Wanna see the missing
part? -- Queria ver a parte que falta?
-- Willst Du den fehlenden Teil sehen?
"Para saber quem
domina você,
pesquisa quem não pode
criticar." -Voltaire
Babilônia Illuminati
Maçonicos Jesuitas Templários
Rockefeller Rhodes Corõa
Britânica Guerra Mundial I e II Nações
Unidas Gates Soros Novo Ordem
Mundial (NOM)
ontem: comunismo + fascismo =
global(fasc)ismo :hoje (golpe acontecendo
Recomendo muito os
4 episódios do terceiro anjo porque
para uma audiência que não sabe
nada disso até agora.
São para aqueles que percebem que algo é errado no nosso mundo.
O conhecimento histórico e espiritual, inclusive do oculto, do
Prof. Veith é impressionante.
processo de acordar é extremamente doloroso porque a
imagem do mundo da pessoa vai quebrar totalmente causando uma
confusão, instabilidade, perca de 'amigos' e outras fatores
maus. Se você está na trilha de um trem rapido, o que é melhor:
abrir olhos, levar um susto, mas ter chance a reagir e fazer o
passo necessário assim salvando futuro seu o dos filhos - ou
ficar com olho fechado, paralisado pela dissonância cognitiva -
Eu comecei acordar quando ao fim de 2015 foi organizado uma onda
de refugiados de Syria para quebrar frontera do meu país
Alemanha e no seguinte 'o poder' deixou entrar uns 3 MILHÕES
árabes e africanos - quase exclusivamente homens de 20-30 anos,
sem visto, ainda sem passaporte ou identificação. Quando o
governo, chamo de regime pelo enquanto, falou que todo isso
seria em acordo com a legislação (o que obviamente não é) eu
comecei ler e pesquisar muito, muito, muito - encontrando um
monte de 'teorias de conspiração' - uma mais absurda da outra.
Infelizmente quase todas provaram ser verdadeiro: porque não
contem ou lidam a contradições.
Na minha opinião de um
matemático acho impossível inventar todo isso sem gerar
contradições. Claro, tem uns poucos teorias absurdas, na minha
opinião trata-se de tentativas do sistema (de fato deep state
é um termo bom) discreditar os acordados.
Os papeis chaves: a mídia e o conhecimento exato da psicologia
• O livro padrão "manipulação das massas" é de em
torno de 1890 - Gustave le Bont - o Hitler e
todos estas bestas com certeza já devem ter usadas. Recomendo
muito buscar este livro e ler só a introdução - você vai
encontrar muito que os governos fazem até hoje, por exemplo,
em respeito aos impostos em cada uma compra.
• Muito recommendado:
livrinho escrito em 1971 de dois americanos "Politica,
ideologia e conspiracoes - a sujeira por tras das ideias
que dominam o mundo" foi traduzido ao Português em
2017 e explica em só 140 páginas quem é e como dirigem o nosso
mundo 1880-1971. Melhor presentação que conheço! 07/07/2023
Produto disponível R$ 39,90
--> Busca
no internet <--
Cuidado: Não tem como voltar uma vez acordado. Quem ao
fim entende que 1+1=2 não pode voltar a 3..
Você vai precisar novos amigos.
Vale a pena, porque vai encontrar novos pessoas valorosas. Uma
limpeza e revela novos caminos. A matriz termina - a vida
- Terceiro anjo site ct-Brasil
- Prof. Walter J. Veith, Mackenzie Drebit, Matthew Schanche
- Ep1
As sociedades secretas são reais? ct
- Vamos ver que provas existem de sua
existência e que papel podem desempenhar na Nova
Ordem Mundial, profecia e eventos do fim dos
- Como essas sociedades funcionam e qual é
sua conexão para criar uma nova ordem mundial.
- A longa história dos presidentes dos
Estados Unidos e sua conexão com várias
organizações, como a sociedade Skull and Bones
(Caveiras e Ossos) de Yale e as origens dos
Illuminati. •
US presidents blood
lines 2015
- Qual é a nova ordem mundial e quem
realmente governa o mundo hoje?
- Ep2
Quem está por trás da Nova Ordem Mundial?
- dialética Hegeliana - os
Illuminatis no dia 1.5.1776 fundado de Adam
Weishaupt (Jesuita, Ingolstadt, Alemanha) proibido
- Todos os partidos políticos
estão realmente conduzindo a mesma agenda central?
- As sociedades secretas influenciam
movimentos de justiça social como 'Black
Lives Matter'?
- Por que uma pessoa de alto escalão
se junta a uma sociedade secreta como Skull
and Bones, os maçons e os Illuminati?
- Por que todas essas
organizações são baseadas em crenças
espirituais e quais são elas?
Por isso educam ateismo para nos - para ficamos
sem defesa. A parte espiritual é muita poderosa. O
mal sabe e usa - desde milénios.
- As Nações Unidas têm uma agenda
espiritual? Quem está no topo da hierarquia
da sociedade secreta?
- Ep3
O 'Grande
Recomeço' foi projetada para dar início à
'Nova Ordem Mundial'? ct
- Como o espiritualismo está conectado ao
processo de reestruturação econômica e social
- O vídeo do Fórum Econômico Mundial que nos
diz: “Você não terá nada, mas será feliz”.
- Veith também mergulha na história das Nações
Unidas, que está orientando o processo de
reestruturação global, e revela as surpreendentes
raízes espirituais e conexões da
- Ep4
As Conexões Luciferianas das Nações Unidas
- Que tipo de orientação a organização
Luciferiana, Lucis Trust, está fornecendo à
- Existe uma conexão entre o plano da ONU
para a educação universal e o impulso do Papa
Francisco (Jesuita) por uma nova
educação global?
- Como os bilionários do mundo estão
conectados à ONU? Quais são as tendências
espirituais de Bill e Melinda Gates?
- O que é o Clube de Roma e quem são
seus membros?
- Como as ideologias do Clube de Roma se
comparam às do Fórum Econômico Mundial?
- Como a “sustentabilidade” ambiental
se encaixa em seus ideais e planos?
- E qual é a conexão entre os objetivos dos
grandes think tanks do mundo e os ensinamentos
sociais da Igreja Católica Romana,
exemplificados na recente encíclica Fratelli Tutti
do Papa Francisco?
- Os campos de reeducação da China.
Os campos de isolamento podem ser usados
em países ocidentais?
- As táticas de controle
populacional testadas pela primeira vez na
China já não foram usadas em todo o mundo durante
a crise do Covid-19?
- Globalismo
- Controle Mental
- Historia
- Geopolítica
Umas observações gerais:
Campinas, dia 20 de Maio 2022
A população é sujeito de uma manipulação psicológica
desde pelo menos dois séculos começando com a
chegada do materialismo no século 18/19.
Usaram para tirar a parte espiritual da trindade dos humanos,
pouco por pouco, tal devagar que não deu para perceber.
Agora estão fechando o saco: sistema de pontuação social.
Isso vai ser o fim da liberdade, da dignidade humana,
de fato dos humanos.
humanos - humanos domésticos - transhumanos - não humanos
Estamos entrando a fase 3 a qual é praticamente idêntica com a
Tirando Deus e família, dissolvendo homen/mulher/criança,
estupidizar (reforma gramatica, baixando nível da escola,
universidades se tornando monoversidades, cotas racistas)
todo isso se encaixa neste objetivo distópico.
O poder suprima opiniões tradicionais em relacionar-los
com extremismo, preferencialmente, ‘fascismo’ ‘Nazismo’
’supremacismo (branco, claro)’
com eficaz enorme, graça ao controle da mídia, quase global.
O poder controla os países ricos pela infiltração depois guerra
mundial II
dos parlamentos e instituições públicos, particularmente
educação -- e, o que eu mesmo não percebi até ~2021/22,
<- internacionalmente
Temos que endereçar a raiz do problema,
a raiz não é
esquerda - direita
homem - mulher
branco - negro
hetero - homo
religioso - ateista
Atrás da curtina o poder incita e suporta ambos lados.
Isso se chama dialéctica Hegeliana, usado desde
séculos dos poderosos para dividir, assim dominar, as massas.
Dominar - todo bom. Mas agora querem reduzir para 500 milhões -
de quase 8000 milhões.
Em outras palavras: De 16 pessoas 15 tem que ‘sair’.
A medicina Rockefeller é muito mais discreta como as metralhadas
de Stalin ou execuções de Hitler.
O povo até faz fila para receber mais uma dose.
Quem quer sobreviver tem que agir assim:
Nos 50s/60s começaram
vacinação das massas
manipulação do tempo (chemtrails: jogando alumínio,
barium na atmosfera)
flúor na água
<- olha ingredientes da
sua garafa.. eu busco de um poço :-)
Começaram também
autismo (crescendo exponencial - em 2032 espera-se cada
segundo nene assim)
Alzheimer, Parkinson
fertilidade caindo
Sim, é possível que seja causada de polução - mas, neste caso
seriam mandado pesquisas para investigar.
Como não tem (no público), concluo que não é polução.
Agora não é momento brigar entre grupos sobre ‘detalhes’ -
estamos em perigo todos juntos.
Perto da raiz os assuntos são muito menos controversos:
- liberdade (a esquerda não quer? quer sim,
não falando da parte fanático.)
- dignidade (quem não quer?)
- viver, ou não
As pessoas não tem a mínima noção do quão importante e grande é
o processo que está acontecendo, neste momento, no mundo.
Toda a antiga lógica ao qual nos acostumamos, após o término da
Segunda Guerra Mundial, de dividir o mundo entre capitalistas e
socialistas, cai por terra.
Hoje, precisamos fazer um grande exercício mental para tentar
compreender quem está a favor de quem é de qual maneira isso ou
aquilo nos afetaria.
Se for reeleito presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro e
os soberanistas formarão um novo mercado mundial, onde o
fornecimento das hoje chamadas commodities , como petróleo,
fertilizantes, minério de ferro, soja, milho, carnes, etc. e
mesmo todo o fornecimento dos processadores de computadores, os
chamados semi condutores, os sais para a composição de
medicamentos, que estao em falta no mundo todo, somente
passariam a ser comercializados mediante moedas que não o dólar.
Isso causaria uma carestia, uma inflação galopante e por
conseguinte, a destruição total da Europa e dos Estados Unidos.
Todo o poderio dos iluminattis da NOM, cairia por terra.
Ocorreria a quebra das maiores empresas mundiais, que hoje são
comandadas por dois fundos de investimentos, Vanguard e
Black Rock, que pertencem as 13 famílias que dominam o mundo. Já
imaginou o que ocorreria se o Brasil adotar a mesma política
russa e só passar a vender soja, milho, carne, minério de ferro,
petróleo, para o mundo todo somente mediante o recebimento do
pagamento em reais e não mais em dólar? Nós brasileiros,
fornecemos comida para um quinto do mundo! Isso causaria uma
valorização sem precedentes do real, que nós sequer conseguimos
imaginar, pois o poder mundial hoje, não é de quem tem apenas
armamentos, mas sim, matéria prima! Que louco isso, nè???
Por isso, meu amigo, esse desespero todo para tentar fraudar as
eleições, elegendo Lula e Alckmin ou mesmo Ciro Gomes ou Simone
Tebet. Eles tentam desesperadamente manipular as informações que
são fornecidas pela grande mídia, através de supostas pesquisas
que dão a liderança à Lula e Alckmin. Mas por todo o lugar,
inclusive nos países do exterior onde existem brasileiros,
Bolsonaro é literalmente carregado nos braços do povo!!!!
Por tudo isso, precisamos eleger Jair Bolsonaro presidente e nos
libertarmos do poder desse grupo satânico que dominou o mundo
por séculos, quiçá milênios, e agora está desmoronando e fazendo
Eleger Jair Bolsonaro presidente, terá uma importância
fundanmental na mudança do mundo, que só iremos compreender com
toda a profundidade, lá no nosso futuro!
Brasileiros patriotas, uni-vos !!!!
- Amazing Discoveries - Truth
matters Podcast: Prof. Walter J. Veith,
Mackenzie Drebit, Matthew Schanche ct

- Ep1
Are Secret
Societies Real And Influencing Global Events
Today? ct
time stamps in video subtext
• US presidents blood
lines 2015
- Ep2
Who Is Behind The New
World Order? How The Hierarchy & Motives
of Secret Societies Affects Us Today.
time stamps in video subtext.
- Ep3
Is The ‘Great
Reset’ Designed To Usher In The 'New World
Order'? ct time stamps in
video subtext
- Ep4
The United
Nations’ Luciferian Connections ct time stamps in
video subtext
- Eye opener
- --> "None
Dare call it Conspiracy" <-- (1971!)
Allen, Abraham
origins of 'socialism': Illuminati
1.5.1776 (prohibited
1785) whose theses were used by Marx, French
Revolution 1789, infiltrated Masonry
bestialic elite invented and uses
socialism to enslave the in their eyes cockroaches -
us. I believed for 50 years that socialism came from
'the oppressed masses'.. stupid me!
around 1900 bank runs organized
-> install private central bank misleadingly named
Federal Reserve,
financing: † WW I
† Bolschewik Revolution 1917 (250'000 communists in
foreign exiles amnestized months before, Czar
had already resigned 9 months before the ££-$$-set-up
october revolution)
† Trotzki sent from
NY † 1920s electrification of
USSR † 1929-1932 largest steel factory in
† rise of Hitler
1920s † Hitler regime 1933
onward † gasoline chemicals that made
Hitlers tank engines run
† 50s-80s aluminium plant USSR -> so the
incompetent communist tramps could have fighter jets,
too -> so the US needed better ones ... and so on
.. and the mass murdering elite earned from both sides
Vietnam: US soldiers killed by US
invented weaponry, all US technology sold after WW II
by Rockefeller to USSR firms in NY. No declaration of
war - otherwise high treason..
Nixon: Their puppet
(just as Wilson was). Nixon, as a Republican, could
make socialist laws democrats never could bring
through back then.
- Vera Sharav (holocaust survivor):
Docu series in 5 parts: -->
again is now <--
fascism NEVER was exterminated, it was installed
by Finance and is called corporatism
- Plandemic Series
- The Greater Reset <--
excellent docu film collection by Mikki
Willis mercola/ET
🇧🇷 The
Great Awakening (2023)
- Antony Sutton
(1925-2002, Hoover
Stanford) excerpt from book The Best
Enemy Money can buy (1986) Rappoport
22/09: "It is truly extraordinary
that a plant [1968-1971]
with known military potential could have been
equipped from the United States in the middle of
the Vietnamese War, a war in which the North
Vietnamese received 80 percent of their supplies from
the Soviet Union." Hmm,
indirectly killing own soldiers? That is new, I
guess. - 1930 Gorki plant built by Ford. Look at
that. The communist tramps achieved NOTHING except for
100 million sloughterings.
- Sutton Interview
'The best enemies money can buy' ct40min
† "Wall
Street funded the Bolshevik Revolution" 23/11
célia and not only that.. † In
the Shadow of Hermes ->
film ct
ct <-
(by Estonian Jüri Lina) Jay Dyer 23/03
Warning: "In the Shadow of Hermes" exceeds
anything in brutality and perversion you may have seen
in your life. The content is the makers
responsibility/opinion, not necessarily mine.
† 24/01 célia 'Under the
sign of the Scorpion' book
pdf The
hidden masonic hand <--
in comments: links to books/films
by Lina! 'Architects of
deception' book
pdf p.528: vaxx origins & injuries!!
World Class Mathematician Igor Shafarevich (1975)
🇧🇷 † "O
Fenômeno [a]Socialista" roth
🇺🇸 † "The
[a]Socialist phenomenon" fee
🇩🇪 † "Der
Todestrieb in der Geschichte"
socialism = iNazism :
millions sloughtered
book opener
This book is inspired by the conviction that the cataclysms
which humanity has experienced in the twentieth
are only the beginning of
a much more profound crisis -- of a
radical shift in the course of history."
- I. Shafarevich
added by me
end of book
“Most socialist doctrines and movements are
literally saturated with the mood of death,
catastrophe and destruction . . .
One could regard the death of mankind as the
final result to which the development of
socialism [iNazism] leads.” - I.
Foreword: A.
Solzhenitsyn "..Marxism lacks even the climate
of scientific inquiry.." "..mist of irrationality
that surrounds socialism.." "..instinctive aversion
to scientific analysis.."
"Socialism [iNazism] seeks to
reduce human personality to its most primitive
and to extinguish the highest, most complex, and
aspects of human individuality." - A.
- - - - has warned you

- Secret Societies (SS) - "Who
controls the present, controls the past. But who
controls the past, controls the future." G.O.
- Architects
of Deception (book, 2004) Jüri Lina djvu
SS symbols
The socialists (the SS' most effective servants) are particularly
prone to using violence in their attempts to murder the soul.
They consider it more effective and beneficial to murder the soul rather than the body.
- iNazism aka Communism aka aSocialism
= limitless mass murder
- 24/02 expo The
Communist Manifest 1848 and the
45 iNazi goals of 1963
2. heavy
progressive .. in come tax !!
- 23. Control art critics and directors
of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive,
meaningless art.”
- 24. Eliminate all laws governing
obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a
violation of free speech and free press.
- 25. Break down cultural standards of
morality by promoting
pornography and obscenity in books,
magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
- 26. Present
homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as
“normal, natural, healthy.”
- 27. Infiltrate the churches and replace
revealed religion with “social” religion.
Discredit the
Bible and emphasise the need for intellectual
maturity which does not need a “religious
- 28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of
religious expression in the schools on the
ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and
- 40. Discredit
the family as an institution.
Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
- 41. Emphasise the need to raise
children away from the negative influence of
parents. Attribute
prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of
children to suppressive influence of
sounds familiar to any of the
cowards or idiots out there ??
- Jacob
Rothschild has died 24/02 expo
- Federal Reserve Cartel - Dean
Henderson 2005 book - rich
opponents Astor, Guggenheim went down with
Titanic, just a coincidence, after owner Morgan
increased insurance value shortly before (like
twin towers owner did) - Jackyl island
- I
The eight families
- II
Freemason BUS and house of Rothschild
Roundtable and Illuminati
- IV
A financial parasite -
financing Shitler, same bank that
current german cancellor lost memory of
deals about waiving millions of euros, just
a coincidence.
- V
The solution
- Ancient
Persian blood lines 24/10 expo
- Zoroaster (Zarathustra) Persian
visionary around 1500-1000 BC -
- Maps
of Evil serapeum video
• Map: historical
evil • Scientism
- Galileo - Kepler - Newton - Darwin
Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the deep
State 22/07 propaganda in focus
- Covid-19 response and the birth of the Third
Reich - shocking Hitler quotes - “I used
to think it tasteless to compare our system to Nazi
Germany. I no longer think so” crispin - National
Socialism, and Roosevelt’s New Deal were all forms
of corporate socialism - Mussolini
"corporate state" - Club of
Rome proposed a new common enemy
against we can unite - humanity itself - green agenda (deriving from
Nazi ecologism) - "transforming event like Pearl
Harbour" (1998) - IG Farben - synthetic gasoline for
Wehrmacht - failure to denazify - BIS - EUdSSR:
Hallstein, Heusinger, Kiesinger, Waldheim - operation
PAPERCLIP 1600 Nazi scientists - unit 731 - 1947 NSA
NSC security state - dual/deep state,
internationalization, Gladio, "strategy of tension",
project BLUE BIRD / ARTICHOKE / MK ULTRA - post-war
US/USSR partnership - Cold War (G. Orwell
1945) - Ford 1930s (first USSR automobile plant,
Vietcong trucks) - intelligence crime (9/11, list in
Lint 2021) - biowarfare - torture techniques - cocaine
trade - false flag terrorism (USS Maine, Lusitania
2008 dive: tons of munitions.., Gulf of Tonkin, 21st
century: global strategy of tension, Charlie Hebdo -
Nazi descendants in power positions TODAY (Klaus
Schwab WEF, Günther Quandt; 40M to Charité; Drosten,
Flick, von Fink, Porsche-Piech, Oetker, Asov
batallion) - Covid-19 (shock doctrine MK Ultra
psychological torture FAR MORE effective than
physical, 'self-inflicted pain', mask
While most
citizens, including nearly all
academics, remain oblivious of the
“deep state” and the full extent of its
contemporary social reality is fundamentally
determined by “deep state” operations.
- Beyond
the Reset ct 23/07 backup
rbl <-- your future/present if you
don't act.. Act? Not collaborating,
that's all one can do - but it will be successful if
people simply do it.
We are 8 billion, the other side is a bunch of
psychopaths. It is as simple as that.
I personally
- pay in cash whenever possible (95%)
- buy on my local small street market where
I meanwhile know all vendors (plus many people
from the neighborhood) so I know where to call if
the system endows supermarkets with access codes
and asocial credit score fascism
- grow my own vegetables and fruits since the system
shut down many shops during their Covid
bioweapon assault on us
- drink water from a natural fountain of rural
friend instead poisoning myself with
the flouride-B dirt that the system orders by
'law' in Brasil to put even in supermarket
'mineral' waters, let alone pipe water
- have an old Nokia cell spy (battery
removable) which meanwhile is 90% of days switched
off at home since I bought a wrist watch for
knowing time
- returned to cable bound telefones at home
- Great Reset by
Klaus Schwab
technofascist neofeudal dehumanization
- The
Great Reset for Dummies 20/10 Tessa Lena
- efficient global feudalism -
bolshevik mass murder 1917 -
'sustainability' language - Kissinger report
areas 'the great reset' intends to
disrupt and redesign:
1. statehood and
governance 2. finance 3. food 4.
agriculture 5. education 6.
medicine 7. energy 8. global health
fascism (vaxx chambers etc)
The Great Reset is an extremely
ambitious plan of restructuring both the world’s
economy—and the very notion of what it means
to be alive.
Without a cooperating population,
this ambitious economic and religious reform
cannot succeed.
What is the best way of making the
population cooperate with this very strange
It’s fear and stress—
promises of pleasure are not enough to pull off
such a massive and bizarro shift.
--> Climate change threatens all life on
earth! --> Virus from China will
kill all your family!
Fascism = wedding of corporatism and politics (Mussolini) • 🇺🇸 25/03 mal History,
not corporate media, defines
- 1937 Prentice-Hall book,
establishment praising fascism
🇺🇸 24/11 CJH A
tale of two Psay-Ops - the system - Musk -
Global public-private partnerships - GPPP - G3P
- 🇺🇸 24/06
malone Modern
techno-totalitarianism (part1):
an interwoven corporatist web that
unilaterally controls and implements globalized
policies, is answerable to no one, and recognizes
no law other than its own interests and privilege.
At the center of this web lies global
public-private partnerships, or G3P. -
1 Part
- Deep State
- 🇺🇸 24/10
nass DoD
directive: US military can kill Americans
on US soil
- Conspiracies and conspirators
- Soros mass murdering revolutions financier
- Climate Change Conspiracy
- NWO & hidden powers
- NASA (hebrew "to deceive")
- Space
symbols and suspicion 25/03
sbstck -
Challenger (the Doppelgänger..) - von Braun - Buzz
33 Aldrich - useful traumatic events (Justin
Harvey) - Apollo 11 press conference -
Stanley Kubrick "Shining"
- 1969 US can do "the impossible" -> 1971 FIAT
undoes gold standard (no intrinsic value any more)
-> huge consequences: global(fasc)ism, endless
wars, .. forist
the only launch pushed into class rooms -
demoralized a WHOLE generation
- Janet Ossebaard † 22 Dez 2023 The
Fall of the Cabal 11 parts
- 🇬🇧 23/09
expo Matthew Ehret: The
Knights Templar and The Kingdom of Jerusalem
Templars played a crucial role in creating the banking
system - mithraism - zionism -
- The World Shadow Regime WSR
- 🇬🇧 24/02
expo WSR
forging world vaxx depopulation -
vaxx rape history - newer branches:
Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, UNICEF; CDC, GAVI, USAID, World Bank
- KKK and behinds (kyklos =
circle, the knights of the golden circle II)
- 23/03 impiousdigest
Scottish Rites KKK project -
Bill Clinton - Albert Pike - Lincoln murder
- Jefferson ".. banking establishments are more
dangerous than standing armies.." "The issuing
power should be taken from the banks.." - "the money power of the
country will endeavor to prolong its reign by
working upon the prejudices of the people
until the wealth is aggregated in the hands
of a few, and the Republic is destroyed.”
– Abraham Lincoln, 1863" “We gave the people of
this republic the greatest blessing they ever
had, their own paper money to pay their
own debts.” -
greenbacks - McGeer: "International
bankers murdered Lincoln" -
silver/gold standard - B'nai B'rith (left
open by Hitler, ADL) - JP Morgan -
Lehman brothers (eugenics and Nazi
supporters) - Jacob Schiff - Fabian
society - Warburg - racist cult master
Lord Arthur Balfour
- One World
- Illuminati - Rare
recording by Myron Fagan (1967) 13min t.me
French 'revolution', CFR, Albert Pike 1834,
Sarajewo 1914, Nazism-Comunism-Zionism,
11:00 Jacob Schiff arrived after civil
war from Frankfurt to 1. control of money system 2.
find stooges 3. create conflicts between minority
groups (whites/blacks) 4. destroy religion
- From
the Illuminati to today in 24mins nemo
22/06 incl. WW I,
building up USSR and Hitler Regimes, WW II
12:45 WW
III 14:00
Albert Pike prediction today: destruction of
christianity and atheism, one by the other..
19:20 US
Dollar bill.. FED
20:20 Jacob
Schiff - four assignments: 1. aquire control of
US money system 2. find men and promote them into high
places 3. create minority group strike white/black etc
4. create movement to destroy religion, christianity
in the first place
- Timetables,
Organizations, Overview 1880-today
21/05 thuletide
- EUdSSR siehe auch hier
European Union = EUdSSR
= USSR + marriage of politics with corporatism
(Mussolini's definition
of fascism 25/03 mal
- todays WEF World Elite Fascists)
- Transhumanism (formerly eugenics)
- 🇺🇸 23/02
Transhumanism, and Epstein's Network expo
- Rockefeller - video Webb/Beck "How
elites will create a new class of slaves" -
Julian (brother of Aldous) Huxley was British
Eugenics president coining the term
- "If
you make identity fluid at every level
it’s a lot easier to exert your will over people
because you know they don’t have their feet firmly
on the ground." toxic
terms: gender fluidity, gender
identity - climate change weapon
- Law (not day-by-day law, the old laws,
that we are not even aware of) law law systems
- Thoughts
on American Organic law pdf
- 1787 US Constitution - late 1800s
corporate power appears - after 1940s state
power grows merging with corporations
(def. of fascism by Mussolini)
- mid 1960s counter force crushed (assassinations
MLK & JFK, Vatican II) - after 1960s
unhindered, since unnoticed (no interest, life was
too easy) installation of mass-murder /
mass-control programs - (too)
change 2020
- Conspiracies and conspirators
- JFK assassination Conspiracy -
shot from back and front
- Climate Change Conspiracy

