved by asian
success in no time compared to other races
-> asian discrimination by US discrimiversities
- diversity as opposed to
- inclusion as opposed to
- multiculturalism as
opposed to multi-ethnicity Paul Gottfried
2002 archiv
- critical race racism
- 21/06
ct "Mum in Carmel fights back against
critical race theory" = red racism - calls school board dirty communist
racists or something similarly suitable search
- citizens speking out against comunist racism
channels: • actively
- Ex-socialists
- Dr. Karlyn Borysenko (organizational
psychologist) ct
- depopulation - the eugenics dynasties (Planned
Parenthood: Racist
Sanger and Gates senior, Prince Philipp6min)
- Club of Rome "The
Limits to Growth" (book 1972) <--
link to pdf
- Dr. John Coleman The
Committee of 300 (1994) 4
billion useless eaters to be culled by 2050 t.me Icke
- audio book Committee
300 ody 20/11
- Club
of Rome - UN population 'control' ody 21/03
- films
- black people
- Population
Reductionism and Covid19 Father
Imbarrato 3:38 Black
fertility rate in US: 1850s=7.9 2019=1.8 They are
erradicating blacks in the US. Who? Whose
name must not be named.
Candace Owens related single mums in 1950s to now as
20%/70%. How? Paying more social benefits to single
than married ones..
- HR
17/11 ct: "The Science
Agenda to Exterminate Blacks"
<-- why you don't know
this, you nasty leftist crab?! (see remark by Candace Owens that
single black mums receive more state money than
married ones..)
Unborn baby parts are in your experimental vaccine -
have a look - see how they 21:40
the eliminate project: Kenya women sterilized
secretley with free Tetanus vaccines
52:00 murderous evil in the name of science - science
has been turned into a global(fasc)ist cult
- marriage destruction
they didn't suceed with external
destruction last century, so now they do it from the
inside: dictating all sex multi person, including children
is my bet, marriage will annihilate marriage:
there is no meaning any more to marriage - empty set..
- family destruction
- white people
- War on Christians
Science has been corrupted and taken over by
- open science Well, just a
spontaneous thought, occasionally I wondered why to make
math articles 'open source' if anyway universities are
subscribed to major journals and also there are free
depositories like arXiv. If the goal is global(fasc)ism
then everything will be in the hands of the few
slef-chosen ones and 'open source' is just a way to
accustom people to that brave new world. When in Germany
some 5 years ago some green backbencher proposed
"unconditioned basic income" for everybody, people shook
their heads about the lunatic. Well, in 2020
global(fasc)ist leader Schwab announced his "Great Reset"
which is based on exactly this principle. Since people
already knew that concept since 5 years the
shock/rejection was much less than it would have been if
heard for the first time. Of course, to get that income
you will have to overwrite all you property to the World
Elite Fascist regime, you will be paid in electronic
currency which expires after 1 month, without saving
possibility you depend on the next payment, the e-money
can be made valid only in your country or only in you
city, the social point system enables you to leave your
quarter if you have at least x points, to use the train
with at least 2x points, to fly with....
- society subversion and destruction - atomizing society
and removing moral and shame will result in defense- and
valueless individuals - paving the way towards acceptance of trans-humanism
- corruption of public institutions and scientists
- hundreds of corrupt 'scientists' and public
institutions being bought: pdf
Mercola 22/05
- see also 'drugs' below, Catherine
Austin Fits: how they bought off 'society'
- CRT - global(fasc)ist racism to eliminate my race.
Why? Think about it. Whiteboy
- drugs
- Catherine
Austin Fits 22/05:
Department admitted that the US financial system
launders launders $500 billion to $1 trillion
dollars a year and is the global leader in money
laundering, how the US government is addicted to
that money, and how growing poverty is big business..
search "mind
- gender ideology - 'gender' is a
construct for the same purpose and by the same that first
used and then spat on 1. the white worker, 2. western
women (still in use are 3. black people and 4.
- Abigail Shrier Gender
ideology run Amok Hillsdale 21/06
book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze
Seducing Our Daughters
"And whenever I am asked by a
transgender adult, I use his or her chosen name and
pronouns. This seems to me the courteous and the right
thing to do. But—and this is a big but—I never lie.
This means I never say, and I will never say, that
trans women are women."
"And we must always clearly distinguish between
transgender Americans, generally wonderful people, and
the ideological transgender movement, which seeks to
warp children and weaken families."
- perversion of sports: swimmer
steals medals PU 21/12
- dehumanizing abuse of defenseless children
- 🇺🇸 "We
are manufacturing transgender kids" by
Heritage Foundation
1. Mum explains perverse law: child dictates,
parents have no rights - children can't take
decisions, that's why they can't vote until 18, sick
2. Old man who suffered sex change crime
decades ago!! “We are manufacturing
their depression, their anxiety, and it has turned
into a huge industry profiting from kids whose
life has been completely torn apart.”
help for mindraped
children, parents, people: www.sexchangeregret.com
- 🇺🇸 Gays
against transgender-Groomers 22/06
A small percentage of people is homosexual, that is
normal distribution by nature. What is not
normal is incite people, even defenseless children,
to change their sexual organs. This is the worst
crime of all, crime on children. Thanks god
homosexuals stand up now against they being abused
for these crimes. Keep it going brothers and
- gender fascism - witch hunts and public
- deconstruction of men / women (eventually even children)
- toxic 'birthing person' instead
of mother
- toxic rule: can't say any more son. daughter, father,
mother, ...
- hate mongering
- among races - global(fasc)ist "critical race theory" is
what they teach in american schools - and here is the
- porn
- violence - lawlessness
- mass shooting plandemics
- toxic gender supremacist ideology destroys
vulnerable young people:
- Trans'humanism' - Frankenstein 2.0
- LucifeRACE
21/08 BC cdy reveals
evil-science and masters behind the technofascist dystopia
that grips for our earth with its stinking claw
- Tecnocracy
- Patrick Wood (agendas 21 and 2030, green economy,
sustainable developments) 12 episodes: ep.
