Symplectic Topology meets Celestial and Quantum Mechanics
via Weber Electrodynamics

Mathematics meets Physics

Advanced School
17 – 21 February 2020

Campinas, Brazil

Motivation and program


of all talks and Poster


translation project

updated 26/Feb/2020

Mini-courses by (all speakers confirmed, plane tickets bought)

    André Assis (Campinas, Phys)
Weber's Electrodynamics (WED), Relational Mechanics and Weber's Planetary Model of the Atom
    Kai Cieliebak (Augsburg, Math, Editor Inventiones mathematicae)
Symplectic Aspects of Celestial Mechanics
    Urs Frauenfelder (Augsburg, Math)
Nonlocal Floer homology
    Pedro Salomão (São Paulo, Math)
Celestial mechanics and systolic geometry
    Stefan Suhr (Bochum, Math)
Introduction to Lorentzian geometry
plus a talk by
    Clodoaldo Ragazzo (São Paulo, Math)
    "Viscoelastic tides and dissipative forces in celestial mechanics"

    Joa Weber (Campinas, Math)
  Financial support

PG DM IMECC   R$ 6'400
IMECC   R$ 1'200
Some Europeans for student accomodation   R$    900
 Anonymous   R$ 5'000
CNPq (Federal)   R$       0
FAPESP (State)   R$       0

How the four different mathematical topics all connect through WED is sketched in Section 2 of our Advanced School Announcement and in more mathematical detail in the recent paper [FW].

Given the recently uncovered link [FW, F] between modern symplectic topology and an action-at-a-distance force law - the amazing theory of Wilhelm Weber (1804-1891) -
the purpose of the meeting is to investigate the relation of

this meeting also aims to

Therefore the meeting takes the form of an advanced school with mini-courses.
It is not a Conference or a Workshop (so we won't have further participants to give lectures, a poster session is possible if desired); hopefully such arise as a consequence in the future.

It is a declared aim of the mini-course speakers and the main motivation for them to travel all the way here from Europe to attract Brazilian students to symplectic topology!

Everybody is most welcome to attend!
(Minimal prerequisites are a basic knowledge of symplectic geometry and Hamiltonian dynamical systems.)

Location: IMECC (upper right corner -> visitantes), ground floor, auditório máximo   campus map   google map

Get prepared for the physics -- 2 recent videos by André Assis

Please register as soon as possible to help us organize
Please register by Email to me (just put joa in front of with subject: Advanced School Registration 
Obligatory:  - date of arrival+departure
                    - name
                    - university
                    - discipline (maths/physics/philosophy/...)
                    - status (Professor, Post-Doc, PhD/master student)
                    - advisor (if student)
Financial Support: We are trying to work out local cost support for external (i.e. non-UNICAMP) students. Of course, we can only distribute the funds that we have. If you need help with local costs please contact me and include either your histórico escolar or a very short reference letter from your advisor. If decisions have to be made between equally qualified students, the registration date will count: first come, first serve. Decisions will be made by the end of January 2020.