earth has cancer,
and the
cancer is Man"
- Club of Rome
- 9/11 Conspiracy
- 9/11 predicitve programming: The
B-thing X 23/09
- 'art' project with 'boxes' on 91st floor in
2000. More on 9/11 here.
- Mind control
- Children
- Dehumanizing Humanity
- The evil elites
- 24/10 brucha Prop.
1 NY - coup d'etat against democracy -
total enslavement of people - destruction
of women - state child mutilation behind parents
- Depopulation agenda - by Feudalists
age of depopulation 24/10 The
Rockefeller Journal
- Sex without reproduction
- 🇺🇸
24/07 ct jamie dlux
"confessions of a dick" Dunegan 1988
without reproduction - reproduction
without Sex - sexualizing
children 9:04
abortion: planned parenthood
homosexualize society 'anything goes' 10:26
Brave New World 11:08
Assisted Suicide 11:25
image of doctor would change.. -> highly
skilled technician
Nuremberg trials "just following orders" 12:37
cancer - Rockefeller.. 13:43
Mary Embree: heart attack gun 15:00
processed food
religion "old ones have to go", rewrite bible:
change only key words 17:52
rewrite books 18:52
Kill Hates us 28 Aug 1999 19:06
Opioid Overdose Crisis US$ 78b/yr
travel ID, microchipping people 21:27
Kissinger report
1974 "Implications of worldwide population control
for US security and oversea interests"
The biggest owner of farmland: Kill Hates us
reducing cognitive dissonance
effectively.. 22:57
Bestseller: Darrell Huff how to lie with
scientific fraud
revelation 13:16-17 "no man might buy or sell,
save he that had the mark" Lightfood
"NWO" 25:36
FEMA concentration camps
Robert Zubrin 2012: The
Population Control Holocaust
- Covid bioweapon
- 🇬🇧 24/03 expo
Martin - first Covid-like bioweapon produced
2016 in Wuhan:
- 2002 – US scientists developed the
- 2003 – US Centres for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) patented the weapon in
its first commercial application (SARS).
- 2005 – mRNA spike protein was declared
a biological “belligerent” technology.
- 2016 – Proceedings of the published
National Academy of Sciences article ‘SARS-Like W1V1-COV
Poised for Human Emergence’.
W1V1-COV refers to the first covid-like virus
that was produced by the Wuhan Institute of
Virology. The article states that the virus is
ready for release and describes in detail how
it can best be released.
Announcement: 🇬🇧 25/01
expo 47
quotes of Evil Elites promoting earth depopulation
- 🇺🇸 23/07
malone/friedman The
answer to population control - get married and
have kids!!
- 🇺🇸 23/08
by Dr. Nass featuring Kill Hates us,
Fear Porn Ferguson, secret Billionaire meetings
† 2025
'bird flu': Ferguson is back! -
- 🇺🇸 23/07
malone "Is
there a depopulation agenda?" <-- - Kissinger
report 1974 (NSSM200)
† Kissinger
Nobel peace price - NSSM 23/11
- Afterwar control and power grid
- Corrupt science
- UN - global(fasc)ist organization to
erect world terror regime -
UN global
Coup documents 1992-2023 -
catechisms of the Luciferian counterchurch
23/07 baili feat.
Bishop Sheen & The Remnant
† Global
Shadow Government expo 24/02
- Takeover
of children - (de)sexualize and
denationalize children
talk from around 2004! some saw it
already 20 yrs ago! (conspiratively
planned since at least 1980s -
documents cited) Veith (forist~2004): The
Coming of Lucifer as Christ plans
7:40 UN symbol 8:49 organizations
leading to global(fasc)ist world terror regime
9:48 "... necessary to remove from the
minds of men their individualism,
loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism
and religious dogmas..."
10:18 Dr. Muller - chancelor UN University for
Perversion 11:27 World Core Curriculum
(1980s): "..by 2000 will be reality in all
schools of the world.." REALITY TODAY
14:30 UNESCO - Huxley (communist Fabian society)
15:40 1969 SIECUS - make contraception
available to all, incl. minors !!
the use of pornography can serve a
variety of important needs 
17:00 Huxley - UNESCO is to create world
17:30 UN 'teacher' guide book: destruction of childs
love for its country and patriotism
is the first step
18:00 children of less than 13yrs have mind
already injured.. at home! p.8
kindergarden crucial: correct home influence!
19:20 england law this year: kids go to school
from 3 yrs on! p.58 child infected
at home with nationalism.. schools to combat
The larger picture: De-population
'control' explained 22/09 BC
- WHO - World Hell Organization -
disguised as health care: depopulation and
enslavement - pandemic
treaty and CA+: in signing nations give up their
sovereignty, knowingly sold by the own 'political
- The Global(fasc)ist Coup - fascism was never
defeated just cleverly hidden as 'western
democracy' (even EU based on Nazi Hallstein's sick ideas)
- WEF - World Elite Fascists

- Great Reset
- Bilderberger
- Atlantic Bridge (Press matriz)
- Ten
- Rock music / rebel culture
- After-USSR era - 9/11 freedom killer -
humanocide: vaxx barbarism and
food/air/water poisening
- iNazis (leftists) - the useful idiots
- Wall
Street funded Boshevik revolution barbarism 23/03
Celia - Jay Dyer "Fed
banking system is father of communism" - Trotsky
(luxury life in NY, mason, illuminist)
- Cultural
Marxism 21/06 thuletide
Frankfurt school 1937 Critical Theory
(Rockefeller funded), Postmodernism 70s “Everything
is a social construct, universal truth does not
exist, facts are unimportant, ideas are true only
if they benefit the oppressed, categorization
causes marginalization (and thus oppression).”,
Dialiectic Materialism, Marx, infiltration of
academia, 'feminism' (Charles Fourier)
- iNazis - the New Normal Left
- Archives
- Secret Societies - Tony
Goosling (UK) jerm 22/11
- Dictionary - Occult origins of words
- cannibale -
canonite baal worshippers
sacrificed babies in fire, then ate them 8:00
Nemo 22/05
- Why they made all these men women?
- Bishop Sheen (1972) -->
in 2024" <-- ct
Amazing analysis in 1972 of todays
reality. Consequences of removing God from society.
A society only knowing to destroy "down! down!
down!" - patriotism - elitism -
satanism - church
2050 short video made in 2008 - odd,
watching it in 2022
- Contemporary: Covid / De-industrialization /
Digital Currency
- Deadly
Censorship, Lies, Goals 22/08
Weisberger - historic suppression of
scientific debate - de-industrialize - de-knowledge -
de-population 1916-today - de-sexualize (transgender
ideology is nothing else)
- Thought Crimes and double standards
- 25/01 expo 10
wrongthinkers punished in 2024 -
comment after slaughtering of 3 little girls: 1.5 yrs
prision (not for the murderer, of course) - parents in
prison for not letting child be mutilated
Info sources - subscribe to newsletters!
Bailiwick News
Augenöffner Büchlein "None
Dare call it Conspiracy" (1971!) Gary Allen, Larry
Abraham (summary
• Português
<- somário
video • Deutsch
• Español
• Duck
deutsch: "Die Insider" 1998, 241
Seiten, Verweis.
Illuminaten 1776 und Freimaurer Verschwörer
Zentralbank, Finanziers WK I WK II Hitler Stalin e†c
Zwei Wissenschaftler die aufwachten und anfingen zu
graben - so wie ich. Anscheinend ein Verkaufserfolg
damals. Ohne Wirkung. Was die schiere Macht der
(Medien)Kontrolleure dokumentiert. Inhaltsübersicht
(Englisch): etwas weiter oben
- Augenöffner
- Paul Schreyer •
seit 1990:
- Vorbereitung einer neuen Ära?" ct
2021 bckp Odysee
• 24/03 RKI
- 🇩🇪 24/07 kontra
--> "Die
postmodernen Wurzeln des SBG" <-- 20
Min Vortrag Robert
Meyer (Kontrafunk) Extrem
gute Darstellung der perfiden Manipulationstechniken
5:00 Sozialkonstruktivismus
9:00 Überkreuzbegriffe 10:30 „Eine
Frau ist wer sich als frau definiert“ und
Konsequenzen 12:40 Pathologisierung des
Normalen - Diktat der Ausnahme. Schutzgedanke
- Mitgründer und Wurzeln • NS:
Hallstein • Eugenik und Rassenlehre:
Coudenhove-Kalergi <-- mehr
22/09 alschner
- Der Rat der Götter Von
der IG Farben (IGF) zur EU (Mathias Rath, Berlin
2011) Hammer Vortrag
- es liegt alles offen - Wissen ist eine Holschuld,
der Rest wird versklavt, zurecht.
• Dr. Rath - Das
Chemie-Pharma-Öl-KARTELL 20:00 Dr.
Hohl & Ferkel
Welteroberungsplaene Chemie-Pharma-Kartell in 3
1904 Carl Duisberg (Chemie) -> Wilhelm II
1910 Fritz Haber, BASF Patent: TNT BAYER Senfgas
1926 IG Farben Kartell Gründung (BAYER-BASF-Hoechst)
80’000 Angestellte, Direktorium nannte sich “Der
Rat der Götter”
5:00 5M Reichsmark zur NSDAP Finanzierung...
23.1.1939 Chefplaner IGF (später EUdSSR) Hallstein
“Eroberungsrede” zu Nazi-Kartellrecht für eroberte
Gebiete. --> parallel EU
7:10 Buch “Die Nazi Wurzeln der EU” IG
Auschwitz.. Docs ausgegraben &
--> www.profit-over-life.org.
13:00 24 IGler angeklagt, z.B. einer 9 Jahre Haft..
Ökonomische Nutzniesser: bald re-etabliert
Rothschild-Kartell übernahm
23:30 “dann haben wir das was die Jungs vor 80 Jahren
nicht erreicht haben”. ...
29:00 “Der Euro ist die Kette der

- Verschwiegene Geschichte
- War Hitler Sozialist?
Nein, er hat seine Partei nur aus Spass oder zum
hinters Licht führen sozialistisch genannt, ist doch
- 25/01 apo effenberger
Weidel: „Hitler war Kommunist“
– Blödsinn
oder Volksverhetzung? <--
SAGENHAFTE Faktenauflistung z.B. wie WK I endete und
was dann passierte.
Von der DAP zur NSDAP. DAP hatte ich
noch nie gehört. Warum wohl nicht? Deutsche
Arbeiter Partei. Ach so, Sozialismus, statt
Faschismus, links statt rechts. Muss ein Zufall
sein, war ich wohl krank als das dran war.
Kkkk Wie heisst eigentlich die Partei von
Lula in Brasilien? Arbeiter Partei. Ach
so, Zufall. Hier lobt Lula Hitler als
jemand der tut was er sagt(!!!): Kein
Der undeutsche Drecksack nutzte die Sozialismus
Komponente, um Millionen hinter sich zu bringen
und mit zehntausenden brutalen Schlägern aus dem
Arbeitermillieu die Strassen zu kontrollieren.
Einmal an der Macht wendete er sich dem Kapital zu
und schlachtete die gesamt SA Führung sogleich ab
- mit Hilfe der SS 'aus besserem Hause'.
- 25/01 apo froschauer
Hitler ein Sozialist? <--
- Ein Slogan der Hitlerjugend war: „Der
Feind steht rechts“. - Sozialisten
morden keine Sozialisten? Stalin mordete
hunderttausende, Mohammedaner morden
Mohammedaner (Schiiten Sunniten), Christen morden
Christen (30j. Krieg).
“Der Idee der NSDAP
entsprechend sind wir
die deutsche Linke.
Nichts ist uns verhasster als der rechtsstehende
nationale Besitzbürgerblock.” -
J. Goebbels (kein
- 25/01 achse Hitler
und die DDR <--
gut recherchiert: vor Generälen "Ich bin auch
Sozialist, ..", Kurt Schumacher, Sebastian
Haffner, DDR NS Parallelen, Ludwig von Mises
- 25/03 lilly Luc Bürgin Einer
gegen die Matrix - Einstein -
UFOs - Stonehenge - Chines. Äxte
- BIZ Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich steht
in Basel - auf exterritorialem Grund.. (ebenso City of
London, Vatikan, ...?)
- Ausrottungs'medizin'
Die Seele wird man abschaffen durch ein
Man wird aus einer 'gesunden Anschauung'
heraus einen Impfstoff finden,
durch den der Organismus so bearbeitet wird
in möglichst früher Jugend, möglichst gleich bei
der Geburt,
dass dieser menschliche Leib nicht zu einem
Gedanken kommt:
Es gibt eine Seele und einen Geist."
R. Steiner t.me
Es gibt
- 24/09 apo Ute Krüger "Geimpft
- gestorben, Histopathologischer Atlas
möglicher Impfschäden <- HAMMER!
- Prof. Burkhardt
- Geheimdienst/Tiefer Staat Verschwörungen - der
Faschismus der keiner sein will
- 🇩🇪 24/03
danisch HAMMER
--> Genderfaschismus
in Unis gedrückt - Geheimdienst/tiefer Staat <-- durchhalten,
Anfang zäh, Ende elektrisierend -
Kontenkündigungen - Entlassung: bloggt jetzt mit
Spenden - seine Promotionsgeschichte
- Gendersprache: Sprachkontrolle - Hate speech =
Zensur - Shellenberger - Flucht des Regimes ins
Privatrecht: Grundrechte-Umgehung - CTIL CISAT AMITT "Diskreditierung
alternativer Medien"
- Nachkriegskontrolle
- RAF - Buback
Mord 22/10 CdkW
- auch Rohwedder soll den Kontrolleuren ein
Dorn im Auge gewesen sein
- Global(fasch)istische Machtergreifung seit
1950ern vorbereitet
- Wissenschaft als Religion
- 🇩🇪 Helmut
Schelsky: --> Die
Arbeit tun die anderen - die Priesterherrschaft
der sogenannten Intellektuellen 23/06
mises Mueller -
Heilsgüter und Heilsspender - Heilsglaube: Gegenwart
muss als unerträglich empfunden werden - 60er: neue
Linke - Sprachherrschaft
- Das System
- Die
Grauen Herren 24/07 Lilly -
Was ist 'Das System'? - Momo von Michael Ende - Nehls
- "generelle Zunahme innerer Abwesenheit" - Folgen der Covid-Spritzen aus
spiritueller Sicht
"Die Frage lautet nicht mehr: Inwieweit ist dieser
Mensch Teil des Systems? Sondern: Inwieweit
ist dieses System Teil des Menschen?"
- Die Methodik der Macht Andreas
Franken RS 24/07 Teil 1 Wie
- Kahnemann 80er - IQ - Kognitive Kriegsführung
Das System -->
2 Wer Warum - Verschwörungs..theorien
nur bis zum Beweis.. - Dynastien - Geldsystem -
Wie funzt System? - Regierungen arbeiten defizitär,
Kredite gegen was? - Seehofer 2010 -
Anita Petek-Dimmer (vaxx)
3 Denke selbst - Beale Quäler,
Massenvergewaltiger - "Delegitimiererszene" (Stasi
2.0) - "Nur Anweisungen befolgt" - Planck 1944
"gibt keine Materie - aber Gott" - Burkart "Steiner
für Einsteiger"
- Manipulation
zum Widernatürlichen/wärtigen RS
24/07 Iris Zukowski
- Falsche Retter - Trump -
Musk - Weidel
- Kontemporär
- Wohin steuert unsere Gesellschaft? Gezielte
Massenverdummung Teil
1 Teil
2 22/09 Im Osten
- Literatur
The world you and your family live in -- it
is your choice alone, no choice means choosing degeneration
animals - domestic animals humans - domestic
humans - transhumans - no humans
avoid sunlight -
die of skin cancer.. NO KIDDIN
The Healing Sun -
questions & answers
WHO stigmatizes homosexuals - OMS estigmatiza
homosexuais - Homosexuelle durch WHO
Pocks of monkeys
variola de macacos
- Affenpocken
as if gays would have sex all day long
with ever changing 'partners'
you see? they use them, they hate them
The new media - as mídias novas -
die neuen Medien
- Daily news
- read
- watch
- David Knight mo-fr presents selected news
- Daily video documentary / interview channels
- daily
- Towards
the Light BC by
and for the unbrainwashable 30% technocracy/scientism/holo-medicine/world-dictatorship
wonderful humans from all
over the world
- Right
to Freedom BC
-- dito --
- occasionally
- Daily video mirrors (often censored by global(fasc)ists on
their cartel propaganda platforms)
- Freedom of Speech
- Fun
- Health
- Investigative
- read
- watch
- Amazing Polly
- Max Igan (The Crowhouse)
Our new world
- Nosso novo mundo - Unsere
neue Welt
Building our paralel society - Construindo nossa
sociedade paralela - Aufbau unserer
Eu suporto (membro) •
Brasil Paralelo
PHVox •
Jornal da Cidade Online • Brasil sem Medo
Ich unterstütze (Spende) • • •
Restore thinking and education
- 🇩🇪
23/12 milo Circulos
virtusosos "Wir müssen einen
Gegenkreislauf zum Teufelskreis der Verdummung und
Apathie in Gang setzen lernen, einen „Circulus
virtuosus“ (..),
in welchem wir uns Stück für Stück für eine
unangenehme, aber die echte Realität
entscheiden. Es ging scheibchenweise und “Stück für
Stück” in die Misere. Womöglich führt das gleich Muster
am ehesten heraus."
• Mathematiker Bertrand Russel
beschrieb in "The impact of Science on Society"
(1953) "wie Machtstreben und Technokratie zu
einer Umgestaltung des Menschen führen werden.
Herrscher erschaffen sich durch Medikamentalisierung und
selektive Zucht die besten Untergebenen, die am
leichtesten zu führen sind. Platos „Staat“ lässt
Restore our Nations and its Values -
details here Nass 23/01
What can I do? Catherine
Austin Fitts
CBDCs. Use cash! 
the elites to fight among themselves
sovereign banks at the state/region/local level
biometric technology, QR codes, avoid surveillance as much
as possible, avoid smart phones as much as possible
(consider Faraday bags that work)
with local busines people who will be wiped out too by the
digital control grid
what is going on with local political leaders
the effort to Exit the WHO
no to taxation without representation
transparency to everything possible, including discussing
with your friends/relatives/associates
central banker revealed to Richard Werner that the plan is
to chip everyone
the opportunity to become more resilient, reduce your
dependency, invest in local farmer or growing food, and
fight an alien, unacceptable, cruel, rapacious
totalitarian system that will stop at nothing to grab
everything including your children.
Hints and strategies - dicas e estrategias
- Tipps und Strategien
Our people - O povo nosso - Unsere
- Women
- 🇧🇷 LOLA
Brasil 24/04
gazeta Ladies of Liberty Alliance
- People
- Standing their ground - Chapeau!
- Actors
22/09 crispin - incl. Ice
- Family
- Serve your own family - not some employer
- Underground education - Educação
- Untergrunderziehung
Stop surrendering your children to institutions !
- Books and Films
- books
- Hiking
Underground (2023) by Amy Smiley 3
people in NYC, celebration of life, streams of
- Health - Saude
- Gesundheit
- Vitamins
- Positive Factors
- Happiness >immun.
- Honesty <stress, >immun.
- Life Purpose >immun.
- Life goal <death risk
- Real World
- World Council for Health
Symposium 2023
- Conferences
- Articles about diseases (not a Doctor, just
passing on links)
- Liberty - Liberdade - Freiheit
- Media - Mídia - Medien
--> List
of 600 alternative medias <--
- Spirit and God
- Science
Countryside life - vida caipira -
🇺🇸 Benjamin Owen
Beartaria 22/01 red ice. Interview by
Lana Farm & Family in Idaho, get your birth
rate higher
Construction - Construção - Bau
🇺🇸 Hemp
- no wonder globofasch illegalized it almost 100 yrs ago
Taipa de
pilão tradicional
ecológica Mix
«Also die Dinge sind tot. … Von
jeher hatten sie von der Mühe gelebt, die man sich um sie
Schwer begreiflich: aber um
Mühe gaben sie Leben.
Man wollte sie mühelos, man
wollte sie hergestellt haben. Das gelang auch. Aber um den
Preis ihres Lebens. …
Eines Tags … wird in den
Zeitungen stehen: Wie jetzt erst bekannt wird, sind die
Dinge verstorben.
Wir werden darauf noch
zurückkommen. Aber zur Zeit dieser Meldung werden nicht mehr
Viele verstehen, was gemeint ist.
Nur sehr alte Leute werden sich
erinnern, in ihren jungen Tagen davon gehört oder gelesen zu
irgendwann einmal, vor Zeiten,
lustige Vorstellung, sollten die Dinge, der Mond und der
Bach und die Tanne,
die Stadt und die Bucht und das
Kornfeld gelebt haben.»
— Erhart Kästner (nicht Erich)
Christian democratic, conservative, patriots -
patriotas cristão democráticos conservadores - CD
konservative Patrioten
„Warum ist die Familie ein Feind?“, fragte
„Warum ist die Familie so furchterregend?
Auf all diese Fragen gibt es eine einzige Antwort.
Weil sie uns definiert.
Weil sie unsere Identität ist.“ - Meloni 2019
- Argentina: Milei - Trojan Horse? I don't
believe after listening to Hayek talk. He was persecuted
by iNazi mobs at iNapolas (fascistiversities)
- 24/10 CdkW Milei,
Vortrag Hayek
Gesellschaft 24/06 - sehr
interessant - wurde gemobbt von iNazi-Mob an
23:00 "Wie kann etwas das die Weltbevölkerung von 95%
extremer Armut auf 10% gebracht hatte von der
Wirtschaftstheorie als falsch bezeichnet
werden?" 24:20 Mathematik (Rothbart "Monopol und
Kompetenz") "Ich lehrte jahrelang das Falsche!
- 24/09 nass UnitedNazis
talk 14min
- 24/01 malone WEF
speech- on monopolies in US constitution
- Viva Paraguay !! 🇺🇸 23/05 nemo
defeated World Elite Fascist (WEF) / CIA election Coup !!
- Viva Melonia !!
Achtung: Meloni - oder - Chamäleoni
?? Aspen WEF UkraNazis
tkp 22/09
- Es leben die schwedischen Patrioten !! Weg mit
Global(fasch)ismus und seinen Bolschewoken Hasshorden!
- Victor Órban - Hungria: 👏🏻👏🏻 Parabéns
Victor!! 🙌 Seu nome é programa ;-)
Vitória enorme contra os destruidores da família, do Deus,
da moral, da ética PARABÉNS !!
Freedom fighters - soldados de liberdade
- Freiheitskämpfer
- Gonzalo Lira, Journalist † January 2024 in
Ukrainian torture cellars - US lets own
dissident citizen rot to death during 8 months
24/01 celia
- Prof. Ray Bates † 6. Jan. 2024 24/01
expo For years he spoke
against unscientific climate alarmism
- John Pilger (* 9. Oct. 1939 † 30.
Dez. 2023) "Real journalists are
agents of people." - Giant of Campaigning
Journalism - The
new rulers of the world (book 2002, 2016 Pilger) 23/12
23/12 expo
"The silent death of Cambodia" (docu 1990 Pilger)
West supports Khmer Rouge..
- Robert F Kennedy jr
- Runs for Presidential Candidate
- Medics and Doctors
- NROs - Non-Regime Organizations
- Julian Assange
- Artists
- John
Bowe 24/12 malone
English actor and orator, "The Fog" - the
global(fasc)ist terror regime deported him for
speaking out against Covid-vaxx mass rape and mass
- Anthony
Freda 23/11 CJ Hopkins
- Peoples Politicians
- Magafuli (Tansania)
🇩🇪 Ermordung
von Magafuli cp 23/11 He
criticized and did not use Covid vaxx -> death
- Jovenel Moïse
(Haiti) 🇩🇪 Ermordung
Moïse cp
He criticized and did not use Covid
vaxx -> death
- 🇺🇸 Tulsi Gabbard
--> Our
civil liberties are under attack 22/10
rbl - with Ron Paul
Tulsi left the 'Democratic' Party due to anti-white
hate and war mongering, see here.
- 🇺🇸 Dr. Mercola:
fighting the global(fasc)ist Cabal BC
22/08 pdf
execution 21st century: bank accounts shut down
pdf 22/08
- 🇨🇦
Dr. Jordan Peterson
🇬🇧 Is
The Arc the WEF 2.0 ? 23/11 expo
- 🇺🇸 James
Delingpole critique in 2022 celia
- 🇩🇪 Was
will Jordan Peterson? 22/10 milo
- 🇺🇸 Jordan
Peterson and the Khazars 2017 ct
first part: romanian psychologist (U Alberta
1988) describes psycho methods of communism -
just switch on your TV <-- excellent summary
second part: strange rant against Jordan
Peterson <- not worth the time in my
- 🇧🇷 BP 23/01: Um dos
intelectuais mais influentes da atualidade, o
canadense Jordan Peterson pode perder sua
licença profissional para atuar como
Ele está sendo penalizado pelo Colégio de Psicólogos
de Ontário (CPO) por postar no Twittercríticas ao
primeiro-ministro canadense Justin Trudeau e por
compartilhar uma publicação do líder do Partido
Conservador do Canadá, o deputado Pierre Poilievre. Em
sua conta pessoal do Twitter, Peterson tem
mais de 3,6 milhões de seguidores. O autor
do best-seller12 Regras para a Vidapublicou
uma série de postagens sobre sua situação e divulgou
as exigências do plano de treinamento que foi intimado
a cumprir num prazo de 6 meses.
"O Colégio de Psicólogos de
Ontário exigiu que eu me submeta a um
retreinamento obrigatório em
comunicação em mídia social com seus especialistas
por, entre outros crimes, retuitar Pierre Poilievre
e criticar Justin Trudeau e seus aliados políticos.
Eu fui acusado de prejudicar pessoas (embora nenhum
dos reclamantes seja paciente). Estou para fazer um
treinamento, com relatórios documentando o meu
progresso", publicou.
Peterson escreveu que, caso se recuse a
participar do treinamento, deve enfrentar um tribunal
para a suspensão do seu direito de atuar como
psicólogo clínico.
Ele se mostrou preocupado com a liberdade
de expressão dos que discordarem das ações do
- Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) 🇩🇪 23/06
milo Wird
der Künstler unbequem ist er ganz schnell rechtsextrem
Querfront - hey, ho - let's go!!
Democratic left and right get together, already happening in
Germany (Wagenknecht ex-communist platform joins Querdenker and
libertarians!!), leaving the system block parties alone.
This is really dangerous for the system. More and more waking
- Environmental movement
environmental Left
& anti-globalism/anti-lockdown/pro-freedom Right
The truth will set you free -- --
Die Wahrheit macht dich frei
- Global(fasc)ist regimes OVERTHROWN by the people:
- Louisiana: 🇺🇸 24/04
nass -->
Senate passes bill (37:0) to ban WEF agenda in state
- end of WHO, UN, WEF, global(fasc)ist organizations
in the State
🇺🇸 24/04
malone The
Great Campaign against the Great Reset -
Jason Jones H.E.R.O.
(Human-rights Education and Relieve Organization):
- Vulnerable People Project - Movie to Movement
- Sri Lanka: People overthrow
global(fasc)ist puppet regime in July 2022 !!
Hey, ho, let's go!!
- UK and controlled territories (Australia,
Castro-Canada, ..?) - just wait
- US and controlled territories (Germany, Japan, ..?) -
just wait
- Rest of western degeneracy - just wait
Freedom Movement - Liberdade -
- Free Speech