1 ep.2
acadiots <--
(Schaefer, Brzezinski "allegedly superior scientific
knowhow") ...
- UN
- Agendas - totalitarian control and enslavement
- 21 pdf
Rio 1992
d Rosa Koire
ct democrat
resistance Post
Sustainability Institute
--> Rosa
Koire - Sustainable Development 16min how she got into it: worked
for state agency. "community -
communidade" - constructed by NGOs
4:00 regionalization -> globalization ->
standardization of all systems = total control
6:00 fascism = corporation+politics 7:20 social
equity 9:30 totalitarian state
9:50 surveillance 10:45 REFUSE TO COOPERATE and EXPOSE
COLLABORATORS mainstream media owned by 5
corporations 12:00 regionalization - control of
14:15 concentration camp 15:30 dense
cities: your job is to watch the neighbor
- 2030 pdf
to corporate fascism and totalitarian socialism [me: there is no other] NN 2016 -
IPCC panic report - NYCE new asset class: NATURE
- Orwellian terminology
Climate Cult -- Announced Humanocide
• "Eminent
Domian": Global(fasc)ists seize US Farmland NN 22/01
domain is when a government body can acquire private
property for public use, with compensation for affected
• Jordan
Peterson 21/11 Rubin politics of fear, religion, spirituality
Conspiracy theories 
The old days
Hygiene fascism - science abuse and health destruction
- vaccinetic mass killings
- 'spanish' 'flu' -- neither spanish, nor
- Toxic Organizations
Legislation forbids to 'discriminate' physical appearance - can't
have model in society any more (sporty as pre-2000s) -> more fat
people, more profit for R-medicine...
Virus from Wuhan, China (Wuhan lab theory not
to be suppressed any more.. dear communism apologets)
- Dr. Trozzi
new site!! list
of deceptions, preparations, and infos such as on director
Tedrrorist or the 060606
patent of a philanthropist
(Orwell speech - the 'phil' reminds one to the strange
phil in pedophile. Why to use 'phil'='friend of' to denote
child abuse? To normalize it. Deconstruction of man and woman
almost done in '1. world', next will be children.
Then from a human (body, spirit, soul) only remains the body,
unisex ageless creature, which then can be connected to
microprocessors without resistance - this will then be nothing
than the logical next step.
- Vaccines are not approved (as of May
2021) 12.5.21
Rairfoundation: The trials are not going to be
completed before the end of 2023 • USA: EUA (emergency
use authorization) • EU: conditioned approval (nicer for
- PCR Test
- CT value (if you don't know what is the CT value after
15months of wearing slave masks you are a danger for your
family. Shame on you.) CT value: Sntl
- May 2021 Sntl
secretely introduced CT limit 28 only for
'testing' vaccinated people (not
valid for unvaccinated, so vaxxers likely test
negative and healthy ones positive...) what a satanic
CDC also modified how to count
<-- link
Hot spot countries
- US - high 'case' numbers til Trump was gone, then one didn't
hear much any more
- India - From 130k cases early Feb 2021 to 3.6M end
of May HIN
- Brasil
- 2020: regular total number of deaths, 200'000 additional
deaths not true, small waves though.
- 2021: A LOT of additional deaths
Origin of the virus
Treatment of the virus
- masks - "Do not use masks!" (Fauci,
CDC, WHO, ..)TC7 20/10
- not patentable drugs are suppressed - desperate Doctors
- THE HCQ SITE reports studies
on HCQ / Ivermectine / ...
Experimental gen-modification (of you) -
they called it 'vaccine'
More experiment participants (vaxxers) get Corona, while lesser
healthy people (unvaxxed) get it
Apartheid and seggregationists
- Segregationists
- Rock music
- Offspring
- fire drummer who cannot get
shot for serious risk caused by previous health
history <- Cleveland
Study: unlikely getting Covid again, natural
immunity after Covid much better than shot
Branding early on in 2020 anything referring to virus origin
"China" or "Wuhan" as "racism" or "xenophobia" or "stigmatizing"
- typical communist suppression terms
- Attacks on asians - check out who is doing it
and in whose shoes they
are trying to stick it - or did you see
in any of the many cases listed above the skin color being
- Discrimination of asians - check out who is doing it. Is it white supremacists? Well, in a new sense -
- asking in advance forgiveness to woke cult
- 14.05.21
"Finally, in this time
of anti-Asian sentiment in some countries, we note that
<-- Reitschuster
- narrative
- reality

Dr. Fausti (NIH Tsar since **1984**
- HIV) and his
- Virus from Wuhan
- funding Wuhan lab by NIH?
- Rand Paul questions Fausti F
15/5/21 "we do not fund gain of function
- laboratory leak theory
- HCQ and Ivermectine suppression
- HIV virus - Fausti's initiation
- The Prof. Duesberg case
- Traditional drug suppression
- LifeSiteNews 17/05/21
are an incompetent idiot!" gay activist 1988 to Fausti -
who delayed traditional drugs back then just as now
HCQ & Ivermectine. In both cases BP would loose
profit. What a coincidence.
Population in the West
- defenders of God and faith
Freedom and democracy activists
Documentation - Documentaries - Texts -
Movies - Videos
- Documentaries
- History
- Dr. Judy Mikovits (Science article:
common use of animal and human How disgusting! foetal
tissues causes chronic diseases - end of career, 5 yrs jail)
- Texts
- Movies
- Videos
„Nun aber bleiben Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe, diese drei;-aber die Liebe ist die größte-unter ihnen.“
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