Symplectic Topology meets Celestial and Quantum
Mechanics via Weber Electrodynamics
Advanced School February 2020
Videos and PDFs
They key videos concerning history and motivation for this Advanced
School are
Weber's Planetary Model of the Atom
Frauenfelder Video-4
Neumann functionals and Weber’s Hamiltonian
Weber's Electrodynamics (WED), Relational
Mechanics and Weber's Planetary Model of the Atom
André Assis (Campinas, Phys)
Video-1 pdf-1
Ampère's Electrodynamics
- Oersted’s Experiment and
Its Interpretation - Ampère’s
Deduction of His Force between Current Elements
- Ampère’s Unification of
Magnetism, Electromagnetism and Electrodynamics
- Modern Experiments to Distinguish
Ampère’s Force from Grassmann-Biot-Savart’s Force
Video-2 pdf-2
Weber's Electrodynamics
Weber’s Force and Potential Energy - Deduction of the Laws
of Gauss, Amp`ere and Faraday
- The
Meaning of the Velocity in Lorentz’ Force and the Several
Definitions of the Field Concept
- Modern Experiments to
Distinguish Weber’s Force from Lorentz’ Force
Video-3 pdf-3
The Electric Force of a Current
- Weber and the
Surface Charges of Resistive Conductors Carrying Steady
- The Force Between a Closed Circuit
Carrying a Constant Current and an External Charge at Rest
Relative to the Resistive Circuit
- Potential and External Electric Field
in Circuits with Different Geometries: Straight Wire, Coaxial
Cable, Twin-Lead, Solenoid, Ring
- Propagation of Electromagnetic
Signals at Light Velocity from Weber’s Law
Video-4 pdf-4
Weber's Planetary Model of the Atom
- Evolution of Weber’s Model of
the Atom - The Two-Body Problem in Weber’s
- The Critical Distance and the
Possibility of a Negative Effective Inertial Mass in Weber’s Law
- Weber’s Model of the Atom and
the Stability of the Nucleus with his Electrodynamic Force
Video-5 pdf-5
Relational Mechanics and the Diurnal Rotation of the Earth
- Newtonian
Mechanics: Absolute Space and the Free Fall of an Apple -
The Kinematic Rotation of the Earth Relative to the Stars and
- The Dynamic Rotation of the
Earth as Measured by Its Flattening at the Poles and by Foucault’s
- Relational Mechanics and
Implementation of Mach’s Principle with Weber’s Gravitational
- The Rotation of the Earth According to
Newton, Mach, Einstein and Relational Mechanics
Symplectic Aspects of Celestial Mechanics
Kai Cieliebak (Augsburg, Math)
Video-1 The
Newtonian and Hamiltonian formulation - Conserved
- Noether's
Symplectic geometry and the Kepler problem
- Symplectic structures - Hamiltonian systems
- Completely
integrable systems - Kepler problem
Runge-Lenz vector and regularizations of the Keper problem
- Runge-Lenz vector
- Moser regularization -
Levi-Civita regularization
Video-4 The
restricted 3-body problem
- Restricted 3-body
problem - Sitnikov's system and symbolic dynamics
- Planar
circular restricted 3-body problem and its limit cases
Stark-Zeeman systems and J+ like invariants of their periodic orbits
Stark-Zeeman systems - Periodic orbits and plane curves
- Arnold’s
invariant J+ - Invariants under Stark-Zeeman homotopies
Non-local Floer homology
Urs Frauenfelder (Augsburg, Math)
Video-1 Morse
Morse chain complex -
Broken gradient flow lines
Morse inequalities
Video-2 Classical
Floer homology
- The
action functional of classical mechanics
- Floer's gradient
flow equation - The bubbling phenomenon
Video-3 Rabinowitz
Floer homology
Rabinowitz action functional - Non-locality of the gradient
flow equation
- Bound
on the Lagrange multiplier
Video-4 Delayed
potentials and Weber’s Hamiltonian
Neumann's action functional - Taylor approximation -
Derivation of the Weber Hamiltonian
Weber's atomic modell and its connection to Lorentz geometry
Video-5 The fine
structure of Weber's hydrogen atom
- The
atomic modell of Helmholtz, Kelvin and Tait and Zöllner's attempt
to prove the existence of a fourth dimension
- Old quantum
mechanics - Symmetries of the Weber Hamiltonian and its
connection to the fine structure
- Comparison with the work of Sommerfeld
and Glitscher
Celestial mechanics and systolic geometry
Pedro Salomão (São Paulo, Math)
Systolic inequalities for geodesics flows
- The special case of the two-sphere - The
Calabi-Croke example - Pinching conditions - Surfaces
of revolution - Zermelo navigation data.
Video-2 Systolic
inequalities for Reeb
- The case of the tight
three-sphere - A conjecture of Viterbo - Unboundedness
of systolic ratio for general Reeb flows.
Video-3 Some
systolic inequalities for the circular planar restricted three body
problem and the rotating Kepler problem
Introduction to Lorentzian geometry
Stefan Suhr (Bochum, Math)
Video-1 First
examples of spacetimes
- Minkowski -,
Robertson-Walker -, Schwarzschild -, and Misner spacetimes
Existence of Lorentzian metrics on closed manifolds
Global hyperbolicity and the Ave-Seifert Theorem
- Basic definitions of Lorentzian
causality - Global hyperbolicity
- Avez-Seifert
Theorem - Lorentzian distance function
Geodesics in Lorentzian Geometry
- Geodesics in
spacetimes - Generic incompleteness of Lorentzian surfaces
- Morse theory for causal
Viscoelastic tides and dissipative forces in
celestial mechanics
Clodoaldo Ragazzo (São Paulo, Math)
Video-1 In
this talk we present equations of motion for a system of linear
visco-elastic bodies interacting under gravity.
The equations are obtained within a finite
dimension Lagrangian framework with dissipation function.
The main dynamical consequences of the
dissipative tidal forces will be discussed.
João Chaib (Minas Gerais, Phys)
Poster "How
to defend the validity of Newton’s 3rd law in
electrodynamics with four experimental results"
Hints to upload videos to YT
Our videos were in format m2ts and extremely large (1h ~ 8GB), so
uploading was just impossible (1 video took more then 12hs and
usually upload crashed just shortly before the end..).
With the free software ffmpeg, installation on iMac nicely explained
the video compressed by a factor of 12(!!) and was saved in mp4
Upload was then less than an hour and worked pretty well.
ffmpeg -i inputfilename.m2ts outputfilename.mp4
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Atualização: 9.11.1984