- Democratic Resistance
- Organizations & Initiatives
- People
- The White Rose - Freedom and Justice
Good ol' times
The Trump effect
totalitarian, authoritarian, and supremacist roaches on
the run
- Bloggers liberated
- Doctors liberated
- 🇨🇦 Dr. Charles Hoffe 25/02
kory All
charges suddenly dropped incl.:
🇦🇺 Dr. Michael Bay 🇬🇧
Dr. Tina Peers - US states considering banning
mRNA death shots
- Media liberated
To understand today you have to search
- Russia
- Anti-Russian Revolution
Worthwhile looking into this if you have just
school knowledge or even, as myself just
re-education school knowledge..
Evil money system - Sistema monetário
diabólico - Teuflisches Geldsystem
- FIAT money/dinheiro/Geld
- Bretton Woods - the end: 15 August 1971
- Central banks are private - bancos centrais
são particular - Zentralbanken sind privat
- "The
wreck of the Titan" (1898) - predicted 1912
sinking of Titanic on which were the most powerful
opponents of a US central bank. I read who
bought the tickets stepped back last minute
and made a present to Guggenheim & Co..
(reminds me of Kill Hates philanthropist
style present of tetanus protection to
Kenyan rural girls in 2014). Unfortunately, there
were too few emergency boats and the few were even
located far away from their cabins, even more
unfortunately the signal rockets were fired
accidentally in the color that indicates "no help
needed", so nearby ships turned away. I believe to
remember that even the movie "Titanic" showed
that. Captain
Smith - did Line pressure high speed?.
- The
Sinking Of The Titanic, The Jesuits, and The
Federal Reserve: Historians Speak Out Celia
Farber 23/02
- 🇩🇪 111
Jahre Titanic compact
23/04 Wisnewski
Buch: Das Titanic Attentat
- 1913 - free way: FED funded after conspiracy on
Jekyll Island.
- BIS Bank for international
settlement - BIZ Bank für
internationale Zusammenarbeit
- 🇬🇧
24/12 expo BIS
and Bank of Canada D. Fournier
- 🇬🇧
24/06 expo A
BIS scheme that helped to set up the 2008
finanical crisis ... look at
that! - Mark
Arnold - Video "Inside the tower of
Basel" - 2nd WW: allies and national
socialists main point of covert contact..
- 2015 Wolfe book
- project
'Icebreaker' - CBDC introduction 23/04
america first
- book "Tower of Basel" by Adam Lebour
- Duress
baili 23/03 - how to kill your
population - perversion of law -
Duress - free will (experiments, Stanford
etc) - 1930s.. - spanish civil war - BIS
& Sudetenland - June 1940 USSR invading
Latvia et al - Coronazism: "turning State's
- Venerable
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen:
It is not
the sanctuary that is in danger; it is civilization.
It is not infallibility that may go down;
it is personal rights.
It is not the Eucharist that may pass
away; it is freedom of conscience.
It is not divine justice that may
evaporate; it is the courts of human
It is not that God may be driven from His
throne; it is that men may lose the
meaning of home.
For peace on earth will come only to those
who give glory to God!
It is not the Church that is in danger, it
is the world!
- Shorts - Curtos - Kurz und bündig
CBDC - moeda digital banco central -
Zentralbank Digitalgeld
- programmable in time (expiration date) and space
(dissidents can use their money only around their neighborhood)
- can be coupled to tecnofascist
point slave system
- role of
global(fasc)ist BIS (the
'central bank of central banks')
Alternatives - Alternativas - Alternativen
- Bitcoin
- 🇩🇪 22/12
milo I
Umgestaltung durch Technologie II
Bitcoin Zukunft. Als
Podcast: I
I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The
Party seeks power entirely for its own sake.
We are not interested in the good of others; we are
interested solely in power, pure power.
What pure power means you will understand presently.
We are different from the oligarchies of the past in
that we know what we are doing.
All the others, even those who resembled ourselves,
were cowards and hypocrites.
The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very
close to us in their methods,
but they never had the courage to recognize their own
They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they
had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time,
and that just around the corner there lay a paradise
where human beings would be free and equal.
We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes
power with the intention of relinquishing it.
Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not
establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution;
one makes the revolution in order to establish the
dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution.
The object of torture is torture. The object of power
is power.
Now you begin to understand me.”
― George Orwell, 1984
The new fascism -- O
novo fascismo -- Der neue
The Coup -- O golpe -- Der Putsch
brief introduction to societal collaps 21/05
thuletide “Climate Change” psyop. - Club of Rome
(Rockefeller) book "The First Global Revolution", in which
they admitted that the myth of climate apocalypse was
invented to terrify humanity into “global unity”
take your choice
? Coincidence theorist - Conspiracy theorist ?
I don't
care gimme my popcorn - theory of cause and effect
To summarize the above: they believe they are entitled and
capable to act like god, in fact, they claim to improve god (as
says World Elite Fascist WEF Hara
Remember what happened last time when such beasts came to power.
About 150 million bestialically slaughtered humans last century.
All right then, let's keep pooping in our office chairs, brave
heart academics. Do you know who went from cities to countryside
to de-kulakize Russia after aSocialist slaughterers were
installed in power? Exactly - acadiots went when there was no
danger any more and they could brutally torture to death any
simple people resisting enslavement.
End of Democracy -- Fim da Democracia --
Ende Demokratie
Democracy in most states is in truth a Theater of Democracy,
parties are obligatory since they guarantee control (a handful
of party leaders is easy to control as opposed to when citizen
can candidate for parliament..), recently there is even open
election fraud where needed, popular uncontrollable leaders are
murdered or tried to (by lone wolves of course).
Decay - - Zerfall
Political Murders and attempts
- Whistleblowers
- Slovakia

- 24/05 Robert
Fico - Aufarbeitung Impfmord -
NEIN zu WHO Diktatur-Vertrag
Feudalism 2.0 - Feudalismo 2.0 -
False Prophets - Trump - Musk - Weidel - ...
- 25/02 manova Regenauer
zur Schlachtbank - Eloi Top
Analyse! de Rothschild Ciao ESG, Thiel,
Weidel 200Mrd Rüstungsverdoppelung, Milei 53% in Armut,
Global Government Forum - Weltdiktatur 2030, 2028
Aktualisierung Charta der United Nazis, Global Digital
Compact Internetzugangskontrolle, DJ Trump operation
vaxx-rape, Eloi Musk neural dust KI Grok Sozialkonten X
money Pico Spionagesatelliten Tupperdosengröße
fliegende 5G Masten CertifyID Trust Center Platform
Sam Altman Whistleblower selbstgemordet
Power tools - Ferramentas de poder -
Werkzeuge der Macht 
- Global(fasc)ist Executions
- De-professionalizing
- De-banking - Deportation 2.0 debanking
- Denunciation - Hitler reloaded
An extended system of denunciation and spies in every
road "Blockwarte" silenced any critics right away after
power was taken in 1933. It was fundamental for all to come.
That is why the system forbids Nazi comparisons by
pretending that it was all gas chambers from first day - no,
this came almost 10 years later as a consequence.
- Sippenhaft - Hitler reloaded
- Neo-Fascho Banken kündigen Konten - der ganzen
- Enforcement - how and who
- 23/03 watt 🇺🇸 On
enforcement mechanism wielded against non-compliant
nation states answers to: "What
entity or agency or person/people does the actual
enforcing? Who? What form would the "enforcing" take?
What would be the consequences of just refusing? …I
doubt that agents or soldiers from the United Nations
would come after leaders of the countries that just
ignored it all." - kill leaders (Magafuli)
- financial extorsion (BIS, Cyprus 2012, Vatican 2013,
2008 crisis, aug/sep 2019 overnight repo rate crisis)
- Euthanasia 2.0 - Hitler reloaded
“Physicians have been empowered to grant a mercy death
to patients considered incurable – the mentally ill and
the handicapped.” A.
Hitler, Oct 1939
Note: One of the about 6 main killing centers, Grafeneck, lies about
8km from the small village where I grew up.
- Falsified / Half-true History -- Bought
- Darwin was financed by whom?

- Flexner report (1910) - leading to prohibition
of traditional medicine at US universities - was
financed by whom?
- Marx / Engels were predecessed by whom?
- False Flags - Bandeira falsa - Falsche Flagge
- 🇩🇪 24/11
Wahl in Rumänien wird annuliert - Regierendes
Regime beauftragt
die TikTok Kampagne 25/01
multipolar welche es später
Russland in die Schuhe schiebt als Begründung für Wahlannulation
- 🇺🇸 🇧🇷
Jan 2023 - Brasilian Reichtstagsbrand (1933
2.0): Deep State infiltrates manifestation and
provocateurs, in the absence of any police initially,
break the parliament windows and heat up the masses to
enter. Only therafter appear suddenly massive police
forces and like a miracle hundreds of omnibuses to
deport the mainly elderly citizens in Brasil's first
concentration camp where the citizens are left for days
in situations like animals.
- Deep State deep state
- What is the 'Deep State' ??
- PsyWarfare psy-war
- Poisoning 23/08
nass "MK Naomi" CIA
poisening in 70s - test ground NYC subway system
- Industrial Censorship Complex
- 🇺🇸 23/11
mercola Renée DiResta (Stanford
Internet Obervatory SIO) -
CIA - CFR pdf
- Brain wash / psycho killing
- Tavistock - British Psycho Gulag
- Drug flood
- 🇺🇸 25/03
mal CIA
- Italy "Operation Blue Moon" - US
Fentanyl - Kennedy assassination -
'conspiracy theory' CIA invention - Americans
age 18-45 leading cause of death: Fentanyl
- Criminals supported and protected
- Matrix reality
- Fear porn
- Climate catastrophy - "cl
- Lethal diseases/epidemies
- Coincidental deaths at useful times
- Divide e impera