Registered Participants
1.   André Assis,                                               Prof. da Física, UNICAMP  -  17-21 Feb
2.   Kai Cieliebak,                                            Prof. of Mathematics, U Augsburg  -  17-21 Feb
3.   Urs Frauenfelder,                                       Prof. of Mathematics, U Augsburg  -  17-21 Feb
4.   Clododaldo Ragazzo,                                 Prof. da Matemática, IME USP, São Paulo  -  17-21 Feb
5.   Pedro Salomão,                                          Prof. da Matemática, IME USP, São Paulo  -  17-21 Feb
6.   Stefan Suhr,                                                Prof. of Mathematics, U Bochum  -  17-21 Feb
7.   Joa Weber,                                                  Prof. Inst. Matemática Est. Comp. (IMECC), UNICAMP  -  17-21 Feb
8.   Fabio M. S. Lima,                                      Prof. Instituto de Fisica, UNB, Brasilia
9.   Anderson Beraldo de Araújo,                    Prof. de Filosofia, Center for Natural and Human Sciences (CCNH), UFABC, São Paulo  -  17-21 Feb
10. João Paulo Martins de Castro Chaib,        Prof. Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG)  -  16-22 Feb
11. Enrique Fernando López Agila,                 Student PhD (maths), IMECC UNICAMP
12. Ketty de Rezende,                                      Prof. Inst. Matemática Est. Comp. (IMECC), UNICAMP
13. Augusto Bubenik,                                       Student Master (maths), IMECC UNICAMP
14. Lucas Marcelo Cavalari Nardi,                  Student PhD (physics, history of -), IFSC USP, São Carlos  -  16-22 Feb
15. Alessandro Arsie,                                       Prof. Dep. of Math. and Stat., University of Toledo, USA  -  16-22 Feb
16. Vinicius Ramos,                                         Prof. da Matemática, IMPA, Rio  -  17-21 Feb
17. Brayan Ferreira,                                         Student PhD (maths), IMPA, Rio  -  17-21 Feb
18. Daniel Lopez Garcia,                                 Student PhD (maths), IMPA, Rio  -  17-21 Feb
19. Keily Alejandro Vicente de León,             Student PhD (maths), IMPA, Rio  -  17-21 Feb
20. Jonathan Augusto Trejos Olmos,               Student PhD (maths), IMPA, Rio  -  17-21 Feb
21. Leonardo Francisco Cavenaghi,                Student PhD (maths), IME USP, São Paulo  -  17-21 Feb
22. Carolina Lemos de Oliveira,                      Student PhD (maths), IME USP, São Paulo  -  17-21 Feb
23. Ana Kelly de Oliveira,                               Student PhD (maths), IME USP, São Paulo  -  17-21 Feb
24. Danilo Andrés García Hernández,             Student PhD (maths), IMECC UNICAMP
25. Renato Júnior Moreira e Silva,                  Student PhD (maths), IMECC UNICAMP
26. Julieth Paola Saavedra Ramirez,                Student (maths), IMECC UNICAMP
27. Daniela Cortés Ospina,                              Student (maths), IMECC UNICAMP

"IMECC-EVENTOS" and the password will be available/announced in the lecture hall  

Lunch break
- 3 min walk is "Cantina do belo" and
- 5 min walk is Restaurant inside ADUNICAMP (very nice atmosphere, highly recommended)

- Pizzaria Espósito (next to and owned by Nono) (map) - best Pizza in town in my opinion
- Empório do Nono (map) - kind of bistro, wonderful live music (mondays and thursdays), excellent caipirinha - just don't drink three..
- Armazem Nobre (map) - one of my favorites, Brazilian food, plenty of space, relaxed atmosphere. I love it
- Estância Grill (map) - famous churrasco "rodizio" (BBQ served at table - nonstop - until you put your card from green to red.. ;-) One price - eat as much as you can.


- Casa do Professor - on campus Hotel   - Phone  +55 (19) 3521-2809   - Map with address
  Highly recommended. It is very very nice and one walks only 3 Min to the Math Institute IMECC.
  I was there today, 10 Dec 2019, and they said that they have a 24hs cancellation policy. So don't hesitate and make your reservation.
  There are the following room types and rates (as of 11/Dec/19 - the employee I talked to is Vinicius) per night (delicious breakfast buffet included).

  We get 10% discount with the promotional code EAMHF10.  - Hotel Pousada Universitária - another option, located right next to the bus terminal (bus ride to the institute: some estimated 10-15 minutes)

- So far I only very briefly investigated cheaper accommodations, one hostel said ~ R$ 80 per person, but in rooms of 5-10 people, breakfast included (but for sure not comparable to the buffet of Casa do Professor).
  I will look into existence of lower price accommodations when demand arises. Just contact me, please.
  If you are interested to participate, but on a low budget, please don't hesitate to contact me. We should find some solution.

Unfortunately, funding agencies in Brazil usually support lecturers only, not participants in the audience.
Exception: CNPq can support students. - But they require that the hosting university matches their contribution - which UNICAMP does not.. Big mistake. Loss of doubling money.
Fortunately, we are a bunch of idealists and may throw together to come up with some own funding for students if national agencies cannot help.

Something we don't know from mathematics, amazing and fascinatingly nasty experience:
Seemingly WED is suppressed by some dark corners. Something trying to cut our funding.
But, hey darkies, you know what? Just listen to the
    rebel yell !
Got it? Exactly. Free world. Free mathematics!  Dark side won't succeed. Maybe low budget, but much love! Plane tickets are bought already.. ;-)
Same for non-existing funding of student participation.
We'll just finance students ourselves. Wer nicht kämpft hat schon verloren.


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Atualização: 9.11.1984