Symplectic Topology meets Celestial and Quantum Mechanics
via Weber Electrodynamics

Mathematics meets Physics

Advanced School
17 – 21 February 2020

UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil

English Translations of Weber's German work

updated 11/Dec/2019

Get prepared for the physics -- 2 videos by André Assis

Get an idea upfront of what to expect in our physics talk.
Here is an Email from André Assis providing description of and links to recent talks of him.

Dear Colleague,

I am writing to send the links of 2 talks, one on Weber’s  Electrodynamics and the other on Relational Mechanics.
I am also sending the links of the slides of these presentations and  their abstracts.
They were presented in Prague, Czech Republic, on October 18 and 19,  2019, at the Conference Physics Beyond Relativity.
I would appreciate if you could send this information to your  interested colleagues and students.

Talk on Weber’s Electrodynamics and His Planetary Model of the Atom (1 hour):

Slides of this presentation:

Abstract: We present the origins of Wilhelm Weber’s electrodynamics (1846).
Weber’s force depends not only on the distance between the interacting  charges but also on their relative velocity
and relative acceleration. We discuss Ampère’s force between current  elements and compare it with Grassmann-Biot-Savart’s law.
We also compare Lorentz’s force with Weber’s force. We discuss Weber’s  planetary model of the atom.
It was developed before Rutherford’s experiments and Bohr’s model. In  Weber’s planetary model,
the positive nucleus is stabilized (or held together) by purely  electrodynamic forces.
According to Weber, when two positive charges are very close to one another,
they behave as if they had an effective negative inertial mass,  attracting one another instead of repelling each other.
We also present modern experiments and theoretical developments  related to Weber’s electrodynamics.
My next project is to publish an English translation of Weber’s main  works on electrodynamics.
I am looking for volunteers who might help translating any of Weber’s papers.

Talk on Relational Mechanics (1 hour):

Slides of this presentation:

Abstract: We present Galileo's free fall experiment and its  interpretation in Newtonian mechanics.
We also discuss Newton's bucket experiment. In this case we have a  bucket partially filled with water hanging by a rope.
When the bucket and the water are at rest relative to the ground, the  surface of the water is flat.
When the bucket and the water rotate together relative to the ground,  the surface of the water becomes concave
(the water rises towards the sides of the bucket, acquiring a  parabolic shape).
In Newtonian mechanics the curvature of the water surface is not due  to its rotation relative to the bucket,
relative to the Earth, nor relative to the distant stars and galaxies.
According to Newton, this experiment proved the existence of empty and  free space, which he called absolute space.
According to him, the curvature of the water was due to its rotation  relative to absolute space.
We then discuss the criticisms of Ernst Mach against Newtonian mechanics.
An emphasis is given to Mach's ideas according to which the inertia of  any body is due to its
gravitational interaction with the distant masses in the universe.
Einstein's theories of relativity do not implement Mach's principle.
This fact is one of the reasons why we are totally against Einstein’s  special and general theories of relativity.
Finally, we present Relational Mechanics, a theory which implements  quantitatively Mach's ideas about the
origin of inertia utilizing Weber's law for gravitation. We discuss  Galileo's free fall experiment and
Newton's bucket experiment from the point of view of Relational Mechanics.
We also present experimental tests in order to distinguish Relational  Mechanics from Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

Yours, André Assis

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Atualização: 9.11.1984