Soviet Union - installation/maintenance
- Lina, Jüri (Soviet Dissident)
- "Architects of Deception" (book) pdf
p.528: vaxx origins & injuries!
- "Under the Sign of the Scorpion"
(book) pdf
- Docufilm "In the Shadow of Hermes"
censored:ct -->
ct <--
Warning: "In the Shadow of Hermes"
exceeds anything in brutality and perversion you
may have seen in your life. The content
is the makers responsibility/opinion, not
necessarily mine.
- Shafarevich, Igor (World Class
- Sutton, Antony (US citizen, Professor)
- "Wall Street funded the Bolshevik
Revolution" (book)
Corrupt Science and corrupt public institutions
- Caries Arguments cf. fluoride
- US Smoking Ban around 2000
Poisoned words / Orwell double speak - Palavras
envenenadas - Vergiftete Wörter
- sustainable (1974)
- Malthusian Club of Rome (Rockefeller) Mankind at
a turning point (1974). The early formulation
of Agenda 21, agenda 2030, 2020 Great Reset
- resilience (2022) - they
silence us by relabeling
our brains and opinions as infrastructure Nass
22/12 WHO, CEPI, Global Fund
(Pizza), Rockefeller, Kill Hates us, Charité, etc WHS
World Health Summit 2022
- absolutistische Meinungsfreiheit
- Language
- Law
- Women weaponizing
WEF barbarism - WEF Barbarei
WEF prepared coups -- golpes organizados pelas
global(fasc)istas -- Umsturzplanungen der Welt
Elite Faschisten
Sri Lanka:
People overthrow global(fasc)ist puppet regime in July
Characteristics - Características -
- dehumanização institucionalisada
- colonialisação do corpo humano
- código QR obrigatório
- 🇺🇸 10
steps to destroy a democracy - Naomi Wolf
by Dr. Mercola 22/06
- brain wash baitor media - lavagem cerebral
m(ent)ídia - Gehirnwäsche Lügenpresse
Censorship - Censura - Zensur
- Gestapo 2.0
- Acadiots
- Global(fasc)ist anti-democratic
- Regimes in democratic disguise
- US Biden iNazi Regime
- 🇩🇪 25/01
RS Zuckerstürmer
wird zum Zuckerschlecker - Zensur Beendigung,
wie lange? - nach Regimewechsel nun
Fuzzifrisur und einen auf "habe nur Befehle
ausgeführt" machen - wie die Nazis!
- Science
- Internet
- Telegram
- 24/08 gaz Dono
preso em França - argumento cáries:
pornographia acessivel para menores - quem
permite pornhub etc sendo acessível livremente?
- quem instalou o termo positivo 'pedófilo' em vez de
'pedofobo' ou 'besta'?
- Western Global(fasc)ist Regimes
- 🇩🇪 24/11
apo Zensur
Zensur Zensur - kognitive Kriegsführung
der westlichen Regime gegen die eigenen Bürger
- so wie im iNazismus, welcher wieder aus
seinem blutroten Loch gekrochen kommt, seit der Abschaltung
1990.wolski über die ganze Welt
- BigTech Gestapo
- Media industrial censorship
- X - twitter
- Amazon
- fascistabook
permite propaganda
Neonazista, mas censura defendores de crianças
contra estupro psicológico deles pela ideológia tóxica
de 'generismo' - negacionismo da biologia e assim da
Todays SS - corporate media, AI, Banks
- AI - IA - KI
- Banks - the new subhumans don't
derserve a bank account
- Corporate Media
Dictatorship models
- Technocrazy
- Biomedical Security Model of Fascism - The Great
Law systems law
- Constitutions - about to be changed/abolished in
many countries, incl. Brasil
- Domestic deployment of military
- History
- Emergency law
World War III
- mental killing
Maajid Nawaz (islamo-terrorist, now allegedly anti-extremism
activist.. makes sense to you?) interview by Joe
Rogan 22/02 Mercola pdf video rbl sunfellow <-- see video
- hybrid war - primary weapon: information
- relativism - truth is relative and personally
subjective -> reality gets dictatable..
- repeated goal shifts by conspirators puppets
('governments') -> confusion, in the end no
one questions 'government' any more
- programmable CBDC's (Central Bank digital
currencies) -> they program where, when,
and for what you can spend 'your' money...
see British
Crown Gulag Canada: World Elite Fascist (WEF)
BlackfaceHitler Castreau froze bank accounts of
peaceful demonstrators and even anyone who
donated in empathy some Dollars...
- culling by chemistry
Secret Societies
- Masons -- Freimaurer -- Maçons
- Symbolism - wherever you go - whenever you
enter a Brasilian city you'll find their G'ed swastica
- Statue
of Liberty - a 1797 Lucifer? 25/01
celia - Jüri Lina "In the shadow
of Hermes"
Mass murdering own people - assassinar o próprio
povo - Massenmord am eigenen Volk
- Four Died Trying
(Documentary series 2023 by John Kirby and Libby
Debuts) - JFK MLK Malcolm
X RFK crispin
- JFK - the birth of the
term "conspiracy
theory" "The people,
Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me."
JFK 1917-1963 "Why
did you have my brother killed?"
- 0:50 fatal
head shot came from THE FRONT.. filmed by
Zapruder - watch yourself .. but the
building was in the back
Why didn't they stay on the highway? Why did the
driver not speed up after the first of 4-6 shots?
jerm 22/07
(O. Stone "The JFK Conspiracy" 1992)
Fetzer Interview jermwarfare
- 🇺🇸 24/09
mal New
book “The Assassination of President
John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis: Forensic
Analysis of the JFK Autopsy X-Rays Proves Two
Headshots from the Right Front and One from the
Author and scientist, Dr. David W. Mantik, uses
modern imaging to prove that the wound in the
president’s throat and the massive blow-out in the
back of his head involved frontal bullet wounds.
- JFK Files 2025
- Occult background
- 🇺🇸 24/08 nass
Farrell LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill
Kennedy: A Coalescence of Interests
- social engeneering - psy-op
- 🇺🇸 24/03
malone New book: Final
Analysis - 2 shots from the front and 1 one from
the rear (where was the building with the
arrested scape goat conveniently murdered next day)
- 60th anniversary 22 Nov 2023
- 🇩🇪 2023
AUF1 Das
Kennedy Attentat 47min
- 🇧🇷 24/07 Brasil
Paralelo: Os arquivos secretos de JFK
- 🇺🇸 23/11
Assassination Doctors break silence
- 🇩🇪 23/09
compact Magic
Bullet - Kennedy Leibwächter, heute 88, "es waren
mehr als 3 Schüsse" 🇺🇸 23/09
ET Magic
Bullet Kennedy bodyguard (today 88) breaks silence
- David Crosby(, Stills, Nash, & Young) said
this live on stage 1967 'died
suddenly' in January 2023..
- Tucker
22/12 † As
Professor Lance DeHaven-Smith points out in his book
on the subject, "The term conspiracy theory
did not exist as a phrase in everyday American
conversation before 1964. In 1964, the year the Warren
Commission issued its report, the New York Times
published five stories in which 'conspiracy theory'
appeared." † (CIA contract MK Ultra)
Psychiatrist Louis Jolyon West in 1964 pronounced Jack
Ruby crazy - who was described perfectly sane by all
people who knew him.
- 🇩🇪 --> Dr. Daniele Ganser: Kennedy Mord
in Dallas 1963 (Dresden 25.10.2020)
<-- 57:08
von vorne geschossen" 1:00:55
1:11:50 'verschwundener'
Zapruder Film: Kopf fliegt nach hinten !!
1:16:45 Leiche
aus Hospital entführt 1:20:00
ein Militärspital - Arzt redet 1992
1:22:55 CIA
erfindet 'Verschwörungstheorie' Neuronenaktivierung
- CIA dispatch
🇺🇸 watch Ganser with
subtitles! JFK was shot also from the front
(disappeared Zapruder film shows it) and his body
seized from hospital immediately
- 🇺🇸 22/12
Tucker CIA
MK-Ultra psychiatrist West
- 🇩🇪 23/01
milo Kam
der CIA seiner Auflösung durch die Ermordung Kennedys
zuvor? <-- 🇺🇸
Kennedy speeches, Tucker
- 🇺🇸 23/07 crispin Jim
Garrison on "The Steve Allen Show" in 1971 -
Warren report - origin of 'conspiracy theory'
- Human/Child trafficking/slaves
- Diddy (Sean Combs)
- 🇧🇷 24/10
gaz "segundo
várias testemunhas, é o principal facilitador
de uma vasta rede de tráfico humano, dedicada
a fornecer homens e mulheres (maiores ou menores
de idade) para orgias secretas frequentadas por
figuras da elite hollywoodiana."
- Epstein †2019
- RFK jr - RF Kennedy jr
- 🇺🇸 23/06 nass
/ Musk - mass shootings
related to pharmaceutical drugs - closing border
- Presidential Candidacy 2023
- 9/11 - 3 towers
grounded by 2 planes.. Kkkk - BBC reporter announces
on air that WTC7 building had been grounded - 20 minutes
too early - behind her the building is up... Kkkk
no human remains or luggage neither in Pentagon nor on
that field, all surveillance cameras around Pentagrom get
seized... Kkk can't make that up Kkkk
- allegedly new
video footage 24/07 ezra:
at 5:30 you can hear explosion, then see particles and
smoke bursting out of walls, only then the collaps
sets in - admittedly video proof is not exactly
reliable... ;-) Better is, for instance, the
testimony of the housekeeper who was then smeared
alcoholic and psycho immediately by their main stream
- 🇺🇸 23/10
Madhava Setty 9/11
- NY vs Israel lies and absurdities
- 🇺🇸 23/09
crispin Peace,
War, and 9/11 Graeme MacQueen 90min documentary
† 9/11truth
- 🇺🇸 23/09
comments on Celia's substack 9/11 2023
- James
Fetzer Interview 22/09 Jerm
- Chomsky
2013 on building WTC7
open culture
- Amazing coincidences
- 🇺🇸 23/09
X -->
B-THING 9/11/2001 X <-- ct
May 25, 2022 MouthyBuddha
- 4
austrian 'artists' get access to WTC for 'art'
project - Gelatin and E-Team (7:00
7:50!) - 12:30 91st floor.. full of
'boxes' - 13:40 demolition fuse
'Blasting Gelatin'
celia see
comments here
- Flight TWA 800 - 17 Jul 1996 Long Island
- 🇺🇸
23/12 celia RIP
Kristina Borjesson - her son on
board?? - plane sruck by a missile (hundreds eye
- USS Liberty
- 24/12 ct Candace Owens interviews
survivor 3M views in 2 days "when
your own government betrays you"
- film material from
day when ZioNazis slaughtered his mates - US Regime
covers murder up
- North Stream 2 pipeline - Nord Stream 2
Strange deaths
Mass shootings
- 2017 Las Vegas Country Festival Route 91 video
2h 23/07 nemo
Conspiracy theories (cause and effect)
-- Teorias de conspiração (de causa e efeito)
- Verschwörungstheorien (Grund und Ursache)
'theory' 1:22:55 Ganser
term invented 1967 to cover up the coup d'etat
conspiracy of JFK assassination † CIA
dispatch 1967 pdf - 1:32:50
A alternativa é o acidentalismo - tudo acontece aleatório.
The alternative is accidentalism - things happen randomly.
Which one is scientific? An approach by ratio or by not
thinking, you decide.
Stand your
ground - Defenda seus direitos (humanos)
- Verteidige deine (Menschen)Rechte 
Vaxx Rape Employers
-- Empregadores Estupro Vaxx
Literature - Literatura - Literatur
Totalitarismo é uma ideologia que chega sem as massas percebem.
Totalitarismo resta 100% na colaboração das massas.
Exemplo: Quantas pessoas a besta Hitler matou com
mãos próprios? Olha só.
Corporate aSocialism = Global(fasc)ism - Socialismo
Corporatista = Global(fasc)ismo
- Korporativer Sozialismus =
🇺🇸 -->
Socialism <-- 21/11 46:30 Role of 'wokeness' (guilt of
privileges) -
🇺🇸 -->
History of fascism <-- from 1884 to WEF
H.G. Wells (1928) "The open Conspiracy - Blueprint
for a World Revolution" t.me Icke
🇺🇸 -->
World Elite Fascist list: Global Führers for
(democracy actor lists)
<-- 🇧🇷 listas
de atores do teatro democracia
🇩🇪 Aya Waldgang
- 🇺🇸 22/07
Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the deep State
propaganda in focus -
Covid-19 response and the birth of the Third Reich - shocking
Hitler quotes - “I used to think it tasteless to
compare our system to Nazi Germany. I no longer think
so” crispin - National Socialism, and
Roosevelt’s New Deal were all forms of corporate
socialism - Mussolini "corporate state" - Club of Rome proposed a new
common enemy against we can unite
- humanity itself - green
agenda (deriving from Nazi ecologism) -
"transforming event like Pearl Harbour" (1998) - IG Farben
- synthetic gasoline for Wehrmacht - failure to
denazify - BIS - EUdSSR: Hallstein, Heusinger, Kiesinger,
Waldheim - operation PAPERCLIP 1600 Nazi scientists - unit
731 - 1947 NSA NSC security state - dual/deep state,
internationalization, Gladio, "strategy of tension",
project BLUE BIRD / ARTICHOKE / MK ULTRA - post-war
US/USSR partnership - Cold War (G. Orwell 1945) -
Ford 1930s (first USSR automobile plant, Vietcong trucks)
- intelligence crime (9/11, list in Lint 2021) -
biowarfare - torture techniques - cocaine trade - false
flag terrorism (USS Maine, Lusitania 2008 dive: tons of
munitions.., Gulf of Tonkin, 21st century: global strategy
of tension, Charlie Hebdo - Nazi descendants in power
positions TODAY (Klaus Schwab WEF, Günther Quandt; 40M to
Charité; Drosten, Flick, von Fink, Porsche-Piech, Oetker,
Asov batallion) - Covid-19 (shock doctrine MK Ultra
psychological torture FAR MORE effective than physical,
'self-inflicted pain', mask torture)
While most citizens,
including nearly all academics,
remain oblivious of the “deep state” and the full
extent of its operations,
contemporary social reality is fundamentally
determined by “deep state” operations.
- 🇺🇸 25/03 mal History,
not corporate media, defines
fascism - definition
of fascism, examples: EUdSSR and NS-CDUSEDSPD
- 1937 Prentice-Hall book, establishment
praising fascism
From a political science standpoint, “Fascism” is a
political system representing the integration of socialism
with corporatism and the administrative state.
In his 1923 pamphlet “The Doctrine of Fascism,”
Benito Mussolini wrote “If classical liberalism
spells individualism, Fascism spells government.”
In a 1937 academic publication titled “Economic policy,
Industrial policy, Economics”, Mussolini
offered this concise statement:
“Fascism is more
appropriately called corporatism, for it is the perfect
merger of State and corporate power.”
- 1937
“The Vampire Economy” (1939) by Günter
Reimann, a financier in Germany who chronicled the
dramatic changes to industrial structures under the
In a few short years, from 1933 to 1939, a
nation of enterprise and small shopkeepers was
converted to a corporate-dominated machine that
gutted the middle class and cartelized industry in
preparation for war.
“As We Go Marching.” (1944) by John T. Flynn.
Italian-style fascism is well described in
this 1944 classic Flynn was a widely respected
journalist, historian, and scholar in the 1930s.
Todays 'Left' - a bio-fascist lynch mob
Corporate Fascism = Global(fasc)ism
cf. Mussolini
- 🇬🇧 23/08 expo
- Surveillance Capitalism
- Commodification
- 🇺🇸 24/07
mal Commodification
-> turns nature, animals, people into objects
for sale - Marx: commodity fetishism
- commodification vs commoditization
Global(fasc)ism - your
new normal? --- Global(fasc)ismo - o novo normal seu?
🇺🇸 The
war on reality 21/06 revisited
23/05 CJ Hopkins Covidian Cult
from "New Normal" Germany! The
"New Normal" segregationists -
🇩🇪 Der
Krieg gegen die Realität
Zeit für den Aufstieg aus dem Abgrund
der Angst 22/12 milo
The New Normal Reich - 60 days jail or 3600 EUdSSR
defense fund Anthony
No one can say he did not know:
road to Totalitarianism deutsch - is widely open now revisited 22/11
• Germany: double standards • France, UK,
Italy, Greece: vaccine apartheid • Australia:
military against own citizens
Take your
choice, be a New Normal fascist or a freedom
defender, .. and then live with your choice!
"Those of us who are fighting to preserve our
rights, and some basic semblance of democracy, are
outnumbered, but we haven’t had our final say yet … and
there are millions of us, and we are wide awake."
You can mock me,
Try to outsmart me,
You can shame me,
And try to blame me,
You can do your best to shut me
But I will not be leaving
<-- Musik -->
Nordmänner erwachen - 21/08
Danheim 20/03 - Skapanir
Execution: NY
Times and
McCarthy-ize 12 apostels of truth (as delivered by the
of digital Hate) - Mercola and 11 others.
Lawyer letter points
out NY Times lies.
The level of threat is
reflected in
deciding to delete 15'000 articles substack
backup - worth 25 years of work. GET
truth about COVID-19" SUBSCRIBE his
Sete pontos da instauração
de uma ditadura Orwelliana:
- destruir a liberdade
à censura dos global(fasc)istas no Brasil
- depauperar a língua
- abolir a verdade
- apagar a história
- negar a natureza
- incitar o odéio
- aspirar o império
vendo uns destes pontos? Abre mais os olhos caso não
está vendo todos. No Brasil uns ainda estão em ação.
Para ver resultado final escolhe qualquer um país do
chamado 'primeiro mundo'.
Gosta de Marxismo e socialismo? Olha que o John Voight,
pai da Angelina Jolie, fala sobre as experiências
na vida dele, particularmente em Hollywood.
Ca fala de "eleicões
roubadas" e la de "esquerdistas
querendo destruir os EUA".
• Great
Reset - 3 major events running 21/09
11min corporations take
over, housing, conditionless income, smart city
enslavement camps •
rent moratorium
O que fazer? Fala a sua opinião sempre num jeito
tranquilo e nunca deixa intimidar.
• 🇧🇷 Marcha
da família Cristã para a liberdade
aprova lei que pune BigTechs por censura TNac 21/06
🇩🇪 Es gibt keine Freiheit
durch Regierungen, nur gegen Regierungen
🇺🇸 There is
no freedom through governments, only against
Totalitarianism - Totalitarismo
- Totalitarismus
Characterization - Caracterização
- Charakterisierung
- What is it?
- 🇩🇪 24/03
apo Feistel Das totalitäre
† Teil
1 - Grundmerkmale - Stillstand
nicht möglich - immer globalistisch - Organisation
der Masse
† Teil
- Mediocres in leading positions -
Promovam mediocres - Mittelmass
sticht im Totalitarismus siehe
technicas: - cotas em vez de merito -
techniques: - toxic equity instead of
democratic equality -22min30
- Erasing the past
- Rewriting books
- Roald
Dahl 23/02 expo
- CJ
Hopkins "The war on insensivity" -
global-capitalist ideology - GloboCap cleans
societies of their outmoded values,
absorbing them into the global market … implementing
ideological conformity.
- Here we are, a few hundred years later, and
“democracy” (i.e., capitalism) is running out of
“despotic” values to eradicate and “liberate” us
- Double measures - Duas medidas
- Zweierlei Mass
- Crime - Crime -
Victims get no help, criminals no penalization as
soon as they are non-majority (majority is to be
destroyed for Nation and root murder).
Murderers go to psychiatry instead of jail or
execution (african knife-sloughtered 3
german women in daylight pedestrian zone, one 80
years old, the other protecting her daughter
sacrificing her own body and life).
Goals: Subversion of society and order.
Destruction of different traditions, languages,
habbits. Create uniformized creature.
Super Powers
Global(fasc)ist Wars und Coups
- Syria 2024 Nov - Western
democratures celebrate HEAD CHOPPERS taking over
multi-ethnic Syria (same head choppers
sloughtered Syrian christians 2011-2015 by the
thousands (before 2011: 2 million Christians, today:
Global(fasc)ist organizations and leaders
- EPR (extended producer responsibility)
- UN
- Kill Hates us
Fascism - Fascismo - Faschismus
- What is fascism?
see also --> here <--
- 21st century fascism
- Mussolini

🇧🇷 A
jovem comunista Benito Mussolini percebeu que não vai
dar certo abusar os trabalhadores como veículo para
escravidar sociedade, mudou uns pontos e instalou o
primeiro fascismo na prática (conforme meu
conhecimento, admitido fraco - por isso
commentários/correções bem vindos!).
Mussolini definiu fascismo =
casamento entre corporativismo e política
Não é isso que temos hoje? Os multinacionais determinam
as regras em qualquer respeito: censura, não pagam
impostos (matriz em países de baixissimo imposto e/ou
estão doando o capital sem imposto a 'fundações' para o
'bem da sociedade' - na verdade: estas fundações
direcionam a sociedade na direção dos 'doadores' assim
fazendo política assim sendo fascistas no sentido de
- 🇧🇷
características do fascismo BP
22/11 Mussolini - marxista
desde a juventude Hahhahahahaaa!
Idiotas nas escolas e monoversidades públicas!!
- 🇺🇸 History
of Justice: Mussolini 22/04
Trozzi -
Crime minister Trudeau
- 🇺🇸 History
of Mussolini on Chandra Vikash 22/04
- foto do fim da supremacista!
- don't miss: The
Faustian Culture of Euro-Western Universalism is
now in its death throes in 3rd decade of 21st
- "this
bigotry and hatred towards fellow humans
and the morbid desire to control those who
survived continues even today in nations like Brazil
Canada France New Zealand South Africa and India
but cleverly disguised as Pandemic
- Mussolini Italy killed
hundreds of thousand of Ethiopian citizens!!
Never heard that before!!? Does media consider
Ethiopians less worthy humans? Or how come the
silence? <-
Clicar foto para ver
fim de
todos os ditadorias.
Gostaram queridos líderes e servidores de
instituições que coagiram
humanos inocentes confiando em vocês ao experimento
genético lethal
- ainda os filhinos? Assassinos
Espero que gostam porque vai ser seu fim similar
- ou na praza pelos pais ou no inferno pelo Deus
Inter/National Socialism (i/Nazism) -
Socialismo inter/nacional (i/Nazismo) -
Inter/National Sozialismus (i/Nazismus)

- iNazismo
Street funded Boshevik revolution barbarism 23/03
Celia - Jay Dyer "Fed
banking system is father of communism" - Trotsky
(luxury life in NY, mason, illuminist)
- Stalin

- Mao Tsetung
- Nicolae Ceausescu ditador de Romania
durante 24 anos - executado junto com esposa
- Trozzi
22/03 <- ouça Elena gritando
como animal no momento de perder liberdade.. o
que eles tomaram do povo - a liberdade.
Assiste coagidores CoroNazistas - memoriza
gritos dela, vão ser os seus.
- Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, e†c
- iNazi Germany - DDR - German 'Democratic'
- iNazi holocausts
- iNazi ideology - iNazi Ideologie
- National Socialism - Nacional
Sozialismo - National Sozialismus
- Hitler's origin and rise
- Books
- Guido Giacomo (2005) Conjuring
Hitler: how Britain and America made the
Third Reich arxive
- Antony C Sutton (1976) Wall
Street and the rise of Hitler arxive
- National Socialism supporters
- Hitler war Sozialist
- Fascism
vs National
The system tries to identitize them. But already
Fritz Bauer described the drastic differences in his
essay "Die Wurzeln nationalsozialistischen
- brown 'cance' culture' - - braune 'cancel
- book burning 10 May 1933 - -
Bücherverbrennung 10. Mai 1933
- Nazi holocausts
- judeus, comunistas (iNazistas), homosexuais,
tsyganos, cristãos
- 1939 onward 'action
T4': handycapped - they called them
useless eaters (check how the white guy
Yuhal Harari calls people today)
class" 23/12 expo
Crimes against humanity
- Genocide
- Ottoman: Armenians
- Soviet: Ukranians - Holodomor and
- National Socialism: Jewish citizens
- US/UK: German Civilians - Terror Bombings
- Dresden 13 Feb 1945 ~
200'000 civilians in
48hs 🇩🇪 Ploppa
25/02 apolut -
krasse Schilderungen
- ~ 180 Städte bombardiert in den letzten
- Czech/Poland/Russia: Ethnic cleansings of
millions - Doku "Töten auf Tschechisch"
search youtube
- Inventors of
- Concentration Camps † British Empire:
they starved to death some 20'000 children, women,
elderly when they assaulted Bure territory after the
discovery of gold there
- Great Statesmen
- Winston
Churchill Tour of Noblesse 1897-1952
Interesting, never thought such
thing! Now I understand much better.
Fascientism - Fascientismo -
- 🇺🇸 24/01 brucha
The Rise of a Deadly New Religion and its
Crusade to Eliminate Non-Believers.
Part I
'The Science' - 'A Ciência' -
'Die Wissenschaft'
- Censorship
- Incontestable Truths
- 🇺🇸 24/07
Kory Scientific
"Consensus" looses a legal battle
Dr. Hoffe vs BC College of Physicians and
Surgeons <-- has to prove its
"incontestable truths"
- judicial notice (prohibits to
present contrary evidence in your
defense..) Upshot:
"A government agency cannot make the rules,
interpret them, and claim they hold the truth
on an evolving scientific or medical issue."
Unscientific lies
Global(fasc)ist medicine - Medicina
global(fasc)ista - Global(fasch)istische
- Infiltration of Journals
- MediNazi repression and execution techniques
Monoversities - Monoversdidades
- Monoversitäten
Rockefeller's materialistic medicine --
Medicina materialistica de
Flexner report 1906-1910 funded by Rockefeller
- Approval - Aprovação -
Rockefeller's destruction of sexuality -->
Vaxxecutions generate clients - vaxxecuções
geram clientes - Impfterror erzeugt ewige
More on this 'bussiness' model here. Mais
sobre este modelo de 'negocio' ca. Mehr über dieses
'Geschäftsmodell' hier.
- Autism - Autismo - Autismus
- 🇧🇷
🇪🇸 Dra
Alejandra Chiappano FoCons
22/04 EUA hoje: 1 em 44
crianças.. antes 1 em
10'000 Argentina hoje: 1
em 37.. presidente: "é honra
Argentina ser selecionado para testar vaccinas"
Kkk! que burrice! honra? ser cobaia? 🤣
- 🇺🇸 CDC Fascientist admits
data linking vaxx to autism in 2004 study 22/05
nemo - thereby, in
consequence, killing blacks. CDC acts RACIST!
- Amish people: Why
would they be 'immune' to autism? Is it that they
don't vaxxecute their kids with toxic Aluminium
- Polio
- Zika
Depopulation - Depopulação -
* Earth population over last 300 years -
CdkW 22/10
† Number nuclear warheads starting 1945 with 2 -
CdkW 22/10
of use of United States armed forces abroad, 1798-2022
2022 pdf congressional research service
Factors in remarkable alignment with an overall agenda to
reduce the number of humans:
- antinatalist policies - ESG - Net
--> likely collapse
industrial society
- Hormone-disrupting contraception - murder of
the unborn - promotion of childless sexual
--> beneficial to an
agenda of depopulation
- “puberty blockers” to
--> leave them permanently
It is an agenda with a proven blueprint – itself
followed by the creation of the very agencies it suggested
as necessary for the execution of the plan. -
Malone "Is
there a depopulation agenda?"
- Announcement
- History
- 'Planned Parenthood' = Killing Industry
- Biochemical weapons (vaxx et al)
- 🇺🇸
23/07 Population
control malone
- migration (is not a human right as Agenda
2030 asserts)
Under globalism, the
heterogeneous cultures through out the world are
being weaponized as a way to destroy diversity;
a path towards enabling a single, globalized
government controlled by the UN and the
WEF. malone
- 🇺🇸 23/05 baili
of 93 biochemical weapons - reject,
not inject, them!
- Gene treatment - mRNA
- 🇺🇸
23/10 malone 2023
Nobel Price for mRNA
- 🇺🇸
23/07 nass Talk by
Malone "Is
there a depopulation agenda?" <-- -
Kissinger report 1974 (NSSM 200) "novel
fertility control technology" (mRNA?) -
biowarfare programs - operation paperclip: Nazi
scientists - DARPA=CIA - moderNA CIA front - WEF
created by CIA - puberty blockers (infertil)
- Poisening - Envenenar
- Vergiftung
of poisons since 1945 toby
22/10 1.
Poisening fluor, prozessed food, vaxx, atrazin,
aluminium, ... 2. Great Regress † mercury kills
emotions † kill logic&reason †
infant/kid/icide 3. Great Detox
- Fluoride
- destroys
- first used in Nazi and
iNazi concentration camps to chemically
lobotize inmates
- there is natural fluor and there is industry
waste, guess which one global(fasc)ists
force your children to drink, no choice: mandatory
showers for all this time, except the controllers
themselves and
their bestialic hengmen; shower
- when I investigated around 2021 where in
Brasil I can buy water, not fluor-poisened slave
drink, the only company I found is in... Brasilia
- so 'politicians' don't have their children
to drink the poison they give to our
children. Every animal defends his offspring. How
about you?
- If fluoride prevents caries, why can't my
children, or me, simply brush teeth to avoid
caries? WE ARE NOT SLAVES. At least not me,
getting my water from natural wells around here.
- Deagle List of mass murder
- Stupidifying
Consumer not human - consumador em vez de
humano - Konsument statt Mensch
- Being played by industry
- BigPharma
- Prozac
Nation (1994) 22/10
Toby Author Ms.
Wurtzel killing herself over decades - Prozac is
a fluoride compound
parasitism and subversion program
🇩🇪 Der Wokeismus tritt
immer mit seinen eigenen absoluten Wahrheiten auf, die
nicht in Frage gestellt werden dürfen.
Der Verzicht auf das Denken ist Voraussetzung
für die Akzeptanz des Dogmas.
So entsteht ein multipolarer gesellschaftlicher
Spaltpilz, der von Innen heraus alles zerstört,
was nach Stabilität, Identität, Bindung, Unabhängigkeit
oder Prosperität aussieht.
Der Wokeismus ist ein Parasitismus, ein
und damit eine Form der hybriden Kriegsführung, die den
Westen in eine lähmende Schockstarre versetzt hat.
Stalinism for Acadescum -
Bolschewokismo Stalinismo para acaperversos
- Bolschewokismus Stalinismus für
- Language rape
- 🇩🇪 25/03 apo
Gendersprache - die
Sakralsprache des Wokeismus -
erstes Sprachgeschlecht - Eskimo,
Indianer - Entwicklung der
- Woke totalitarianism Vernon
Coleman on suicidal Woke
- Manipulation techniques used
- 🇩🇪 24/07
kontra --> "Die
postmodernen Wurzeln des SBG" <-- Robert
Meyer (Kontrafunk) Extrem gute Darstellung
der perfiden Manipulationstechniken
5:00 Sozialkonstruktivismus (Geschlecht
ist soziales Konstrukt, neuerdings behaupten
die Kult-Fanatiker sogar Rasse sei ein
soziales Konstrukt)
9:00 Ueberkreuzbegriffe (troj. Pferd)
- Schwammigkeit als Waffe
10:30 „Eine Frau ist wer sich als frau
definiert.“ - daraus folgende irre
Konsequenzen.. Recht auf
12:40 Pathologisierung des Normalen -
Diktat der Ausnahme.
Schutzgedanke entwertet..
15:00 frz. Arzt verklagt…
16:15 keine konkrete Definition von Begriffen
17:20 seine sieben Thesen
1. SBG (Orwellsprech:
Selbstbestimmungsgesetz - in Wahrheit
Selbstzerstörungsbefehl) Notstandsgesetz
2. Gefahr fuer Demokratie
4. SBG -> wachsende
Gefahr fuer tatsächliche vulnerable Gruppen
5. Familienspaltung
6. Statistiken werden
21:40 "Kein Vormarsch ist so schwer wie
´zurueck zur Vernunftˋ" Brecht
Danach kommt ein Vortrag von Lausen über den
- Woke
- Lindsay
- 🇬🇧
23/11 expo How
the BolsheWoke agenda prepared the ground for the
public to accept dystopian China Virus
- 🇺🇸 23/05 malone
a culture war against Europe" Dr. James
Lindsay on Woke is Marxism
(EUdSSR parliament theater)
- def. of equity
"administered political economy s.t. shares of
citizens become equal" - feminism - CRT -
intersectionality - white 'privilege' racism
- The Terminator
War on Christians
- Syria: Massacres on Alawites and Christians
- Olympic shames - blasphemy and perversion Ok as
long as it is against Christians
Remember Mohamed caricatures in Paris?
artigo 50: “não é
permitida, em qualquer instalação
olímpica, qualquer forma de
manifestação ou de propaganda política, religiosa
ou social” <-- isso
aplica também na abertura (na democracia)
23/09 Email
Blazing Reader, American novelist Andrew Klaven wrote
a young adult novel that featured a Christian as the
The UK publisher asked him to cut out passages
which mentioned the Bible. Klaven refused and
the largest bookstore chain in England refused to
carry the book.
"Everything costs something, and there's no shame in
counting the cost," Klaven says. "But there is a shame
in selling something priceless, because you're
afraid.... It's a shame to lose your ability to speak
the truth because you're afraid you're going to take a
You can hear Klaven's entire talk, Can We Keep
Silent in a World Gone Mad?, on YouTube. —John C. A. Manley
Canada "Ride
forever" - tribute to his late wife. RIP
War on whites 
Remember that we are a small minority on this planet.. But a
minority that does not count at all in any positive sense in
evil global(fasc)ist media.
To depopulate and enslave the world I would start with those
best trained and educated as these are more likely to look
through. This is what I would have thought until the Covid
mass murder program. I was wrong. Only 6% of Africans took
the death shots.. Wealth degenerates - see the Roman Empire.
Anyway, global(fasc)ist Führers still seem to think as I
did. Could be the key to their failure. We'll see, well the
pure bloods will see, the others may have heart failures by
climate change or by having had flu in young years or by
SADS.. can't make that up, hey? Kkkk
Your time is up racist Kalergi! -
Europeans and their descendents are waking up
Communist/global(fasc)ist Academia
Racist South Africa -
ANC African Nazi
- 🇺🇸 25/03 mal
in South Africas Racist mass murder regime - Part 1
Killing Fields
was an elderly man and he was in his
late 80s and he was tortured for almost
9 hours in his house.
When we arrived
at the scene, his nail marks were stuck
in the carpets throughout the house.
And that day
changed my entire way of thinking about
farm attacks.“
The Valley of White
- one for each SLOUGHTERED
FARMER, many in front of family, waiting to be next.
I read about this already around 2017. It was hard to
believe, but I felt it was true already back then.
“In his brutal honesty,
Ramaphosa told me of the ANC’s 25-year strategy to
deal with the whites:
it would be like boiling a frog alive, which is
done by raising the temperature very slowly.
He meant that the black majority would pass laws
transferring wealth, land, and economic power from
white to black slowly and incrementally,
until the whites lost all they had gained in South
but without taking too much from them at any given
time to cause them to rebel or fight.” -
Dr Mario Oriani-Ambrosini
- Part
2 Racist calls in stadium filled
with 100'000 racism supporters "Kill the
Boer!" “For every one black person
we will kiII five white people. We’ll kiII the
children, we’ll kiII their women” - notice that this
beast is not black
- 🇬🇧 25/02 expo Stealing
the land of white citizens
Bestialic murdering / sloughtering particularly white women
and children
- 23/11 Ireland: Bestialic
children and women stabbing 🇺🇸
🇧🇷 Brasileiro
de moto para e salva as crianças da faca da besta
23/11 pleno
- White bestialic beaten to death in Italy in broad
daylight death
video vim 22/07 Why
would this support war on whites? Because you don't
know from the media - he was white, stupid!
- White bestialic beaten to death in Illinois in broad
daylight people watching the minute long death
'process' death
video t.me 22/10 Why
would this support war on whites? Because you don't
know from the media - he was white, stupid!
- 🇧🇷 Minneapolis
cria programa para que professores brancos sejam
demitidos primeiro GdP 22-08
Discrimination and racism -
- Rassismus
Erbsünde Ersatz
The organized hunt
- Cultural
Marxism 21/06 thuletide
Frankfurt 1937 Critical Theory, Postmodernism
70s “Everything is a social construct,
universal truth does not exist, facts are
unimportant, ideas are true only if they benefit
the oppressed, categorization causes
marginalization (and thus oppression).”,
Dialiectic Materialism, Marx, infiltratiom of academia
- The
intentional destruction of white birthrates
21/06 thuletide LGBT, population control,
"encourage women to work and seek higher education",
"encourage homosexuality", list of key points
- Lacunary History - the elites version
of lying
- Slavery
- Short
history of slavery 22/08
PragerU Candace Owens
- Guilt and hate mongering against
Whites - the only black slaves lie

Fascism - Fascismo Tecnocrático -
Technokratie Faschismus
- Biosecurity State
- Tracking of un'vaccinated' - Hitler's underarm
tatoo order
- Censorship now called "Fake News" or
"state endangering information" or like in the USSR
"desinformation" or "misinformation"

- Concentration Camps 2.0
Isolation Camps
- Pharma Fascism
- People as Lab rats
- 🇺🇸 23/10
toby The
Birth modern of Pharma Fascism & history
data set Bandim HP -
NY concentration camp 'law' - California SB276:
write >5 medical vexxecution exemptions to
loose you licence, SB277: no rel./phil. exemptions
- Richard Pan the new Eichmann: he wants the
unvaxxed be removed from public just as back then
just with another group
- Technocracy
- Toxic words - termos tóxicos - Toxische Begriffe
- human resources
- recursos humanos
- auf deutsch hält man sich zurück, oder?
- sustainable -
sustentável - nachhaltig
- History - Historia - Geschichte
Social credit nazism -- Nazismo crédito
social -- Sozialkonto Nazismus
TN Na Alemanha (Södolf) e Itália
já começam com as regras dos campos de concentração
The digital pharmaceutical complex 
- Conflict of interest - corrupting
science and making universities monoversities -
stealing public money via the public-private partnership
democracy deconstruct
- The network cancer
- Comedy

Passaporte CoroNazista
comida garantida -- liberdade
Venezuela 2020: 3000% inflação..
nem a comida garantida no ladrãoismo ;-)
Faça a sua escolha!
- Dehumanizing
- Fomentando odéio e medo sem
comprovante (metóde na Alemanha
dos meus avôs, em qualquer totalitarismo, fundamento
de genocidio)
- Luiz
Carlos Diaz (Prof. da Quimica) chama pessoas
que não querem ser cobaias "criminosos" e
torce "campanha de vacinação em massa". Assim

Tudo Alemão está com arrepios ouvindo isso.
16 Nov 2021: commentado
- "mentira assassina"
- "Essas pessoas são
doentes, gente, não é possível isso.
Nenhuma vacina no mundo contém grafeno na
• falando
assim sobre pessoas é de-humanizar -
perigoso isso, ainda em site professional de uma
• E o
grau de verdade? Nenhuma contém grafeno? E isso?
- "teorias delirantes" "médicos charlatães
" que supremacismo!
- "eles querem causar medo e assustar as
pessoas" sem respeito nenhum aos
mortos e feridos em torno minha família e
conhecidos !!
- "vacinas para nossas crianças de 5-11 anos"
este diábo quer colocar em risco as crianças!! que
tem risco ZERO de Covid como todo imbécil ainda sabe
pelo enquanto.
- "há uma pandemia se espalhando entre os não
vacinados, onde se concentram os casos mais graves
e óbitos." esse mentiroso! olha Israel!
hospitais cheio de 'tratados genéticos' - pessoas
MORREM (no hospital) de Covid depois tomar 2 doses -
isso é grave! Não é leve. As Nazistas usaram
esta strategia contra os júdeus - culpar e falar mal
para preparar genocidio. Feio só.
desta propagandista. Lattes
dele - procure Pfizer - defendendo/explicando
'vaccina' de Pfizer. Porque só Pfizer?
Mais propaganda absurda
Repression and censorship / return of fascism
- Repressão e censura / o fascismo voltou
- Repression und Zensur
Aldous Huxley
by Mike Wallace: 1958 (full)
“There will be, in the next
generation or so, a pharmacological method of making
people love their servitude,
and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak,
producing a kind of painless concentration camp for
entire societies,
so that people will in fact have their liberties taken
away from them, but will rather enjoy it,
because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel
by propaganda or brainwashing,
or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And
this seems to be the final revolution.” —
Aldous Huxley, 1962
Full speech, audio (here).
Transcript (here).
- não dar resposta -->
humiliação e deixar sem defesa
- Lei e regras não aplicam para todos igualmente
- Gatherings
of people - "todo que incita qualquer
- gerar clima de medo e intimidação
- deixar regras difuso - não especifica
- usar termos de difamação, humiliação -
termos escrupulosamente desenhados
- negacionismo da ciência (imbecilidade
usar esse termo honoris causa - é
essência da ciência ter outra opinião).
Qualquer progresso é baseado na competição de
propostas diferentes. Onde não tem: Venezuela,
USSR, campo Cuba..
- suposição (sem comprovante)
- ser negacionista da ciência
- ser membro de movimento anti-vacina
of Employees - Extorão de Empregados
constrangido - Erpressung Angestellter
- Coercion and Threat
- Executions
People exit neo-fascist regimes - Pessoas
saindo dos regimes neo-fascistas - Leute
kündigen dem Neo-Faschismus
🇩🇪 Karateverein
EW 21/09 toller
Text vom Wanderer
Who are the global(fasc)ists -- Quem são as
global(fasc)istas? -- Wer sind die
WEF - World Elite Fascists
- Who installed USSR and Nazis?
• Young global leaders - dictators of today
• Global shapers - young traitors of their people
22/04 Dr. Malone "
need to OUT these people - they are EVERYWHERE"
22/04 pundit 1st video: "It
is time to fight" "we come out with a book listing
the global)fascists"
22/04 Dr.
Malone -
of many global(fasc)ists!! DISTRIBUTE!
comment by 'Robert Koch' !! <--
22/08 🇺🇸 We
need to talk about Mr. Global I Oval
Media part
III Conversation: CJ Hopkins
and Catherine Austine Fitts
🇩🇪 Teil
Fascientists: Global(fasc)ist hangmen -
Henker des Global(fasch)ismus
- GPPP - G3P - Global
Public Private Partnership - means Globofasch
gets his hands on PUBLIC - OUR TAX -
Money.. they order, public pays. it is
as simple as that.
- 🇺🇸 24/06
--> Modern
techno-totalitarianism: an
interwoven corporatist web that unilaterally
controls and implements globalized policies, is
answerable to no one, and recognizes no law other
than its own interests and privilege.
At the center of this web lies global
public-private partnerships, or G3P.
- Westphalian
system of sovereign nation states - door
opener: 'Public Health' - IPCC -
- 🇬🇧 24/03 expo Example: Carlyle
Group 2009 docu - private equity
- 🇬🇧 24/03 expo
Global Public Private Partnership: scam
to rob the poorest to give to the richest
- ESG - totalitarianism
Tools / Strategy -- Ferramentas /
Estrategia -- Werkzeuge / Strategie
- Psycho-pathologization -
- Psychopathologisierung
Big in the last century in the iNazi terror regimes
on citizens which couldn't be killed due to they being
internationally known, like scientists, artists,
- Declare dissidents crazy
- Covid terror
- Destruction - order through chaos
- Mao
Kill Dongs unCultural Revolution Barbarism 23/04
toby - cultural revolution - the
freat leap (to mass death) - strategies - docu
filmmaker Adam Curtis
- Free criminals - destroy society
- psycho-trick: declare murderers
mentally ill and free them (Germany:
migrant murderers are freed this way)
- 🇧🇷
23/06 BSM
ct Governo de Paraná assinou
um protocolo de intenções do CNJ
(Conselho Nacional de Justiça), o soviete
não-eleito presidido pela ministra Rosa
para acabar com a internação
compulsória de pacientes
psiquiátricos que cometeram crimes
graves. Rev.
Oeste - assassinado: Karolyn
e Leon BP 23/06
violência em escolas
uma citação de J.R.R.
Tolkien, encontrada no perfil do próprio
Luan Augusto:
existe triunfo sem perda,
não há vitória sem sofrimento,
não há liberdade sem sacrifício."
J.R.R. Tolkien (encontrado no perfil
do próprio Luan)
- Disinformation
This is a tool of the state, or those who control
the modern state tyrants, this is not a tool of
individuals. It was/is a tool for repression in the
iNazi physical and psycho terror states of the 20th
century. Nowadays it is a tool of the western democracy
simulations which are led by the same who alimented the
USSR last century.
- CoroNazi terror years 2020-2023
- Reeducation/Manipulation -
Umerziehung als Hilfe getarnt
- books
- Gottfried The manipulative state
Der manipulative Staat
- Surveillance - Stazi 2.0 - Stasi 2.0
- 🇺🇸 24/08
malone SSSS
- double SS Stazi in the USSA -
innocence conjecture gone under US terror deep
state regime - Tulsi Gabbard
- 🇺🇸 24/08
malone The
Stazi - Old school masters of Psy-War
- Zersetzung - Mielke (1957-89) -
Utah Data Center NSA, completed May 2014
for US$ 1.5 billion..
- Political Prisoners - Stazi Zersetzung
- Corrupt and infiltrate
- Blackmailing - Extorsão -
- Epstein - best overview: Whitney
Webb on jerm 22/09
Epstein was an American sex offender and
financier. Epstein, who was born and raised in
Brooklyn, New York City, began his professional
life by teaching at the Dalton School in
Manhattan, despite lacking a college degree. After
his dismissal from the school, he entered the
banking and finance sector, working at Bear
Stearns in various roles; he eventually started
his own firm. Epstein developed an elite social
circle and procured many women and children; he
and some of his associates then sexually abused
If I remember properly, Epstein got away from his
first arrest many years ago by 'cooperating', during
the second arrest, around mid 2019 I believe, he was
found dead in his cell in police custody. By
coincidence the camera in his cell didn't work that
night and, another coincidence, both guards fell
asleep together that night although by law one must
be awake.
His partner Ghislaine Maxwell (yes, the same Maxwell
whose father bought Springer science after WW II -
see Amazing Polly on bitchute), if I remember
properly was trialled in 2022 and received some 20
years (in luxury prison conditions) for the most
heinous crimes against vulnerable young humans. Media
didn't tell you? Look at that.
- Western infiltration of the ex-soviet
† search 'Bezmenov' on this site for the infiltration
strategy over 2 generations (ex-KGB who changes
sides in the 1980s)
🇩🇪 deutsch
† Did communism really collaps in 1990? Or was it
switched off? In order to silently take over the West?
Seven year german sectret service director Maassen sayd,
around 2020 if I remember properly, that in
the year before the monday demonstrations in 1989 (which
strangely enough were allowed to grow from some dozen
people to hundreds of thousands) a large
number of Western German flags (a crime for
regular citizens) were imported to the
communist part of Germany -- and exaclty such flags were
used in the monday demonstrations . To understand who
controlled (and installed) the Soviet
Union you may want to read this
small booklet from 1971.
- 🇬🇧 23/06
Iurie Mosca t.me
Fall from Liberalism to Global Technocracy
<-- slavsquat
infiltration expo
- liberalism no longer needed - plutocracy -
technocracy - transhumanism - China is a trojan
horse (Kissinger 1971, deindustrialization)
- Is China a trojan horse?
I am wondering since some time why the US 'elites'
would have given all technology to China, when it
was nothing than a communist dirtwhole, and now be
surprised being overtaken by thei pupil. Any idiot
could foresee that. So there must be another goal
which I just couldn't figure out. Glad to see the first
article which looks into that direction.
- General
- 🇬🇧 24/08 expo
Theory of Generational Cycles -
the "Fourth Turning" (Strauss, Howe)
1. High 40s-50s (Prophets - Boomers)
2. Awakening 60s-70s (Nomads - Gen X) 3. Unraveling
80s-00s (Heroes - Millenials) 4. Crisis
2008-?? (Artists Gen Z)
- Great Britain
- Organizations
- Fabian Society
- 23/06 George
Bernard Shaw, the Fabian society and a
'Brave New World' - the
future of iNazism since 1884 - eugenicists
- Tony Blair, Sadig Khan (chair 2008-10) -
Huxley's letter to Orwell
- 1930s Huzley sent to the US to prepare
for drugs (LSD etc) -
Shaw: Fabian socialist and Hitlerian
Advocate of mass murder
"… the
ungovernables, the ferocious, the
conscienceless, the idiots, the
self-centred myops and morons, what of
Do not punish them. Kill, kill, kill,
kill, kill them." -
Socialist Shaw 1948
- 🇬🇧 23/06
expo The
Fabian Society's influence is global
of Global(fasc)ists - Destino dos
Global(fasc)istas - Ziel der
Seizure of property - Despropriação -
By 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy
- Adolf Schwab
- 🇩🇪 Deutschland
- 'Entschädigungen' - Nebenwirkungen
- SAG Sanierungs- und Abwicklungsgesetz
(Enteigungsgesetz Bankguthaben seit
Januar 2015) - ISF
Institut 19/12
"Von 100'000 Euro sind 400 gedeckt.."
- Lastenausgleichsgesetz nach II. Weltkrieg: Ende
2019 wurden Impfschäden als Enteignungsgrund
hinzugefügt.. Noch Fragen, Deppi?
🇩🇪 23/09
ET Lastenausgleich
2024 - droht eine Vermögensabgabe? Ist
Ihr Haus in Gefahr? - SGB XIV
Ab dem 01.01.2024 gilt Folgendes, wie
der Website
des Deutschen Bundestags zu entnehmen ist:
“Das neue 14. Buch
Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB XIV) regelt die
Entschädigung von schädigungsbedingten
Bedarfen von Opfern einer Gewalttat,
von auch künftig noch möglichen Opfern der
beiden Weltkriege, […]
sowie von Personen, die durch eine
Schutzimpfung oder sonstige Maßnahmen
der spezifischen Prophylaxe nach dem
eine gesundheitliche Schädigung erlitten
- 🇧🇷 23/06
karina Danos
colaterais e indenizaações: 1M Euro na
- Vermögensregister EUdSSR
- 🇩🇪
24/12 häring
die Hintertür - Banken
Die EUdSSR führt die finanzielle
Totalüberwachung der Bürger über die
Banken ein - Machbarkeitsstudie
2021 -
- Compensation & punitive damages -->
accumulate HUGE cost for 'governments'
--> property seizure of everybody
- Covid shots
- 🇺🇸
23/12 toby Cold
seizure of property - after the
shot: multitude of diseases whose treatment costs
a fortune until the end of life <--
this way you take the property of all vaxxed
adults, since parts of the younger are
infertilized: depopulation also
- UNDRIP - colonialism desguised - UN
United Nazis
Who are the global(fasc)ists -- Quem são as
global(fasc)istas? -- Wer sind die
fought evil until his last breath - RIP
- Vladimir
Zev Zelenko MD: († 30 June 2022 -
Rest in Peace Dr. Zelenko. You are my hero. announcement)

- Covid-19 is an engineered virus that caused global
- Psychosis caused people to vax
- Vax is for eugenics, surveillance, genetic
- Globalist agenda is population reduction, enslavement,
altering what it means to be human
- Globalists don’t believe in God, an afterlife, and
believe that human consciousness disappears with death
- Globalists fear death, and believe they can create an
inorganic/organic hybrid life form with AI that human
consciousness can be downloaded into
- Globalists believe they have evolved to a higher level
of consciousness, and can evade death
- Globalists believe rest of humanity are waste of
resources and population should be culled by 90%
- Globalists will retain 10% for slave purposes
- Solution is choose God over the globalists
Fascism is back in new
word-militia - the useful idiots
- Cutting off words - instead of heads

Global(fasc)ist agenda
A gripe Covid e o
TGE (tratamento genético
experimental) é para instalar
- Identidade digital através do um passo
intermediário 'Passaporte Sanitário" para cada um
Com isso podem introduzir moeda
digital única (olha 🇺🇸 onde
o Brasil já está - o Capitão não sabe?.. Gente?).
- O Grafeno Oxide nos TGEs reage a ondas
electromagnéticas e já da para manipular ratos (de 4
No internet das coisas uma
das coidas vão ser os ratos de 2 pês - os imbeceis que aceitam ser injetado
quimica experimental
de nova técnica
nunca usado em humanos e agora dado PARA TODOS HUMANOS
no planeta. Se não funciona - todos mortos. IDIÓTAS
só. Parabéns tio Bill. Vou brindar com você e seus
amigos brancos daqui em 2 anos.
- 5G. Ondas electromagnéticas? Em Campinas já
instalaram 5G
(fb Carol Capel). Campinas vai ser a cidade modelo do
global(fasc)ismo no Brasil - eles chamam de cidade
inteligente os novos campos de concentrar
Já ouviu
de 80:10:10? Não? Então estude o Clube de Roma, amigo,
1970, estude Agenda 2021 de Rio 1992 (ou 94 não
lembro). Faz tempo. Você durmiu? Como eu. 24/12
nass Wildlands
Project uncovered in 90s
- Agenda 2030. A suástic(írcul)a
do novo fascismo - o círculo com os objetivos/cores
tóxicos do global(fasc)ismo:
Fascismo = casamento de Corporatismo_e_Política
símbolo dos global(fasc)istas - abre olhos
Hakenkreis - Symbol der
Estas cores identificam os global(fasc)istas -
encontram-se no Google, Apple, FAPESP, etc. Até
universidades públicas são infiltrados de
global(fasc)istas e ainda electricidade CPFL coloca
estas cores, só abrir olhos..
🇩🇪 Das
17 Punkte Programm der Un zur totalen Weltherrschaft
MM 21/06 <-- Augenöffner
- Golpe mundial. Não foi? No silencio, nas
costas, preparado dos Führers desde décadas e no nível
das idiótas úteis como PTotalitaristas e Acadiotas desde
uns anos.
Em 2020 todo foi pronto. Normas para silenciar críticos
- já instaladas em 2019. Programas para ensinar remoto -
já preparado em 2019.
Agora da para ver o rosto feio da besta-fera totalitária
- os rostos dos traidores da nação Brasileira, do povo
Brasileiro, do terreno do Brasil. Bom saber. Eles se
identificam com a suastic(írcul)a.
- “New Normal totalitarianism — and any
global-capitalist form of totalitarianism — cannot
display itself as totalitarianism, or even
authoritarianism. It cannot acknowledge its political
nature. In order to exist, it must not exist. Above all,
it must erase its violence (the violence that all
politics ultimately comes down to) and appear to us as
an essentially beneficent response to a legitimate
‘global health crisis’ …”
Agendas 21 e 2030 - Transhumanismo
fim da dignidade humana

- Renaturar 80% do terreno (10% cidades 10% agricultura
- Clube de Roma 1973 no Palácio de...? sim, de
- Evacuar as províncias: - destruir fazendas
pequenas - tomam conta as
corporações (fascismo segundo Mussolini)
- Inchamento de Cidades: - povo facilmente
controlável - povo perde autonomia (já
de plantar a própria alimentação)
- Sustentável veja
Warfare Newsletter: Sustainable Development is
a lot of things. One of those things is pushing
millions more people into the cities, which will result
in connecting more of the masses to 'smart' grids, which
will result in more surveillance and control, and more
available land for state-sanctioned expropriation (which
will be used for wind turbines, solar panels, insect
farms, and rentals).
Of course, it's all packaged in attractive marketing and
fear porn, and has buy-in from all member states.
The attractive marketing, for example, might be that
poverty will be eradicated, and there'll be rainbows and
bunnies and unicorns. The fear porn, for example, might
be that, unless we achieve "carbon net zero", Earth will
heat up and the oceans will rise and everybody will
drown before Christmas upps, before "merry
holidays" in the US
Watch for
these colors
- the circle is the swastica of global(fas)cists
- 🇮🇲 Agenda 2030
🇬🇧 23/04 expo
Bishop - agenda 2030 leads to NWO
- PHVox 22/03 Totalitarismo
da Agenda 2030
- SDGs - sustainable dvelopment goals
- SDG 16 - Orwell: promote
peaceful and inclusive societies and to
provide access to justice for all - Reality:
global governance totalitarian regime

- Digital ID - underarm tatoo 2.0
- 🇬🇧 24/11 expo
- Identity Authorization Networks -
BankID Sweden
- 15min cities or smart cities - open
KZ - concentration camps 2.0
Guarded communities - rise crime so the
sheeple move voluntarily into guarded communities
- switch the access code from checking entry to
controlling exit and you have a prison
- 5G -- total control -
controle total - totale Kontrolle
-- & transhumanism/o/us
and the China epidemic 20/02 rapo
many details on slow
death 5G Introduction
to "Greatest Covid hits"
From total war to total control 1933-2023
Asocial accounts - conta asocial
- Asozialkonten
- CoroNazi Passport -- passaporte
Nazitário -- CoroNazipass
Internet of things (you!) - internet das
coisas (você) - Internet der Dinge (Du)

- 🇩🇪
strahlende Zukunft Thiele 22/03
dirtyworld •
informativ • viele Quellen -
Mai 2021 BNA 26GHz Bereich - exponentiell erhöhter
Energieverbrauch.. -
Überblickstudie Schweizer Regierung
- 🇩🇪
alle Bäume aus den Städten verschwinden werden
1h BC 21/05
- 🇩🇪
Funkwissen getarnter
- 🇺🇸 Pfi†er
patent august 2021:
remote contact tracing of all the
'vaccin'ated connected to the internet
of transhumans
(remember de graphene oxide in the gene
backup pdf conspiracy
VEZ Este pedido de patente da
Pfizer foi aprovado em 31 de agosto de 2021 e é a
primeira patente que aparece em uma lista de mais
de 18.500 para fins de rastreamento de contato
remoto de todos os humanos vacinados em todo
o mundo que estarão ou estão agora conectados à
“internet de coisas" por um link quântico de
frequências de microondas pulsantes de 2,4 GHz ou
mais de torres de celular e satélites diretamente
para o óxido de grafeno contido nos tecidos
adiposos de todas as pessoas que tomaram a vacina
mortal .
- Dangers
- Food control
- "yu vill iid ze bugs and yu vill bie happy"
5G embedds into "Radio Frequencies" - 5G
mergulha em "Radio Frequencias" - 5G Teil
von "Radiofrequenzen"
- Radio
Frequencies - Radio Frequencias
- Radiofrequenzen
- EMF - radio waves
- 🇩🇪
24/05 lilly Im
Strahlenreich - Rebekka Meier CH -
Dr. theol. habil. Werner Thiede außerpl.m.
Professor für Systematische Theologie (Uni
Erlangen-Nürnberg) - Baldachin Bett 99%
- 🇬🇧 23/12 expo
sanctuary in Rockies reports animal deaths
after Cell Tower and Starlink (5G array
technology) Satellite
installations - Is European 'bird flu'
radiation sickness?
- 🇺🇸 23/09
ET EMF: The invisible
Hazard Part
7 5G and the rise of small cells
- cell towers - grassroots
- citizens successful
- Did
5G contribute to the plandemic? 23/04
expo by Dr.
Tess Lawie -
Barry Trower (ex-military, EMF expert, EMF:
confuse people, cause infertility) - ICNIRP
(excempt from accountability) - secret
installation during lockdowns - Dr. Beverly
- Dangers of EMF
- 🇬🇧 24/07 expo
letter - 2004 Sweden study: it is the
cell phones, not the towers, that cause
- 🇺🇸 23/05 toby EMF
related to autism? -
smart meters -
Harvard study by Dr.
Martha Herbert and C. Sage
- EHS Electro-Hyper-Sensivity
CHD 23/04 Interview:
Producer Sean A Carney Film: "Remembering
Nearfield" trailer
- Facilities - Bills - Legislation
- 🇺🇸 23/08
roguski Wireless
Telecommunications Facilities (WTF)
- HR-3557 and HR-4141 are
proposed federal telecommunications bills that
would eliminate nearly all state and local
control over Wireless Telecommunications
Facilities (WTF) and would enable the
construction of a Digital Prison for
- 🇩🇪 Dr.
Karl Hecht (1924-2022) "Das
Rhythmusprinizp" t.me oval
Bereits Max Planck stellte fest, dass unsere
Körper zu 99,9 Prozent aus Regelkreisen
bestehen. Welche Bedeutung hat die Erkenntnis für
unser Leben, welches demnach in
Frequenzen abläuft? Dieser komplexen
Herausforderung stellt sich der Professor für
Neurophysiologie und pathologische Physiologie
Karl Hecht und lässt uns im Gespräch mit Robert
Cibis nicht nur Einblicke in den Umgang mit
elektromagnetischen Wellen gewinnen…
- Mind/behavior control -
controle mental/comportamento -
see graphene -
veja grafeno -
siehe Graphen
- Inhuman
frequencies - can they trigger genocide? Polly
22/06 links
below video • Ruanda
genocide: Huti/Tutsi barbarism • Dr.
Marshall • specific
frequencies control humans • first
(public) paper 1977!!
- 14:00 Ruanda operation “Crimson
Mist” Dr. Elizabeth
15:00 Her husband William Bise
warned after his study. Cost him his
career. William Bise is
hidden in search engines.
17:15 First (public) article about
specific frequencies steering humans in
21:30 Bise letter to senate!!
24:45 Prof Marshall Travis
WEBPAGE!! Top material!
unexplainably damaged in 2 world places
some years ago.. Celeste Solum
28:30 summary!
- Health dangers to humans and animals
- Microwave Syndrome
- Cell phone rayguns (do you know which
frequency worked best in animal sterilization

- Food control - "yu vill iid ze bugs and yu vill
bie happy" Think you say "No"? well, they
organize a famine right now - in Leningrad they ate
the death during the 3 yr blockade by national
- centralization - depropriation
- *distribution* control
- Hates' Food Alliance -
the alliance of death, slow death, starving
takes weeks
- David
Knight 22/07 9:00
WEF announced 2021 that Holland will be
euro-center of food distribution..
- bug eating - Führer befiehl!
"you vill iid
ze bugs"
esquerda: Klaus Schwab - chefe
FEM (Fascistas Elite Mundial / foro económico mundial)
direita: seu pai Eugen Schwab - Íntimo de Adolf
Hitler e dirigente de Escher-Wyss,
empresa estratégica da Alemanha aSocialista Nacional,
inclusive um próprio campo de concentração
no qual presos tinham que trabalhar sem remuneração
(trabalhadores escravos).
World Elite Fascists (WEF) - Fascistas Elite
Mundiais (FEM) - Welt Elite Faschisten (WEF)
The "disappeared" 2016 article via wayback "
to 2030 - I own nothing, have no privacy and life has
never been better"
- 24/05 🇺🇸 Schwab
resigns in 2025 malone
- 22/11 🇺🇸 Global
Coup d'etat - Schwab calls explicitely for it
Archbishop Viganò full
text • 24/04
Viganò Moscow, Multipolar Forum
22/12 🇺🇸
dark origins of the Davos Great Reset Nass/Engdahl
Climate lie plan 1970s to take over the world:
Rockefeller and the Canadian Maurice Strong and ...
- 22/09 🇺🇸 Young
global Führer program - did Klausi plagiate Heinz
Alfred? 22/09 unlmtd
🇩🇪 Junge
globale Führer 22/09 uncut
LGBT 50er, Landwirtschaft, Asexualisierung
- Fired for
- List of puppets (Merkel, Sarkozy, Gates, Blair,
etc) - Rairfoundation
21/12 Hates, Ferkel,
Furz, Crackpipe
Ardern (Pipident of New Crackland)
- Führer
Schwab lists his young global leader puppets 1min BC - even
Argentina.. Trudeau, Macron
- Davosschanze 2022 at 50:30: Führer
Adolf Schwab himself announces new race virus at
- List of politicians in the pocket of WEF -
Young Global Führers
Project by Malone Institute
- Young Global Leaders - Young Global Shapers
History of WEF 
- 🇺🇸 23/07
nass Talk by Malone "Is
there a depopulation agenda?" <-- -
Kissinger report 1974 (NSSM200)
"novel fertility control technology"
(mRNA?) - operation paperclip: Nazi scientists
De-global(fasc)ization begins - the fall of Schwab's
- WEF hangman Rutte - Netherlands

In Big-Kills way: Whites and Christianism
War on Whites -- guerra nos Brancos
-- Rassenkrieg gegen Weisse
- White Slavery -- Escravos Brancos
Untold - why?
The Great Replacement - theory or happening?
- 🇬🇧 24/09 expo
Ian Davis Sutherland,
Camus, replacism, Kalergi, technocracy Bilderberg,
CFR, identitarian movement ,
Camus hyperdemocracy: "obsessive
enforcement of “equality” that leads to the
eradication of “all” culture."
Camus viewed the mechanisms of “replacism,”
binding humanity to the status of a replaceable
resource to be used by the system, as a form of
sociopolitical violence he called “nocence.”
Camus observed that “nocence” is the enforcement of
“replacism,” effectively
dehumanising us all.
United Nations/Nazis aka Undo Nations -
NaçõesNazistas Unidas - Vereinte
Importante estudar a historia desta organização chave dos
global(fasc)istas e seu antecessor.
Já o símbolo é o mesmo da União Soviética - barbarismo
matando milhões dos próprios cidadãos, só por ter outra
opinião.. Está vendo a paralela ao hoje? Ter outra
same symbol as mass murdering Soviet
or did SU have somebodies else's symbol..
how many fields in circle? don't miss center one
UN United Nazis -- NU Nazistas Unidos
-- VN Vereinte Nazis
- United Nazis UN Undo Nations -
Rockefellers vehicle to World Tyranny
- 2021 UN Our
Common Agenda pdf
- 🇺🇸 23/11
nass The
WHO COUP - talk 1h
- 🇺🇸 23/07
nass Concerning
UN policy briefs hidden points
enlisted: - global vaxxecution plan - censorship -
climate fear porn - fascistization
of human rights - eliminate GDP, bring in central
control - emergency platform (tyranny) - world
government. All formulated in best
Orwell speak.
- 🇺🇸 24/10
nass United Nazis adopt
constitutions-breaking Pact
For the Future to transform global tyranny

World Hell Organization
Führer of global(fasc)ist WHO: Tedrorrist (Ex
iNazi) - the slaughterer
of Ethiopia 25/01 celia
<-- WHO rapers
under Kill Hates us X
is the WHO? 25/01 brownstone bell
- killing options after US withdrawal
trust WHOm? Lilian Franck
history 23/01 Nass It
is nominally under the UN but has its own Constitution.
contributor 2020-2021: Germoney..
Tedrorrist Adhanom Ghebreyesus - Tichy
of Ethiopia 25/01 celia
<-- WHO rapers
under Kill Hates us
Withdraw from WHO
Countries reject WHO world dictatorship
- Pandemic Preparedness
- Pandemic treaty (world dictatorship, IHR
intern. health regulations) -
contrato pandemia (ditadura global)
- Pandemievertrag (Weltdiktatur)
summary video <--
This is not a traditional communist
revolution as we have all been well trained to spot,
but rather a sophisticated global, binding, medical
"treaty" orchestrated by the W.H.O. which will leave
any participating member states essentially
POWERLESS in the event of a proclaimed "pandemic".
And every man, woman and child on this planet's
lives will be irrevocably changed for the worse on
May 24, 2024 if it is not stopped.
- WHA - world 'health' assembly
- Rockefeller connection

- One Health phascism - the
animalization of humans
- 25/02 One
Health and the Deep State malone
"The One Health CDC report to Congress is the
blueprint for pandemic response and public health
preparedness in the USA for the next five years,
and lays out a vision for America built on equity,
climate change, surveillance, and evermore
stringent public health measures. Public health
preparedness and pandemic responses by the US
government are overreaching into all aspects of
our lives. ... .
It builds upon the surveillance state model
to regulate the very fabric of our lives."
- 23/01 One
Health brucha makes
humans equal animals
- 23/06 One
Health Nass/mercola
- 22/12 One
Health - what it is and why it is so important
Total enslavement
- Parents loose their children to the
'state' parents loose children
- gender fascism - parents who teach male/female
have children taken away
- health fascism - parents loose right to
decide for their children
- Agendas 21 e 2030 1. genderismo 2. pedo'fília' (a palavra
positiva já instalaram, burros!) 3. ..
Para isso será essencial tirar tuda dignidade humana. Depois
não vai ter protestos, vai aparecer normal. Tirar homen /
mulher / criança - assim tornamos celulas, sem alma, sem
espirito, sem dignidade, sem identidade. Não tem mais nada a
defender. Isso é o ração jogar nas cabezinhas dos idiótas
úteis a ideía que não teria homen e mulher - o que cada
cachoro na rua sabe melhor e está se rindo ao morte sobre
tal infantilidade genocida dos luladrãozinhos...
Aborto - assassino de nene inocente e sem defesa - vão
normalizar para isso.
Palavra positiva 'pedofília' já é preparado para normalizar
sexo com crianças. 'filo' significa 'amigo', não significa
'besta' ou 'estuprador'. Quem introduziu esta palavra
representa o mal puro. Eu evito esta palavra satánica, falo
'estuprador de crianças' ou simplesmente 'besta'.
- Eugenics rebranded -
Transhumanism is an attempt to manipulate consciousness
and memory. It is also tied up with depopulation.
Eugenics has not disappeared, it has just been
rebranded. expo
- 🇺🇸 23/02
Transhumanism, and Epstein's Network expo
- Rockefeller - video Webb/Beck "How
elites will create a new class of slaves" -
Julian (brother of Aldous) Huxley was British
Eugenics president coining the term
- "If
you make identity fluid at every level
it’s a lot easier to exert your will over people
because you know they don’t have their feet firmly
on the ground." toxic
terms: gender fluidity, gender
identity - climate change weapon
- Human 'enhancements' = Aryan race insanity
of Hitler
- 22/11 Eugenics
rebranded - how the global(fasc)sist's
transhumanist plan will destroy life as we know it
LSN mercola
- CIA/FBI - organized crime - Epstein
"Unless you’re in an
elite class, transhumanism will not benefit you.
Instead, you’re destined to be a lab rat to help
perfect transhumanist tech, as we’re seeing right
now with the COVID shots."
🇿🇦 24/03 jerm
Aboli on transhumanism
- iNazism and Gendergaga
- 🇺🇸
25/03 mal iNazi
financed: Transgender
Mice... with your tax Dollars Trump
clarifies: Transgenic - Transgender, iNazi
fanatics can't distinguish
The way to global(fasc)ist
transhumanism is paved by transgender
mutilation teenocide
Transsexual - Transgender -
Transhuman book
Bilek (= no humans)
LGB signals human
• LGBT+ protected
class for discrimination
works to obscure the industry and technology behind
the façade of human
--> some
extremely rich behind gender industry <-- 24/08
"Big Pharma and Big Tech are operating this agenda
and using the LGB human rights movement as both a cover
and the site at which technology is usurping reproduction
and human sexuality"
11th hour BLOG
- wrong bodies: a
castration cult
• SGS Skirt Go Spinny
- amazing
This is not to help any one - it is to rape peoples mind
endlessly and rip off their soul.
- Rape - mind and language
- Language
🇩🇪 25/03 apo
Gendersprache - die
Sakralsprache des Wokeismus -
erstes Sprachgeschlecht - Eskimo,
Indianer - Entwicklung der
- Fired for not letting them get raped
- DEI - totalitarianism - Trumpy: This
is the end of this human despising mind and body
rape ideology
- 🇬🇧 25/01 expo Canada:
The end of toxic Bolshewoke white supremacism
- Walmart, Starbucks, Ford moved away from
diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) diarrhea
in 2024 - erasing DEI-related
terminology, ending DEI training programmes,
shifting away from discriminating, not
prioritising, under-represented [by lack of
suitability] groups in hiring practices.
• Research: Network Contagion Research
Institute, Rutgers University’s Social Perception
Lab: DEI practices can “engender a hostile
attribution bias” and “heighten racial
suspicion,” potentially fostering division
rather than inclusion. Who would have
thought that among normally brained people?
- Dehumanize society - dehumanizar
sociedade - Entmenschlichung der
required for transhumanism -
necessário para transhumanismo -
erforderlich für den Transhumanismus
- toxic transgender ideology -
ideologia tóxica transgenderismo -
toxische Transgenderideologie

What is the final goal of the powerful that
promote such idiocy? --> Transhumanism in my
opinion. Depopulation came to my mind lately.
- History
- Berlin 1920s - Institut
Hirschfeld 23/05 express
- Bruce & Brian Reimer - Dr. Money
Frankenstein 🇧🇷 BP
🇺🇸 240107
mercola Toxic
transgender ideology - the lies they
tell people pdf
- Gender Studies - US
Geheimdienstorganisation ?
- Gendergate
- the WPATH files

similarly as in climategate
corrupt 'scientists' manipulate public with
frauded studies based on falsified data
- Gender - part of unintell. serv. Psy-Op
- Transhumanism - the goal of
- 🇺🇸
22/12 Why
is the transgender cult so powerful and how do
we fight back? Journalist Brandown
Showalter on the van Maren show
- puberty blockers and
mutilation massacres generate huge profits
girl has breats cut off, hear the cries of the
parents see their child get mutilated...
EVIL <- she did
detranse detransition
- 🇺🇸 "We
are manufacturing transgender kids" by
Heritage Foundation
1. Mum explains perverse law: child
dictates, parents have no rights - children
can't take decisions, that's why they can't vote
until 18, sick idiots!
2. Old man who suffered sex change crime
decades ago!! “We are
manufacturing their depression, their anxiety,
and it has turned into a huge industry
profiting from kids whose life has been
completely torn apart.”
help for
mindraped children, parents, people:
- 🇺🇸 Gays
against transgender-Groomers 22/06
Founder Jaimee Michell 22/08
BC "this is
seriouisly crossing the line" "christians
encourage us"
A small percentage of people is homosexual, that
is normal distribution by nature. What
is not normal is incite people, even defenseless
children, to change their sexual organs. This is
the worst crime of all, crime on children.
Thanks god homosexuals stand up now against they
being abused for these crimes. Keep it going
brothers and sisters!

Why would World Elite Fascists promote such
insanity? I believe they are aiming at
transhumanism and for this to become acceptable
they got to remove human dignity: no men, no
women, no children - just biomaterial, human
resources. human r e s o u r
c e s... already thought about that
word? why has it been introduced? well, technocracy
manages resources - and they view humans as
one among many..
🇺🇸 Citizens
against public financed library abuse 22/08
- 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 Massai
being asked if men can decide to be women etc...
Kkk Africa will survive.
- The West is at the end. Total
degeneration: 42:15
- 44:50 max igan
- Terrorists
- Ideologia de Ódio:
- 🇺🇸 23/03
TERFS" crispin
🇩🇪 23/03
tichy UW
warnen vor Gewalt gegen Frauen durch
- 🇩🇪 23/03
AUF1 Totalitäre
aggressive Bewegung entstanden
Bettina Gruber (Literaturwissenschaftlerin,
Publizistin) "queere
Terroranschläge nur eine Frage der Zeit",
so ist es:
- Nashville Child Mass Murder 23/03
- 🇺🇸 23/03 Celia Nashville
Shooting - Gateway to
'Transgender' Terror
Movement Video: Killing
the Child Murderer
- 🇧🇷 Escola
primária em Nashville, EUA, é atacada
por um ex-aluno. Audrey
Hale matou seis pessoas.
Segundo o porta-voz da polícia local,
Hale carregava 2 rifles e 1 pistola.
Hale não tinha antecedentes criminais,
era ex-aluno da escola e os
policiais acreditam que a motivação do
massacre possa ser algum
Hale é uma pessoa trans que se
identificava com os pronomes ele/dele.
Às 10h10 no horário local, na
segunda-feira (27/03), Hale chegou na
escola e aproximou-se da entrada
lateral. Com uma rajada de tiros, o
atirador invade a escola.
Em apenas 11 minutos Hale
assassinou três crianças e três
funcionários. A
polícia foi acionada às 10h13. Não se
sabe quanto tempo os agentes levaram
para chegar na escola, mas após entrarem
no recinto, eleslevaram apenas quatro
minutos para neutralizar o atirador.
- Enforced Conversion - Zwangskonversion
Not long ago conversion was declared
illegal, of course from homo to sustainable
(that form which gave birth to you, stupid).
Now conversion is enforced on minors in the
sense that kids are forced out of families and
then subjected to mutilation by the
- Goal: Destruction of family and society
- Jews on Evil Gendergaga
- History/Dangers/Warnings
- Miriam Grossman MD "Parental Trauma" ct
1h40 23/04 time stamps (Jordan B Peterson)
Who was Dr. Money? The doctor who
laid foundation for the transgender
industrial complex
- Copycat Effect - Rapid-onset
Gender Dysphoria 23/04
malone why
is it on the rise among the young?
Big Business: Genital Butchery
- Women rights - Frauenrechte
- Genderism
- the end of women --
Genderismo - o fim da mulher
Misogyny - ingrained
prejudice against women

- Rape
- Sports perversion
- 'Gender affirming care' - slow
death by mutilation -
- 'Puberty blockers' - chemical
castration 2.0
- Elon Musk • "I lost
my son" 🇺🇸 nemo
• 🇧🇷
Entrevista Peterson -
Musk "Meu filho foi morto pelo
vírus mental woke" 🇧🇷 gazeta
- Detrans Movement - step out of the
abuse by global(fasc)ists and transhumanist
- sex change
regret site by Walt Heyer
who 1983 became Laura Hensen (docu
censored by fascho-tube when it hit 20
million views)
Walt Heyer on transgenderism
being a mental illness Jerm
Warfare 22/11
- fundamental
questions about trans ideology.
• If gender is not
interconnected to the body’s natural
and innate reproductive organs and
hormonal expression, why does a
trans-identifying individual need to
modify them?
• If manhood and
womanhood is not a binary biological
reality, but an internal identity,
what is the significance of the
appearance of the physical body?
• If trans ideology
rejects the gender-conservative
culture, why do those who identify as
trans want to hold on to the
stereotypical concepts of female and
• And if, according
to trans ideology, the stereotypes of
woman and man are inherently
uninclusive and discriminatory,
then why do trans men
imitate the typical male appearance
and dress, and trans women imitate the
typical female appearance and dress?
• Is not the trans
identification just an elaborate
imitation… a lie?
- The New Human - once more..
(remember inter/national socialism?)
- DETRANS awareness day

- Suicide - Suicídio
- Selbstmord
- crime against children - crime
nas crianças - Verbrechen an
- Gender ideology perversion
- 🇨🇦 Oakland teacher
pervert - huge fake breats 22/09
🇬🇧 mall.uk
🇩🇪 Unblogged
- 'Unisex' bathrooms

- 🇧🇷
23/06 Estudante
De Medicina é Preso Após Ser Flagrado
Filmando Alunas No Banheiro
Aluno foi pego filmando partes
intimas de alunas em banheiro neutro
(unissex) da Universidade Anhembi.Gabriel
Valareto Vicente Silva usava o banheiro
“sem distinção de gênero” e com seu
celular filmava alunas usando as cabines
do banheiro.
O estudante que cursa quiropraxia foi
pego no ato por uma
universitária. O vídeo circula nas redes
sociais e mostra o momento em que o aluno
foi pego:
“Pode tirar a mão da cara”, afirma a
“Estava filmando a gente por debaixo da
porta, usando o banheiro. Você vai mostrar
o celular para o segurança.”
O estudante foi indiciado por importunação
sexual e preso na última quinta, mas foi
solto na terça após pagar fiança na
audiência de custódia e concordar com uma
série de restrições cautelares.
- Gender ideology barbarism - victims talk
- Sexual dysphoria - how they generated it
- TransNazism - exterminating women (since they
give life)
- Mad Lies - -
Geisteskranke Lügen
- Fascist Justice System in failed dirt hole
- Fascist School Regimes
- Secret 'gender transitions'
- Citizens for protection of the young, not
driving them in bestialic self-mutilation

- Destroyed lives - from human to being - Victims
of mutilation incitation barbarism talk
- Help -- Ajuda -- Hilfe
- Crime against humanity -- crimes
contra humanidade --

Whoever incites children and young kids to step into
that irreversible trap is on the lowest level of
criminals. Abusing young people still in development
for their perverse society destruction based usually
on mass murder communist ideology.
- Castration of Children
† mastectomy † removing parts of
the reproductive system † puberty
blockers † cross-sex hormons -
Texas banned all of these bestialic crimes in
May 2023 ET 24/04
- Mutilation of children
Compare Mengele
and 'gender-affirming' mutilation of defenseless
children and teenagers - compare these
'surgeries' 22/08 rappo
- Suicide
- Mutilation -- Mutilação
- Mutilation Vicitims - Opfer der
- Genital Butchery Industry
- Genital Butchery Deaths
- Rainbow Mafia - Mafia do arco iris
- Regenbogenmafia
- Victims of brain fluid irresponsible
FLORIDA, USA, 07.2022 She
speaks in 🇺🇸 English:
◼️ Anhörung beim Departement of Health in
Florida. Die junge Frau hat ihre
Geschlechtsumwandlung zum Mann abgebrochen
und beschreibt die Folgen:
◽ Es ist unklar, ob sie jemals schwanger
werden kann
◽ Sie hat ein erhöhtes Krebsrisiko,
insbesondere des Gebärmutterhalskrebs
◽ Ihre Brüste wurden entfernt. Sie wird kein
Kind stillen können
◼️ Grundsätzlich bereut sie ihren damaligen
Schritt, ihre fatale Fehlentscheidung.
◼️ Wir sehen ein Beispiel der steigenden
Zahl von Re-Transitions, die auch Dr. Lisa
Littmann erwähnt, die das "rapid onset
gender dysphoria" -Syndrom (ROGD - "schnell
eintretende Geschlechts- Identitätsstörung")
Zumeist betroffen sind junge Frauen. Die
Transition erfolgt i.d.R. von weiblich zu
◼️ Die junge Frau könnte der indianischen
Bevölkerung angehören. Kleine Volksgruppen
könnten durch ROGD, verursacht durch die
omnipräsente LGBTQ-Propaganda in ihrer
Existenz ernsthaft bedroht sein.
- 🇩🇪 USA
wollen Kinderverstümmelung, nicht zuletzt
seelisch, forcieren 22/07
RS Wer
Kinder und Jugendliche, letztere of in
einer schwierigen Lebensphase der
Selbstfindung, höchst vulnerabel, dazu
animiert selbstverstümmelnde irreversible
Chirurgien an sich ausführen zu lassen ist
ein Menschheitsverbrecher und wird sich in
der Hölle neben selbigen des letzten
Jahrhunderts schmorend finden. Wer
schweigt verstümmelt mit.
- 🇩🇪 Studie über 30
Jahre: 7
mal mehr Suizidversuche... 22/07
Diese Verbrecher benutzen die Nöte
einer kleinen Gruppe um die Gesellschaft
an sich in eine kinder- somit zukunftslose
Existenz zu treiben. Genau wie sie die
Frauen missbrauchten und jetzt
wegschmeissen wie einen kaputten Schuh,
genau wie sie die Arbeiter benutzten und
ab den 90ern wegwarfen wie ein Stück
Dreck, genau wie sie arme Afrikaner
benutzen um die Völker-, Sprach-, und
Traditionsvielfalt Europas langfristig
komplett auszulöschen - 20'000
Messerattacken pro Jahr werden nicht von
glücklichen oder wenigstens zufriedenen
Menschen ausgeführt, sondern von
zerstörten Existenzen.

Transgenderism is the pathway first to
children, then to transhumanism
- 🇺🇸
Raping childrens minds and souls
by forced sex-'education' - sexualization
- estupro de crianças - seja físico ou mental
- slavery - escravismo -
- order and sell babies -
encaminar e vender crianças -
Kinder bestellen und verkaufen
- 🇩🇪 22/03
DfA 'Leihmutter'schaft
im Krieg.. (welch
widerliches Wort!)
🇺🇸 Stop
'abortion' called baby murder world wide,
like slavery was stopped (officially)
🇩🇪 Babymord
genannte 'Abtreibung' weltweit ächten, wie
die Sklaverei geächtet wurde
Termina assassino de
nene, chamado de 'aborto', mundialmente,
como escravismo foi terminado
- abortion
genocide - Kill babies - until birth is
already satanic reality locally in the United Satans
- 'postbirth' abortion is the newest barbarism on
their death list
Matar crianças e assassinar nenés até 7
dias depois nascimento! fantasia doente?
Realidade nos estados esquerdistas.. Como seria
aborto até o momento do morto? E a fase de teste com
os apoiadores de aborto até nascimento.
é feito um 'aborto'? <-- quem é em favor deve ler,
aos outros: não abre.
whom eats meat must be capable to sloughter an
animal (guided by a butcher)
whom advocates killing unborn babies must be capable
to watch this: boy, my heart almost got
ripped apart seeing this!! 6:53
8:55 foto
from 1999!! I never saw that. why? is media
for people with intact soul: don't watch this
- leave it to the apologets
of barbarism to watch what they are
EUA: fim do assassinato esforçado
(depois matar uns 60
karina 22/06 agora
todo estado pode escolher. estranho que não foi
assim antes. não é democracia a escolha livre do
- fala não ao infanticídio!
- Destruction of women
- Destruction of men
- Resistance
- Bathroom common sense and protection
- Blacks and Mohammedans
- Mohammedans fight back
- Human enslavement -- Escravidar
humanos -- Versklavung der Menschen
Para eregir o novo ordem mundial NOM precisa-se
destruir TODA a sociedade presente: Religião,
alimentação, economia, família, moral, memorias,
conhecimento do passado.
Criar desemprego, falta de alimentos, medo de doenças
invisíveis - no momento da miseria máxima vai chegar o
salvador propondo tudo de graça! Vão ser tratados todos
iguais com salário incondicional, apartamento,
transporte etc etc, vai ser um paraíso maravilhoso só -
só assinar ca que você transfere todos seus bens de hoje
para o nosso pai, o estado total. Vai, assine já! Nunca
ia fazer? Quando não tem como comer você vai assinar
todo - em Leningrad o povo estava se canibalizando
durante os 3 anos blocade pelas socialistas nacionais de
Hitler. Você vai assinar, sim.
- Food monopoles - Monopolizando
alimentos - Nahrungsmittel
- Destroying beauty - destroys peoples minds and
quality of life
- Digital fascism - Hitler is back
- this time disguised as a homosexual jew: 🇮🇲 Dr. Yusev
Goebbelari Harakiri - sickest thing I ever heard and
saw contemporary 🇮🇲
class" 23/12 expo
- 🇺🇸 tw:
“The product this time will be
humans themselves — bodies and minds
are going to be the, I think, the two next main
products” - How can a white guy say such
bestiality!!! Is there a class of supremacists
that can?
- #WEF
advisor Yuval Noah Harari explains how the
next Industrial Revolution will create a Class
of 'Meaningless, Worthless People'.
milo: Klassentreffen
der Welt Elite Faschisten 23/01
- Dr. Yusev Goebbelari Harakiri: at 59:15
he suddenly
gives the friend of humanity..
- 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 Neuzeit
22/04 t.me
Mark of the beast - marca da besta
- Malzeichen des Tieres (KZ Tatoo
Mengele 2.0: Angels of Death - Anjos
do Morto - Todesengel 
- Dr. Tapper Meet
Janet Woodcock the head of the FDA. She's the one who
presided over one of the worst regulatory agency
failures in U.S. history. She had a big part in
America's opioid crisis including approving Opana
without adequate evidence of safety or long-term
efficacy, approving Zohydro despite a vote of 11-2
against approval by a scientific advisory committee, and
approving promotion of OxyContin for children as young
as 11 years old.
And now she approved the Pfizer V regardless that the
placebo control group was given the V months ago, the
safety trials skipped important steps and there is no
long term safety data.
below animal
- abaixo animal - unter dem Tier
Pedofobia & child sacrifice - pedofobia
& holocausto de crianças - Pädofobie &
rituelle Kinderopfer
Pädophob Wer den Ausdruck
benutzt trägt bei zur Normalisierung der Kinderschändung,
denn ' phil' heisst 'Freund'. Die Drecksäue, die das Wort
installiert haben, wollen das normalisieren, das ist das
Endziel. Ein positiver Ausdruck ist der erste Schritt. Worte
schaffen Realität. Worte morden. Worte schänden.
Pedophobe The term
pedophile is positive
(phil - friend), it is coined
to normalize
bestiality. If you use the term you contribute to
Child trafficking and abuse
Laptop from Hell - hunting down these
pervert dirty pigs
Sound of freedom - hunting down
these perverse dirty pigs 
Abortion 'post-birth' - aborto
'pós-parto' - 'nachgeburtlicher'
- 🇺🇸 legislation
proposal Maryland 22/03
- 🇺🇸 California
introduces bill that would allow 'mothers' to kill
their newborn babies within 7 days. 22/03
Why not at least 6 days!?! Use at least
not Gods number 7 you beasts!
🇧🇷 California
tem proposto lei permitindo 'mães' matar seu
nene recém nascido durante as primeiras 7
dias Não acredita? Vai
continuar dormir e vai chegar ao Brasil daqui em
pouco. ORGANIZA-SE ou vai ter futuro INHUMANO
- Tötungen verbal vorbereiten
- 🇩🇪 24/06
ALfA Wahlprüfsteine
Bezeichnung menschliche Embryonen als „Substanzen menschlichen Ursprungs“.
Personale Würde haben sie damit nicht mehr.
Tötung bis zur Geburt
- 🇩🇪 Kindstötung
bis zur Geburt wird nun auch im
Post-faschistischen Reichstag gefordert - von iNazis.
Präsidentin des deutschen
post-faschistischen Parlamentsystems erteilt von
Storch einen Ordnungsruf wegen "Kindermörder" Ruf
Cannibale Medicine
- medicina canibal - Kannibalenmedizin
🇺🇸 24/06
brucha Aborted
Fetal Cells in Vaccines "(what this REALLY
means is, babies were born alive & organs
removed while they were alive to get these
cells, murdering them, YES IT’S TRUE)"
- 🇩🇪 Offener Brief: 22/03
Priester - Quellenangaben,
z.B. Studien Kopie
pdf Genserum: Basiert auf
getöteten ungeborenen Kindern ("lebendfrisch",
Orwellsprech 'Abtreibung')
- 🇺🇸 Harvesting murdered
Baby parts "fresh
never frozen" NatN 21/10
- 🇺🇸 Lozierinstitute
21/06 Covid-19 vaccine candidates
and abortion derived cell lines
- 🇩🇪 Ärzte
für das Leben 21/12
Covid Impfstoffe und fetale Zellinien HEK-293-Zellinie
Human sacrifices / ritual murder - -
Menschenopfer / Rituelle Ermordung
If people did this in the past, it was for some purpose. Why
should such purpose not be any more powerful these days?
What could be such purposes or uses? The most profane is the
obvious fact that whoever participates is in the hand of the
others, more precisely, the leaders.
I guess this works like with drugs, first the harmless
ones.. slowly increasing such that if the newby thinks 'huh,
that is getting weird now'
he realizes that what was in the past is already too much if
it gets, say in the media.. which are controlled by, well
the big spiders.
- France October 2022: The 12 yr old girl
t.me viva Zhuri
children are sacrificed on the altar of satan in -
Morocco and Algeria.. look at that
Human trafficking - Menschenhandel
- Executive
Order 13903 Jan 2020 truth hurts
23/02—Combating Human Trafficking
and Online Child Exploitation in the United States
Trump was all over this
Good signs - sinais bons - Gute
- Ending unborn human mass slaughter
- Oklahoma bans unborn human mass slaughter 8:00
Nemo 22/05
Priester22 Stellungnahme
Green is the new red -
verde é o novo vermelho - Grün ist der
neue iNazismus
sea levels rising? allright.
Climate fascism - Clima fascismo
- Klimafaschismus 
"Climate change is a
vehicle for stripping us of basic freedoms
– rights such as working, travel, and public access." -
- IPCC - global(fasc)ist propaganda scientism
- docu film 1h20 --> Climate
the Movie: The Cold Truth <-- Wide
Awake Media Tom Nelson / Martin
- Death
Metal Greta cdy 21/12
Der Lesch
Koffer... 24/07 ET
- 🇬🇧 23/07 expo
own the science, and we think the world should now it."
UN officials
see also gendergate...
for corrupt science
- Emails by Clima Fear Porn
- 🇬🇧 Kill
Hates us to burn down 70'000'000 acres of
2009 Climategate (leaked fear porn Emails)
- 2013 Forbes article "..Climate Alarmists debunk
their 'science'"
- 🇬🇧 23/07 expo
BBC article "What happened to temperature rise?"
by Hudson - links - no increase in 11
yrs - leaked conspirator
Emails - fear porn headlines - Pacific
decadal oscillation PDO
- 🇬🇧 23/07
expo -->
is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
reprints an Article from 28
November 2009 in The Telegraph, by Christopher
IPCC - organ of the not democratically
legitimated UN Exercise: find out who
donated the grounds of UN headquarters in NYC
Hockey stick curve - three most
shocking findings about IPCC ‘cientists’:
- Deletion of data parts
incriminating of all are the emails in which
scientists are advised to delete large
chunks of data, which, when this is done
after receipt of a freedom of information
request, is a criminal offence.”
- Data manipulation through Computer programs
designed to give results in desired direction
“In each case it is clear that the
same trick has been played – to turn an
essentially flat temperature chart into a
graph which shows temperatures steadily
- Discrediting and smearing
the ruthless way in which these academics
have been determined to silence any expert
questioning of the findings they have
arrived at by such dubious methods – not
just by refusing to disclose their basic
data but by discrediting and ..”
- 🇬🇧 23/07
expo Silencing
scientists by using Courts - same
tactics used in Covid tyranny
- 🇬🇧 23/07
propaganda in focus Engineering
compliance: From Climate to Covid and back again
- 🇬🇧 23/07
expo Psychological
tactics for Covid began yrs earlier with false
'Climate Change' narrative
- Scientists
- Studies
- Fraud
- The 97% lie
- 🇩🇪 24/10
achse Prof. Dr. Gisela
Müler-Plath (TU Berlin, Mathematikerin) Die
97% Lüge - gefälschte
Grundgesamtheit - Liste von
Manifesten/Petitionen namhafter
Wissenschaftler welche die Klimalüge
- 🇬🇧 23/04 expo
97% lie - it's just 0.3%
by Gregory Wrightstone
- Climate fear porn demasked
- Weather 'Engineering' = wheather manipulation -
Wheather Manipulation - 1977
UN treaty prohibits this - in war..only ...
but not for non-war mass murder and land grabbing by
monstrous deep state structures
- 🇬🇧 23/07 expo Weather
engineering is biggest contributor to Climate
Change - chemtrails -
HAARP - 70 yrs of geoengineering - 2002 commercial
airlines introduced baggage restrictions..
space for chemtrail tanks? - gag order -
programmed weather, instead of natural weather,
allows for 2-week weather forecasts.. - everyday
life evidence of weather engineering: † destroyed
forrests (aluminium) † poor home garden outcome
(microbiome, soil pH, air altered, plants stop
taking up CO2..) - Scientific American study:
solar geoengineering, once started, can't be
stopped without temperature catastrophe
- Contradictory Facts
- Cooling down -- --
- Electric Cars
- Fear Porn
- Clima Fear Porn
- Constructed Catastrophies - or
energy weapons? - or incited fires? -
inszenierte Katastrophen
Wheather Manipulation -
UN treaty prohibits this - in war..only
... but not for non-war mass murder and land
grabbing by monstrous deep state structures
- 25/01 LA 'wild' fires - place for SMART
CITIES (Orwellian for
concentration camps 2.0)
- 24/10 Helene North Carolina USA
- Maui - Wild Fires
- Ahrtal - HAARP flood? -
The state didn't warn citizens although
EU weather station warned german clown regime
1 week earlier...
- Rio Grande do Sul - HAARP flood?
- Valencia Spain - HAARP flood?
- Colonialism
- Idiocracy
- 🇬🇧 Climate
Scam 23/04 expo -
Australia manipulates thermometers.. - 97%
= 75 people..
- 🇩🇪 Zou
Klimastudie compact 23/04
- 🇺🇸
Judith Curry on climate science 23/01
- 🇧🇷
ditadura verde/ESG e a máquina de condicionamento
social 22/10 PHVox
diagramas só mostrando o recém... não o
passado distante..
- 🇿🇦 🇺🇸
Susan Crockford How
polar bears doing perfectly well jerm
- Deutsch 🇩🇪
- 24/04 ET CO2
Anstieg um 1940? Studie widerlegt IPCC
- 24/01 ET 3
neue Studien widerlegen menschengemachten
Klimawandel pdf
- Sonnenaktivität -
Michael Mann "Clown" "Leugner" -
menschl. CO2 Emissionen <1% - Ostdeutsche
auch hier intelligenter
- 24/01 krauss
Klimawandel - die ungekärte Wissenschaft Teil
3 🇺🇸 24/01 offg Climate change - the
unsettled science part
- Verzichtsrevolution
grün-rot=braun achse 23/04
- Rockefeller Klimafaschismus Sekte "Club of Rome"
schürt Weltuntergangspanik NTV
Systempresse 22/09
- 🇺🇸 21/05
thuletide “Climate Change” psyop. - Club
of Rome (Rockefeller) book "The First Global
Revolution", in which they admitted that the myth of
climate apocalypse was invented to terrify humanity
into “global unity”
- 🇩🇪 Trau
keiner Statistik die du nicht selbst gefälscht hast...
Statistisches Buntesamt - mehr Hitzetote.. Hahaha 22/04
🇩🇪 verbotene ARD
Sendung von 2010 (Ausschnitte) - warum die Stasi
den wohl als staatsfeindliche Hetze betrachtet..?
Delegitimierung von Angsthetzern?
- 🇩🇪 Arktisches
Eis vermasselt den gekauften Klima'wissenschaftlern'
die Lügenparade.. 22/09 WB24
- Mudanças
climáticas e aquecimento global PHVox
- Scientists
- Destruction of Agriculture ->
control of food -> control/enslavement of people
- Eco-fascism

- 🇬🇧 2307 expo
is coming to the fore -
eco fascism definition - many articles listed
- climate abortions - 2022 Nobel prize
Laureate John Clauser: there is no climate crisis
(desinfo factor 200)
'Clean' "Green Energy"
is an intermediate main objective of the global(fasc)ist
climate fear porn. If you want a world dictatorship, Orwell
speak: global governance, you must have the SAME economic
level everywhere. Obviously they can't lift up every region
to European level, but it is easy to descend Europe into
poverty - just tell the degenerate crowd they are guilty of
slavery, of climate collaps, of.. you name it.
- Coal
- 🇬🇧 2410 expo
shuts down coal, while China and India ramp
up -- which exactly fits in what
I wrote below the head line 'Deindustrialization'
Club of Rome
The earth
has cancer,
and the cancer is Man"
- Club of Rome 1974
23/10 by Jacob
Nordangård they tried to stop
approval of his thesis..
In searching for a new enemy to
unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution,
the threat of global warming, water shortages,
famine and the like would fit the bill...
All these dangers are caused by human intervention,
and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour
that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”
- Sir Alexander King, 1991, Co-founder of the Club
of Rome Dr.
Tess Lawrie
When climate change first came up as an issue, I
realized that we were all being duped and that it was
all about money...
what the politicians want is stories that make
people afraid.”
- Dr Patrick Moore, former President
of Greenpeace
The First global Revolution (1991)
- Ice - arctic, antarctic, glaciers

- Amazon Fires 2019 - controllers used old
fotos to incite their fear porn: t.me guardian
Climate lockdowns
🇩🇪 C O two – I love
Kohlendioxid (CO2) ist
ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Erdatmosphäre und spielt
mehrere entscheidende Rollen bei der Unterstützung des
Lebens auf der Erde. CO2 ist ein entscheidender
Bestandteil des Prozesses der Photosynthese in Pflanzen,
wodurch sie Energie und Sauerstoff produzieren. Ohne CO2
könnten Pflanzen nicht überleben oder die Nahrungskette
unterstützen, was schwerwiegende Folgen für alle Lebewesen
hätte. Höhere CO2-Konzentrationen in der Atmosphäre
fördern das Pflanzenwachstum, da es ein wichtiger
Nährstoff für Pflanzen ist. Erhöhte CO2-Konzentrationen
bringen ein größeres und robusteres Pflanzenwachstum mit
sich, was zur Unterstützung der Nahrungsmittelproduktion
und zur Verbesserung der Bodengesundheit
beiträgt. Nicht zu vergessen ist die Bedeutung von
CO2 für industrielle Prozesse: CO2 wird beispielsweise bei
der Herstellung von Trockeneis, Feuerlöschern und
kohlensäurehaltigen Getränken benötigt.
Oil "fossil and limited" - petróleo "é fócil
e limitado" - Ölvorkommen "fossil und
Chemtrails & Geo'engineering' = wheather
manipulation - engenheirismo do tempo -
Gas 2.0 
Communism through the back door
- Digital centralized monetary system CBDC
E-car scam - engano carro elétrico
- E-Auto Betrug 
Nature as a 'good' - Natureza para comprar e
vender - Natur als Ware
--> see
Fascientism - corrupt academia --
Fascientismo - academia corrupta --
Faschientismus - korrupte Akademia
- Eugenics - from Hitler to Klaus Schwab and
todays World Elite Fascist coupists
- History
- from Hitler and before to the global(fasc)ist Agenda
2030 OffG 22/03
Coronavirus Grandjury Day 6
🇩🇪 Eugenik-Bewegung
22/09 Alschner
Fascientism speech
🇮🇲 "community"
🇮🇲 "consensus driven"
🇮🇲 🇮🇲 🇮🇲
🇮🇲 🇮🇲
Fascientist Agencies
- Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB):
- Doctors advicing prevention instead of mRNA-execution
face licence deportation NatN
21/10 ("consensius
driven' = fascientism speech)
Fascientist Journals
- New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM): -
blocks mRNS inventor Dr. Malone's IP adress from
accessing NatN
21/10 -
Presstitutes dehumanize him as 'terrorist' Nemo
Fascientism Hate Mongerers
Advocating human medicine and moral - Opposers of
corrupt 'science'
Book burning 2.0 - Queimar livros 2.0
- Bücherverbrennung 2.0
Persecution of Christians - Persecução de
Cristãos - Christenverfolgung
Destruction of religions -->
The Great Awakening -- Despertar
-- Das Große Erwachen 
🇺🇸 🇧🇷 The
Great Awakening <--
excellent docu film 2023 (Mikki Willis)
🇬🇧 24/06 expo Neil
Oliver (Scott) & Tucker Carlson (US) The
Powers That Be wanted to enslave
humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening.
• 5
Stages of Awakening 21/12
A-DisInfo 5:30 ruining
parties by Covid talk (you're really looking for
help) 6:30 face fear V. acceptance: take
actions, positive results, light in your eyes returns -
others will notice, you turned attractive.
We, the people -- Nos, o povo --
Wir, das Volk
• Alan Watt -
Christmas 25. Dez.
2017 We, the people Highly
interesting account of how they manipulate us, us - the
people. Who is they? Use your eyes to read, lazy fool!
Parasites of war -- Parasitas da
guerra -- Parasiten des Krieges
- Yugoslavia 1999
- Biden "I was suggesting to bomb Belgrade" t.fM
Ucraine - Ucrânia -
Deutschland im Kriegsrausch - Volk ohne Energie (wie
Trump warnte - H-Heiko
- Deindustrialisierung - Morgentau Plan 2.0
- Kriegshetze
Meine Lieblingskommunistin - Sarah
- Katar - Menschenrechtsverleztungen ohne Köpfe, Grüne
Khmer Kinderbuchautor verneigt sich (nicht vor
dem Scharfrichter mit dem Krummschwert..)
- Books - Livros - Bücher
- Films - Filmes - Filme
- UkraNazis
- Biolabs - Laboratórios armas
biotecnológicos - Biowaffenlabore
- Propaganda
- Videos
- Daniele Ganser Warum
Krieg in der Ukraine? RTV
- Lara Logan (LL) at Stew Peters: on
Putin and Ukraine 22/04 NN
Post: foto selection often
reflects character ".. LL says
Rothschilds paid Darwin to invent evolution
theory" Did she evidence it?
".. she compared Dr. Anthony Fauci to the Nazi
doctor Josef Mengele who conducted horrific
experiments on Jews in the concentration camps
during a segment on Fox News." Not
exclusively jews, I believe. Are the other victims
less mentionworthy?
- Comentaries - Comentários -
- History - Historia -

- WEF Marionette 2020-2025
Demokratiedelegitimierung ist HOCHVERRAT
Multipolar world - mundo multipolar
- Multipolare Welt 
History - Historia - Geschichte
The Nazification of the West 22/03 DI
ReeseReport Wow!! Can't
invent that! • Bioweapons -
from after 1900 to todays Mass Murder Facilities 22/03
DI ReeseReport
Money - Dinheiro - Geld
- FIAT currency
- Global FIAT
currency - wet dream of last
centuries kindergarden dictators: 🇺🇸 Mises
21/09 "One
Ring to Rule Them All - World
Government Evil" Mises
vs Marx state
destroys jobs making people dependent on transfer
Vaccines - Vacinas - Impfstoffe
Virus - Vírus - Viren
Corona Virus - 'novel' Kkkk
21/10 "4,000 Patents: Why the
‘Novel’ SARS-CoV-2 Virus
Isn’t so Novel" Dr.
Martin tells history, starts 1999
Fauci "vaccine vector" 2002 Baric patent
-> first SARS outbreak end 2002 in - China, 28.
April 2003 CDC files patent - 5 days
<-- Reveals highly
eye-opening history !! pension
funds, PREP act -> liability removed.., the 'gain
of function' crime against humanity, Daszak 2015, agenda
- Link collection T4
Japan BC: vaccines, 'Rockefeller medicine',
Steiner's 1917 prediction, viruses, Lanka, exosomes, etc
Gain of Function (GoF)
Swine Flu - 1976
Brain washing -
lavagem cerebral - Gehirnwäsche 
Quer sair das narrativas uniformizadas* da mídia
Libera-se baixando Telegram e começa
Allan dos
Santos -
Brasil sem
- Psywar
- 🇺🇸
24/11 malone Psywar
Glossary From •
Administrative State ..to.. • Zero-day
- Evolutionary Psychology
- 🇺🇸 24/08
PragerU Prof.
Dr. Gad Saad (mathematician) explains the
Bolshe-Woke Mindvirus and why it is academics
that come up with perversion and evil -
postmodernism "no absolute truth" implies any
perversion and idiocy
9:30 uglified women 13:30
anorexic Magersucht 16:00 homosexuality is by
nature, hetero is learned Hahahahahhahaaaaa!
17:00 any new supremacy: bring down earlier
post WW-II Mind
control - Contrôle da mente - Gedankenkontrolle
(the individual - o indivíduo - der Einzelne)
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the
organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
important element in democratic society.
Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society
constitute an invisible government which is the true
ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes
formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have
never heard of. - Edward Bernays
🇩🇪 «Die bewusste und
zielgerichtete Manipulation der Verhaltensweisen und
Einstellungen der Massen ist ein wesentlicher
Bestandteil demokratischer Gesellschaften.
Organisationen, die im Verborgenen arbeiten,
lenken die gesellschaftlichen Abläufe. Sie sind die
eigentlichen Regierungen in unserem Land.
Wir werden von Personen regiert, deren Namen wir
noch nie gehört haben. Sie beeinflussen unsere
Meinungen, unseren Geschmack, unsere Gedanken.
Doch das ist nicht überraschend, dieser Zustand
ist nur eine logische Folge der Struktur unserer
Wenn viele Menschen möglichst reibungslos in
einer Gesellschaft zusammenleben sollen, sind
Steuerungsprozesse dieser Art unumgänglich.»
— Edward Bernays, Propaganda 23/08
- 🇬🇧 24/02
expo Secrets
behind the curtain in Hollywood Priming,
predictive programming and the "Holy" "wood"
† Neuro-Linguistic
Programming NLP (Bandler - student of MK Ultra Bateson,
Menlo Park VA Hospital, UC Santa Cruz, collaboration
with Grinder), AI shaping, Yuval Hariri,
† science fiction:
Wells (Fabian socialism - a new 'liberal fascisti':
Lord Russel, Shaw, Lawrence) -
Luciferians: Frank Herbert, Ron Hubbard, Heinlein
<- shared his wife's body (Charles Manson death
† "self-help" movements - Trojan
horse into worship into self, as opposed to God
† Laurel Canyon - overlooked
by top-secret military Lookout Mountain
Laboratory - Crosby, Zappa
24/05 nass/wch Mind control and
ritualized satanic abuse Part
I Part
II - Covid era
- True and Wrong - destruction
of these categories - Kant - Josef
Pieper 1955
- 🇺🇸 Agnotology:
The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance 23/02
Toby - corporatism -
Ironically, “misinformation, disinformation, and
malinformation” studies are exactly the sort of
weaponized corporate ignorance that agnotology studies
warned us about — now on a global scale.
- 🇧🇷 Mentirocracia
23/02 BSM Brasil
sem Medo métodos
de lavagem cerebral e distorciar a realidade
- 🇺🇸 Gaslighting:
the masses 22/10 CJ
Hopkins here:
Gaslighters - 'fact checkers'
".. a Pfizer executive confirmed to the European
Parliament last Monday that Pfizer did not know
whether its Covid “vaccine” prevented transmission
of the virus before it was promoted as doing
exactly that and forced on the masses in December of
"The reason the New Normal authorities have
been able to gaslight the masses so effectively
is that most of the masses do need something from
them … a job, food, shelter, money, security,
status, .. or whatever it is they’re not willing
to risk by challenging those in power
and their lies."
- 🇩🇪 Technokratischer
Totalitarismus 22/10
Antony P. Mueller web
ein nutzloser Esser und Klimaschädling im Sinne von
Hara(ki)ri.. Kkk
- 🇩🇪 Prägnanter
Überblick: • "Die
Psychologie der Gedankenkontrolle, des Mentizids und
der Gehirnwäsche" pdf
(Prof. Dr. Hirsch, 2021) Sprachumdeutung
Meerloo 1950s book
on archive.
• "Geheimnisse
und Lügen: Ideologie und Sprache in totalitären
Systemen" pdf (Prof.
Dr. Hirsch, 2021) <-- Alexandra
Stein "Terror, Love, and Brainwashing" 🇺🇸 (book, 2021)
warning signals 🇺🇸
psychologischen Methoden des autoritären Staats" Video
uc-n 21/06
🇺🇸 Excellently
illustrating Meerloo's theory:
PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY
ILL" <--
ct 21/08 After
Skool - ct channel BC
prevention and ways out: spread alternative news,
ridicule, 19:05
Waclav Havel (Czech dissident): most
effective: create parallel
structures (also to stay
mentally healthy)
- 🇺🇸 Henna
- 10
stages of genocide BC CH
- 10
Stufen des Genozids - engl.
<-- 🇧🇷 liga traduz. autom. (10
estágios de genozídio)
- 🇺🇸 Prof. Mark Crispin
Miller website
pandemic of propaganda <- video
subtext! 22/08 BC twlght
- • 19:00 states without lockdown - list what
happened • 23:00 medical world leaders
cancelled early 2020 (example: Fascist
Post - Dr. Malone) • 24:30 Dr. Malik
• 30:00 Dr Kory “I saw lies EVERYWHERE - IN ALL
COUNTRIES” • 31:30 book “Rise and Fall
of III Reich”, author lived there
• 34:45 “we are living
through a second holocaust worse than first
one” “part of my family was lost
in first one”
2020 - VIRUS • 53:00 “I believe
Trump was installed in 2016” !!! “The
Covid narrative NEEDED Trump - wouldn’t work
with Clinton” <-->
see NIXON above !!
2021 - VAXX
2022 - Ukraine • 56:00 Ukraine ended Vaxx
• 1:01:01 Alex Jones, Assange - contradicted the
narrative “Not repressive censuring times
• 1:12:00 Vietnam ended, not by protests, but
death toll getting too high
• 1:16:00 “Propaganda
in focus” fb
- new Journal (he is
• 1:20:00 !!!! Amish don’t have Covid as
they don’t watch TV !!!!
† 1:28:00 WEF - fascism = corporations married to
politics (Mussolini) † 1:28:00 Schwab,
father Nazi, Ravensburg KZ slaves •
1:29:00 “1984” Orwell
• 1:30:00 How did they make conservatism synonym
to EVIL? Transformation of the left
(woke-fascism aka Bolshewoke-ism) started back to
Rockefascist funded identity studies -
corrupted left turned fascist -
conservatism equated to supremacism
- Totalitarianism - how it starts
- Mass
formation BC 21/12 reese
- How we still win
- Totalitarianism - Sanitarian Passport -
oneway to total control and slavery
- Totalitarianism - mask mandates
- Fear porn - medo - Angst
- 🇩🇪
nützt deine Angst apo lenz
23/05 - unsichtbare Feinde: Hexen,
Viren, Klima - Plandemie -> 570 neue
Milliardäre - gruppenbezogene
- Lie must be big enough
- Mass hypnosis
- Mass formation
- Controversal point of view by Breggin and
Breggin - I like environments where controversies
are fought out by debate and arguments!
- 🇺🇸 Dr. Mattias Desmet The
psychology of totalitarianism malone
sbstck 22/08 🇩🇪 Die
Psychologie des Totalitarismus pdf
- atomisiertes Subjekt (Arendt) isoliert von
Natur und Mitmenschen
- 🇺🇸 Interview
by Dr. Mercola 22/06
19 June pdf
03 July
- Prof. Mattias Desmet "The
monster that devours its own children" 99min ct 21/12 <-- spectacular 4 step
process, requires years of forming the mass,
explains a lot
Deprogramming loved ones: pdf Mercola 22/01
- 🇺🇸 Mass
formation del 22/06 -
New book “The psychology of totalitarianism”
First 5 minutes: - Iran - before hanging mother proudly
put rope around neck of her own son..
- Educated more vulnerable for mass formation..
1. People must be
(true before Covid)
2. People must feel a lack of
meaning (true before Covid in the WESTERN
3. People in state 1. & 2. must
feel (quite automatic) freely floating anxiety and
5. If under these conditions a
narrative is distributed by mass media -> all
those having freely floating anxiety may want to
connect to narrative...
37:15 In last 200 yrs society came to believe that
only rationality should have the last word - not
true: it is principles, not pure knowledge
(example: Heisenberg uncertainty)
52:00 life and reality does not work rationally -
“systems theory” shows it mathematically
54:00 human is kind of a string instrument that
can RESONATE with ambience
54:30 stick to principles of humanity even if one
might loose a lot - but one wins a lot: our
existence as a human being.
- Predictive studies / events
- 2010 Rockefeller "lockstep" study -
see here
- 2019 Oct - Event 201
- XXX - "The SPARSE Pandemic 2025-2028",
Johns Hopkins truth
hurts 23/02
- Predictive programming
- Pre conditioning - predictice programming
- Principle of repressive tolerance (50s, Herbert
Marcuse, german jew, Frankfurt School of communism
1920s) - in postmodern terms: cancel

The enemies of democracy and human dignity ask for
tolerance as long as they are not in power, once in
power they declare your asking for tolerance XYZ-phobic,
repression starts.
It is as simple and heinous as it is effective in
today's world of cowards.
- Brain wash programs
- Theory / Experimental
- MK Monarch
- MK Ultra
- 🇺🇸 24/01
celia Archive
- MK Ultra documents
- Practice on the Masses
Soul - Alma -
Truth is the only remedy for a society sick of lies desmet
- 🇬🇧 24/05 expo
Desmet: two
types of speech: speech from the ego and speech from
what we might call the soul: sincere
speech (try it!!)
- the intuition of the Samurai - way out of
"what makes you powerless against propaganda,
is not so much the propaganda itself, it is your
It makes you incapable of discerning between truth
and deception and it makes your voice hollow and
weak and incapable of creating the connection
with others that is necessary to make
propaganda powerless."
1900 Propaganda
(Gustave le Bont) -- Newspeak/Novilíngua/Neusprech: public
relations (master of desaster: Edward
Bernay) (the masses - as massas -
die Massen)
- Global
Propaganda Machine - controlled by a handful of giant
corporations 23/04 truth hurts
- Publicis Groupe - WPP - Omnicom Group -
Interpublic Group - Who owns the world?
Vanguard & Blackrock
Michelle Stiles (book): One
Idea to rule them all: Reverse Engineering American
- The headline - last paragraph cheat of
global(fasc)ist media and manipulators
- Reuters
fact manipulators 22/07
(Johns Hopkins - vaxxable by PCR stabs vs vaxxed by
PCR stabs) headline ".. you can be.."
last paragraph ".. are being .." Nemos
- 🇧🇷 Manipulação
pela Linguagem 21/08 Brasil
Paralelo (sou membro

- 🇧🇷 Verbicídio
PHVox 22/08
--> lida a corrupção de uma pessoa, levando à
falsidade, desonestidade, mentira, fingimento e
toda sorte de perversões
O verbicídio é, por tabela, o assassinato das
- The
Jones farm video on TCR by Larken and Amanda
Rose slaves loving their enslavement
- successes - sucessos - Erfolge
- Che Guevara - hero of the red supremacist
extermination cult - a racist homofobic psychopath
and murderer Prager-U
- 🇩🇪 23/07
Symposium: Manipulierte Gesellschaft - Warum
funktioniert Propaganda? Demo für
Alle t.me
- Gabriele Kuby "Propaganda
im Meer der Lüge nicht ertrinken" ct
23/07 <-- für
Einsteiger und Auffrischer ;-) 27:30
25:45 NGOs 27:00
Zwangssexualisierung von Kindern
27:15 "Wie Amerika seinen Hass auf Schwule
in den 90ern besiegen wird" (Buch Anfang 1990er,
Marshall Kerth, Hunter Madson, Harvard
Sozialwissenschaft Absolventen)
"After the ball - how America will conquer its
fear and hatred on gays in the 90s" - wie es
gelingt die Vorurteilsmaschine anzuhalten und in
ihr Gegenteil zu verkehren. Drei Schritte:
1. Desensibilisierung - Bilder stärker als Worte!
Werbung/Unterhaltung: erst symp. junger Mann
gezeigt (pos. Emotion), dann erst als schwul
bezeichnen (negativ) -> emotionale Dissonanz.
Weil Bild stärker wirkt als das Label -> das
Positive des Bildes wird allmählich auf das Label
(schwul) übertragen. (assoziative
2. Germing - Blockierung der Vorurteilsmaschine
(Stigmatisierung von Kritikern: gern Antisemit
etc) - direkte emotionale Modellierung
3. Konversion - Nutzung des natürlichen Prozesses
der Stereotypenbildung
† Wo Propaganda versagt muss gesetzlicher Zwang
angewendet werd: Macht alle Andersdenkenden
mundtot! - Denunziationsstellen
(unabh. von strafrechtl. Relevanz)
32:30 Finn. Abgeordnete (ehem.
Innenministerin) Pelrie Resanen (2004, 2019) in
ihrer evang. Gemeinschaft für Sex nur in der Ehe
ausgesprochen -> von Regimeanwältin durch alle
Instanzen gejagt
- 🇩🇪 Eine
kurze Geschichte der Propaganda. Denke selbst.
5min CdkW 21/12
- 🇩🇪 10
Punkte der Manipulation (Chomsky)
Gedankenwelt 2018
- 🇺🇸 The
Century of the Self: Edward
Bernays, Sigmund Freud. I The
Happiness Machine II The
Engineering of Consent ct 58m
- 🇺🇸 The
Revolt of the Masses 22/09 BC 4min
José Ortega y Gasset "Lord of all
things, he is not Lord of himself"
Propaganda contemporary
Presstitutes - Presstituierte
Resultado de
lavagem cerebral - um culto suicídio
Thinking - Pensar - Denken 
Lilly Gebert
beginnt wo Ideologie endet 22/02 "Sobald ein Mensch seine Mitte gefunden hat,
verlieren jene Pseudorealitäten aus Propaganda und
Interessensmatrix ihr Wahrheitsmonopol."
"Er wird anfangen, außerhalb von
dem, was ihm stets als interessant und des Wissens
relevant dargeboten wurde, etwas suchen, das ihn erfüllen statt
bloß ausfüllen könnte."
Psychotronics, Manipulation, Digi-fascism
- 🇺🇸 The
cartel has unprecedented data files on each of us -
but they don't even allow acess to, let alone
advertise on, their social concentration camps 22/10
• we
need to continue to cut ties with the mainstream
— cancel cable altogether, delete social media, never
ever enter the metaverse, and meet in person as often
as possible (at churches, conferences, marches, and
• we need
to keep building the medical freedom economy
our hearts know is possible — businesses, schools,
universities, and holistic health practices.
- Dr. Terry Robertson; Dr. John Hall Psychotronics
1h 21/09 Videosubtext
has many links
Takeover - Tomar
posse - Der Griff nach der Macht
- 🇩🇪 Lese Abschnitt "Begegnungen
mit dem Dogma"21/07.
Hier besagter Artikel ganz zu Anfang des Geschehens im
März 2020: "Coronavirus:
Panikmacher isolieren" <-- 'Kommentator'
Schmiedel 12:05 lesen! Merke: Genau um seine
Abwiegelung machen zu können braucht man einen neuen
War mir gleich ganz zu Anfang, etwa im April 2020,
aufgefallen dieses eigenartige ubiquitäre neuer neuer neuer
C-Virus. Ebenso wie ich daran
hängenblieb dass a) alle beteiligten Regierungsschefs
und Nachrichtensprecher sofort wussten, dass es sich
um ein neues Normal handelt und dass b)
jegliche Erfahrungsgrundsätze über Bord geworfen wurden (isoliere Kranke
und Risikogruppen aber doch nicht die Gesunden!).
So dumm kann
man doch gar nicht sein, dass man das alles nicht
merkt, oder? Nicht
normal auch das plötzliche zum Schweigen bringen
höchst dekorierter und bis dahin hochgeachteter
Spezialisten - bis hin zu einem Wissenschaftler unter
den 10 Meistzitierten der Welt, Ioannidis aus
Stanford: Studie
17.04.20, Video 90min
17.04.20. Anfang
Mai 2020 kannte ich Studie und Video. (Ich wusste
nicht dass es ein früheres
Video vom 23.3.20 gab - Episode 3 hier
im Videosubext - youtube hatte es wohl bereits
zensiert.) Wie ist es mit Dir? "Nie wieder!" und
"Wehret den Anfängen"? Schwätzer. Die Studie wurde
übrigens von Oxford University Press veröffentlicht -
am 21.2.21 also nach etwa 11 Monaten als alles schon
gegessen war. (Entscheidungen basieren auf publizierten
Studien - Drostens PCR Test paper wurde akzeptiert
nach 27 Mon... äh Stunden. Es verlangen
22 Experten das paper zurückzuziehen wegen
Fehlern - Corman-Drosten
report - ... Tja, so geht das, liebe
Schlafmützen. Im Juni 2021 wird die PCR
CT-Täuschung von der Uni Duisb. endlich auch
offiziell aufgedeckt. Wohl mit 'Genehmigung',
denn wieder ist bereits alles gegessen und so
vermeidet man Vorwürfe.) Ich hatte damals auch
sogleich das Video von a) Dr.
Wittkowski gesehen (welcher damals fertig
gemacht wurde weil er eine (Fallen?)Frage ob er
Professor sei in der Hektik mit 'Ja' beantwortete
obwohl er kein ordentlicher Professor dort war,
irgendwas in der Art, genau weiss ich es nicht mehr,
aber das war es dann mit ihm, die Korporativpresse
schrieb nur noch über den 'falschen Professor'..) und
b) Auszüge des Videos von Dr.
Erickson und Dr. Massihi (Auszüge deshalb weil
das Gesamtinterview extrem schnell zensiert wurde).
Eigenartig dass Privatfirmen mit Quasimonopol derart
zensieren dürfen. Nein, es ist eine geschickte
Auslagerung von Zensur damit der Staat nicht der
Zensur beschuldigt werden kann. Die Korporationen
machen somit also Politik. Schon gemerkt, dass sie so
gut wie keine Steuern zahlen? Was ist dann noch der
Unterschied zum Staat? Schau mal nach wie der Erste
der einen Faschismus in der Praxis
installierte diese Herrschaftsform beschrieb: die Heirat
von Korporatismus und Politik.
Ich benutze den Begriff durchgehend in diesem Sinne.
🇬🇧 23/11
expo Corman
Drosten paper † Drostens disappeared
PhD thesis appears in 2020 only.. defense day:
SATURDAY † Habilitation? No. † experts
find 10 flaws, ask for retraction
- 🇩🇪 Wisnewski
im Corona Untersuchungsausschuss - Sinn und Zweck der
sogenannten Pandemie
Soul - Alma -
Truth is the only remedy for a society sick of lies desmet
- 🇬🇧 24/05 expo
Desmet: two
types of speech: speech from the ego and speech from
what we might call the soul: sincere
speech (try it!!)
- the intuition of the Samurai - way out of
"what makes you powerless against propaganda,
is not so much the propaganda itself, it is your
It makes you incapable of discerning between truth
and deception and it makes your voice hollow and
weak and incapable of creating the connection
with others that is necessary to make
propaganda powerless."
- Rudolf Steiner
- 🇩🇪 24/05
Lilly Die
Wiederbelebung des Denkens - Den Wissenschaftsbetrieb
wandeln: geht das überhaupt? -
Ahrimanisierung der Welt - Intellekt: verdünnter
Geist - Ahrimanisierung der
Censura - Fim da Justíça (não só no Brasil..)
- Execuções pelos esbirros da ditadura tecnocrática (o
fascientismo = casamento de política &
corporativismo & pseudo-ciência)
Fim da Justiça nos países submetidos ao terror do